Logstash同步Invalid format: \“2019-12-20T15:18:13.000Z\“ is malformed at \“-12-20T15:18:13.000Z\“解决方案

简介: Logstash同步Invalid format: \“2019-12-20T15:18:13.000Z\“ is malformed at \“-12-20T15:18:13.000Z\“解决方案



The jdbc input will automatically change date columns to LogStash::Timestamp type, but your index template expects them to be text. Remove the "format" from the date fields in your index template.


意思就是说我们在设置索引的时候,"createTime":{"type":"date","format":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"},提前设置好了format,但是logstash只提供numberc和timestamp供选择,所以数据库里边datetime类型或者date类型的数据同步通过logstash无法转换成format的格式,所以报此错误

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