【python】习题 1-5周(上)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1507460?spm=a2c6h.13148508.setting.25.1b484f0eD2AqhJ
12 对角线 - 实验3 简单的计算及输入输出 -《Python编程基础及应用实验教程》(高等教育出版社)
import math a=input() a=float(a) b=input() b=float(b) c=math.sqrt(a*a+b*b) print("对角度长度为:{:.1f}cm.".format(c))
13 游客检票 - 实验3 简单的计算及输入输出 -《Python编程基础及应用实验教程》(高等教育出版社)
180 300
原有排队游客份数:900.0, 每分钟新到游客份数:3.0, 10口同开需128.6分钟清零待检票游客.
m=int(input()) n=int(input()) x=2*m/(1-m/n) y=(6*n-x)/n z=x/(10-y) print('原有排队游客份数:%.1f, 每分钟新到游客份数:%.1f, 10口同开需%.1f分钟清零待检票游客.'%(x,y,z))
14 橡皮泥 - 实验3 简单的计算及输入输出 -《Python编程基础及应用实验教程》(高等教育出版社)
# 方法1 import math d1 = float(input()) d2 = float(input()) r1 = d1 / 2 r2 = d2 / 2 v1 = 4 / 3 * math.pi * r1 * r1 * r1 v2 = 4 / 3 * math.pi * r2 * r2 * r2 sumV = v1 + v2 print("正方体边长为:{:.2f}.".format(pow(sumV, 1 / 3))) # 方法2 import math a = eval(input()) b = eval(input()) c = 4 / 3 * 3.1415 print("正方体边长为:{:.2f}.".format(pow(c * pow((a / 2), 3) + c * pow((b / 2), 3), (1 / 3))))
15 单个身份证的校验 - 实验19 身份证校验 - 《Python编程基础及应用实验教程》 - 高教社
quanzhong = (7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2) # Z: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] # M: [1,0,X,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2] jiaoyanma = ('1','0','X','9','8','7','6','5','4','3','2') sum = 0 sfz = input() if sfz[:17].isdigit(): for i in range(17): sum += int(sfz[i]) * quanzhong[i] if sfz[-1]==jiaoyanma[sum % 11]: print("正确") else: print("错误") else: print("错误")
01 2018我们要赢
# 1 print("2018") print("wo3 men2 yao4 ying2 !") # 2 print("""2018\nwo3 men2 yao4 ying2 !""") # 3 print("""2018 wo3 men2 yao4 ying2 !""")
02 重要的话说三遍
# 1 print("I'm gonna WIN!") print("I'm gonna WIN!") print("I'm gonna WIN!") # 2 print("""I'm gonna WIN! I'm gonna WIN! I'm gonna WIN!""")
03 交换a和b的值
a,b=map(int,input().split()) # print("a=%d,b=%d"%(b,a)) print("a={},b={}".format(b,a))
04 求圆面积
import math r=float(input()) print("{:.6f}".format(r*3.14*r))
05 实数x的n倍
x,n=map(float,input().split()) print("y={:.6f}".format(x*n))
06 把字符串中的大写字母改成小写字母
# while True: # try: # s=input() # print(s.lower()) # except: # break import sys for line in sys.stdin: line=line.strip() print(line.lower())
07 字符串的连接
s1=input() s2=input() s=s1+s2 print(s)
08 查找指定字符
s=input() str=input() if str.rfind(s)!=-1: # print("index = %d"%(str.rfind(s))) # print("index = {}".format(str.rfind(s))) print("index = {}".format(str.rindex(s))) else: print("Not Found")
09 输出大写英文字母
s1 = input() s2 = '' #除去小写字母的字符串 s3 = '' #除去重复字母的字符串 for i in s1: if ord('A') <= ord(i) <= ord('Z'): s2 += i mylist = list(set(s2)) #用set()函数对s2去重,存储为一个列表 #由于set()函数是无顺序去重,应调回原来顺序 mylist.sort(key = s2.index) #用s2的顺序排列列表 # print(s2) for i in mylist: #将列表的值存为字符串 s3 += i if s3 != '': #输出 print(s3) else: print("Not Found")
10 字符转换
# 方法一 s = input() a = "".join(list(filter(str.isdigit, s))) print(int(a)) # 注意后面需要以int格式输出,不然就会输出000123等格式。 # 方法二 s = input() result = list() M = list(('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')) for i in range(0, len(s)): if s[i] in M: result.append(s[i]) ans = "".join(result) print(int(ans))
11 算术入门之加减乘除
6 3
6 + 3 = 9 6 - 3 = 3 6 * 3 = 18 6 / 3 = 2
8 6
8 + 6 = 14 8 - 6 = 2 8 * 6 = 48 8 / 6 = 1.33
# 方法一 a, b = map(float, input().split()) print("{:.0f} + {:.0f} = {:.0f}".format(a, b, a + b)) print("{:.0f} - {:.0f} = {:.0f}".format(a, b, a - b)) print("{:.0f} * {:.0f} = {:.0f}".format(a, b, a * b)) if a % b == 0: print("{:.0f} / {:.0f} = {:.0f}".format(a, b, a / b)) else: print("{:.0f} / {:.0f} = {:.2f}".format(a, b, a / b)) # 方法二 a, b = map(float, input().split()) print("%d + %d = %d" % (a, b, a + b)) print("%d - %d = %d" % (a, b, a - b)) print("%d * %d = %d" % (a, b, a * b)) if a % b == 0: print("%d / %d = %.0f" % (a, b, a / b)) else: print("%d / %d = %.2f" % (a, b, a / b))
12 统计大写辅音字母
# 方法1 s = input() ans = list(filter(lambda x: x.isupper() and x not in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'), s)) print(len(ans)) # 方法2 s = input() yuanyin = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] ans = 0 for i in s: if i.lower() not in yuanyin and ord('A') <= ord(i) <= ord('Z'): ans += 1 print(ans) # 方法3 s = input() ans = "" string = "AEIOU" for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] >= 'A' and s[i] <= 'Z' and s[i] not in string: ans = ans + s[i] print("{}".format(len(ans)))
13 字符串替换
s = input() ans = "" for i in s: if ord('A') <= ord(i) <= ord('Z'): ans += chr( 155 - ord(i) ) else: ans += i print(ans)
14 字符串转换成十进制整数
s = input() s1 = '' for ch in s: if ch != '#': s1 += ch else: break s_sixteen = '' index = 0 s_index = -1 for ch in s1: if ord('0') <= ord(ch) <= ord('9') or ord('a') <= ord(ch.lower()) <= ord('f'): s_sixteen += ch if s_index == -1: s_index = index index += 1 fuhao = 1 for index in range(s_index): if s1[index] == '-': fuhao = -1 break ans = 0 if s_sixteen != '': ans = fuhao * int(s_sixteen, 16) print(ans)
15 然后是几点
start_time,lost_min = map(int, input().split()) start_h = start_time // 100 start_min = start_time % 100 start_sum = start_h * 60 + start_min now_sum = start_sum + lost_min now_h = now_sum // 60 now_min = now_sum % 60 # print("%d%02d" %(now_h,now_min)) print("{:01d}{:02d}".format(now_h,now_min))
1 回文数
a=input() b=a[::-1] if a==b: print('yes') else: print('no')
2 判断是否构成三角形
a,b,c=map(int,input().split()) if a + b <= c or a + c <= b or c + b <= a: print("NO") else: print("YES")
3 整数平方根
# 直接0.5次方 x = float(input()) ans = float(x ** 0.5) print("{:.6f}".format(ans)) # 使用指对数袖珍计算器 import math x = float(input()) if x == 0: ans = 0 else: ans = float(math.exp(0.5 * math.log(x))) if (ans + 1) ** 2 <= x: ans = ans + 1 print("{:.6f}".format(ans)) # 二分法 x = float(input()) low, high, ans = 0, x, -1 while low <= high: mid = (low + high) // 2 if mid * mid <= x: ans = mid low = mid + 1 else: high = mid - 1 print("{:.6f}".format(ans)) # 牛顿迭代法 x = float(input()) if x == 0: ans = 0 else: C, x0 = float(x), float(x) while True: xi = 0.5 * (x0 + C / x0) if abs(x0 - xi) < 1e-7: break x0 = xi ans = float(x0) print("{:.6f}".format(ans))
4 分支嵌套
x = float(input()) yes = 1 if 0 < x < 5: y = x * x + 1 elif x == 0: y = 0 elif -5 < x < 0: y = -x + 4 else: yes = 0 print("No meaning") if yes == 1: print("x={:.2f},y={:.2f}".format(x, y))
5 不合格的小球
a, b, c, d = map(int, input().split()) list = [a, b, c, d] number = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] index = 0 for i in range(3): if list[i] == list[i + 1]: index = list[i] for j in range(4): if list[j] != index: print("{} {}".format(number[j], list[j]))
6 简单的猜数字游戏[1]
guess = int(input()) if guess>38: print("Too big!") elif guess<38: print("Too small!") else: print("Good Guess!") ''' 产生随机数 random.randint(start,end) 可以猜多次,直到才对了位置 如果猜错了给出提示 猜大了还是猜小了 ''' ''' # import random # ran = random.randint(1,50) # count = 0 # print('猜数字游戏:') # while True: # #进入猜数字环节 while循环 # guess = int(input('请输入您要猜的数字:')) # count = count + 1 # if guess == ran: # print('恭喜你猜对了') # break # elif guess > ran: # print('猜大了') # else : # print('猜小了') # print('你一共猜了%d'% count) '''
7 求某月的天数
while True: try: y,m=input().split() y=int(y) m=int(m) list=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] if y%400==0 or y%4 == 0 and y%100!=0: list[1]=29 print(list[m-1]) except: break
8 统计各类字符数量并输出字母
ABC xyz 123 ?!
abcXYZ letters:6, digits:3, spaces:3, others:2.
s = input() num, char, space, other = 0, 0, 0, 0 #分别统计数字、字母、空格、其他字符个数 s1="" for i in s: #是否为数字 if i.isdigit(): num += 1 #是否为字母 elif i.isalpha(): char += 1 if "a"<= i <= "z": s1+=(i.upper()) elif"A" <= i <= "Z" : s1+=(i.lower()) elif i == ' ': space += 1 else: other += 1 print(s1) print("letters:{}, digits:{}, spaces:{}, others:{}.".format(char, num, space, other))
9 计算邮资
m, s = map(str, input().split()) m = int(m) price = 0 # 如果字符是y,说明选择加急;如果字符是n,说明不加急。 if s == "n": if m <= 1000: price = 8 if (m > 1000) and ((m % 500) > 0): a = ((m - 1000) // 500) + 1 a = a * 4 price = 8 + a if (m > 1000) and ((m % 500) == 0): a = (m - 1000) // 500 a = a * 4 price = 8 + a if s == "y": if m <= 1000: price = 13 if (m > 1000) and ((m % 500) > 0): a = ((m - 1000) // 500) + 1 a = a * 4 price = 8 + a + 5 if (m > 1000) and ((m % 500) == 0): a = (m - 1000) // 500 a = a * 4 price = 8 + a + 5 print(price)
10 币值转换
# 方法一 a = input() a = int(a) s = [] n = "" p = w = 1 zero = False if len(str(a)) <= 9 and a >= 0: count = len(str(a)) counts = len(str(a)) while a % 10 == 0 and a > 0: a = a // 10 s = str(a) for num, i in enumerate(s): if num < len(s) - 1: w = list(s)[num] p = list(s)[num + 1] if int(w) == 0 and int(p) == 0 and not count == 5: n += "" zero = True elif int(w) == 0 and not int(p) == 0 and zero == False and num < len(s) - 1: n += "a" elif count == 5 and int(i) == 0: n += "W" elif count == 9 and zero == False: n += chr(ord(i) + 49) + "Y" elif count == 5 and zero == False: n += chr(ord(i) + 49) + "W" elif (count == 4 or count == 8) and zero == False: n += chr(ord(i) + 49) + "Q" elif (count == 3 or count == 7) and zero == False: n += chr(ord(i) + 49) + "B" elif (count == 2 or count == 6) and zero == False: n += chr(ord(i) + 49) + "S" elif zero: n += "a" w = p = 1 zero = False else: n += chr(ord(i) + 49) count -= 1 if counts > 8 and int(list(s)[3]) == 0 and int(list(s)[2]) == 0 and int(list(s)[1]) == 0: n = n.replace("W", "") print(n) ''' # 方法2 def fun(a): # a是一个由整数组成的数组 num = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'] flag = 1 # 高位没有零 if len(a) == 4: if a[0] == '0': if a[1] == '0' and a[2] == '0' and a[3] == '0': return '' else: qianwei = 'a' flag = 0 # 高位已经有零 else: qianwei = num[int(a[0])] + 'Q' if a[1] == '0' and a[2] == '0' and a[3] == '0': return qianwei if a[1] == '0': if flag == 0: baiwei = '' else: baiwei = 'a' flag = 0 else: baiwei = num[int(a[1])] + 'B' flag = 1 if a[2] == '0' and a[3] == '0': return qianwei + baiwei if a[2] == '0': if flag == 0: shiwei = '' else: shiwei = 'a' flag = 0 else: shiwei = num[int(a[2])] + 'S' flag = 1 if a[2] == '0' and a[3] == '0': return qianwei + baiwei + shiwei if a[3] == '0': gewei = '' else: gewei = num[int(a[3])] flag = 1 return qianwei + baiwei + shiwei + gewei elif len(a) == 3: baiwei = num[int(a[0])] + 'B' if a[1] == '0' and a[2] == '0': return baiwei elif a[1] == '0' and a[2] != '0': return baiwei + 'a' + num[int(a[2])] elif a[1] != '0' and a[2] == '0': return baiwei + num[int(a[1])] + 'S' else: return baiwei + num[int(a[1])] + 'S' + num[int(a[2])] elif len(a) == 2: shiwei = num[int(a[0])] + 'S' if a[1] == '0': return shiwei else: return shiwei + num[int(a[1])] else: return num[int(a[0])] n = input() if len(n) <= 4: print(fun(n)) # elif len(n) > 4 and len(n) <= 8: elif 4 < len(n) <= 8: n1 = n[len(n) - 4:] n2 = n[:len(n) - 4] print(fun(n2) + 'W' + fun(n1)) else: n1 = n[len(n) - 4:] n2 = n[len(n) - 8:len(n) - 4] n3 = n[:len(n) - 8] print(fun(n3) + 'Y' + fun(n2) + 'W' + fun(n1)) '''
11 分段函数3
x = int(input()) y = 0 if x >= 0: y = x + 3 else: y = x / 2 print("y={:.6f}".format(y))
12 从5个整数中找出最小的数。
import sys for line in sys.stdin: a = line.split() a = [int(line) for line in a] print(min(a))
13 考试分数对应等级
a = int(input()) if 0 <= a < 60: print("-1") elif 60 <= a < 90: print("0") else: print("1")
14 日历
1 2017 6
2 2020 5 2020 12
import calendar # print(calendar.weekday(1, 1, 1)) # print(calendar.weekday(2017,6,1)) calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) num = int(input()) for i in range(num): year, month = [int(x) for x in input().split()] # print(year, month) print(' ' * 5, end='') print("%4d年" % year, end='') print("%2d月"%month) print() print("日 一 二 三 四 五 六") rili = calendar.month(year, month, w=2, l=1) # print(rili) rili_lst = rili.split('\n') # print(rili_lst) for i in range(2, len(rili_lst)): if len(rili_lst[i]) > 0: print(rili_lst[i])
7-1 我是升旗手
n = input() arr = input() num = [int(n) for n in arr.split()] # print(num) print(max(num))
7-2 369寝室
a, b, c = map(int, input().split()) flag = 0 for i in range(1, 101): # print(i) A = a + i B = b + i C = c + i A %= 10 B %= 10 C %= 10 if A == 0 or B == 0 or C == 0: continue if A % 3 == 0 and B % 3 == 0 and C % 3 == 0: if A != B and B != C and C != A: flag = i break if flag==0: print("so sad!") else: print(flag)
【python】习题 1-5周(下)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1507468?spm=a2c6h.13148508.setting.23.1b484f0eD2AqhJ