PostgreSQL cstore_fdw column-ORI table VS MonetDB (with fixed-length width table)

云原生数据库 PolarDB PostgreSQL 版,标准版 2核4GB 50GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,通用型 2核4GB 50GB
前面测试了PostgreSQL 行存储引擎和MonetDB列存储的性能差别. 包括导入, 查询, 关联查询等.
本文将测试一下PostgreSQL使用cstore_fdw插件, 对比MonetDB的性能.
测试方法和性能数据见 : 

5000万 60个int型字段 宽表 导入速度 : 
 MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎 (开启压缩)
 320秒  1088秒  1344秒

存储空间 : 
 MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 12G  13G  12G
查询效率 : 
1. select count(distinct c1) from t1;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 1.8秒  60秒  42秒

2. select count(distinct c1) from t2;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 1.8秒  59秒  42秒

3. select count(*) from (select c1,c11,c21,c31,c41,c51,c60 from t1 group by c1,c11,c21,c31,c41,c51,c60) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 2.3秒  113秒  73秒

4. select count(*) from (select t1.c1 from t1 join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 28秒  328秒  279秒

5. select count(*) from (select t1.c1 from t1 join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3 join t3 on t1.c3=t3.c5) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 72秒  736秒  551秒

6. select count(*) from (select t1.c1 from t1 join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3 join t3 on t1.c3=t3.c5 join t4 on t3.c5=t4.c6) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 103秒  923秒  706秒

7. count(*) from (select t1.c1 from t1 join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3 join t3 on t2.c3=t3.c4 join t4 on t3.c4=t4.c5 join t5 on t4.c5=t5.c6) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 125秒  981秒  737秒

8. select count(*) from (  select t1.c1 from t1  join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3  join t3 on t2.c3=t3.c4  join t4 on t3.c4=t4.c5  join t5 on t4.c5=t5.c6  where t1.c60 < 100000  ) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 13秒  212秒  233秒

9. select count(*) from (
select t1.c1 from t1 
join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3 
join t3 on t2.c3=t3.c4 
join t4 on t3.c4=t4.c5
join t5 on t4.c5=t5.c6
join t6 on t5.c5=t6.c6
join t7 on t6.c5=t7.c6
join t8 on t7.c5=t8.c6
join t9 on t8.c5=t9.c6
join t10 on t9.c5=t10.c6
join t11 on t10.c5=t11.c6
join t12 on t11.c5=t12.c6
join t13 on t12.c5=t13.c6
join t14 on t13.c5=t14.c6
join t15 on t14.c5=t15.c6
join t16 on t15.c5=t16.c6
join t17 on t16.c5=t17.c6
) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 310秒  5306秒 (16表)  4059秒

10. select count(*) from (
select t1.c1 from t1 
join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3 
join t3 on t2.c3=t3.c4 
join t4 on t3.c4=t4.c5
join t5 on t4.c5=t5.c6
join t6 on t5.c5=t6.c6
join t7 on t6.c5=t7.c6
join t8 on t7.c5=t8.c6
join t9 on t8.c5=t9.c6
join t10 on t9.c5=t10.c6
join t11 on t10.c5=t11.c6
join t12 on t11.c5=t12.c6
join t13 on t12.c5=t13.c6
join t14 on t13.c5=t14.c6
join t15 on t14.c5=t15.c6
join t16 on t15.c5=t16.c6
join t17 on t16.c5=t17.c6
where t1.c60 < 100000
) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 46秒  2199秒 (16表)  2872秒

11. select count(*) from (
select t1.c1 from t1 
join t2 on t1.c1=t2.c3 
join t3 on t2.c3=t3.c4 
join t4 on t3.c4=t4.c5
join t5 on t4.c5=t5.c6
join t6 on t5.c5=t6.c6
join t7 on t6.c5=t7.c6
join t8 on t7.c5=t8.c6
join t9 on t8.c5=t9.c6
join t10 on t9.c5=t10.c6
join t11 on t10.c5=t11.c6
join t12 on t11.c5=t12.c6
join t13 on t12.c5=t13.c6
join t14 on t13.c5=t14.c6
join t15 on t14.c5=t15.c6
join t16 on t15.c5=t16.c6
join t17 on t16.c5=t17.c6
) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 262秒  3980秒 (16表)  3562秒

select count(*) from (
select t1.c1 from t1 
join t2 on t1.c2=t2.c3 
join t3 on t2.c3=t3.c4 
join t4 on t3.c4=t4.c5
join t5 on t4.c5=t5.c6
join t6 on t5.c6=t6.c7
join t7 on t6.c7=t7.c8
join t8 on t7.c8=t8.c9
join t9 on t8.c9=t9.c10
join t10 on t9.c10=t10.c11
join t11 on t10.c11=t11.c12
join t12 on t11.c12=t12.c13
join t13 on t12.c13=t13.c14
join t14 on t13.c14=t14.c15
join t15 on t14.c15=t15.c16
join t16 on t15.c16=t16.c17
join t17 on t16.c17=t17.c18
where t1.c1<10
) as t;
MonetDB  PostgreSQL行引擎  PostgreSQL列引擎
 5秒  640秒 (16表)  1403秒

以下是PostgreSQL列引擎详细的测试过程和结果 : 
创建fdw handler和server
digoal=# CREATE EXTENSION cstore_fdw;
digoal=# CREATE SERVER cstore_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER cstore_fdw;

[root@db-172-16-3-221 cstore_fdw]# mkdir /data01/cstore_dir
[root@db-172-16-3-221 cstore_fdw]# chown postgres:postgres /data01/cstore_dir

接下来创建外部表(注意, 外部表目前不支持PK约束, 所以不创建PK约束) : 
create foreign table ft1 (c1 int,
c2 int,
c3 int,
c4 int,
c5 int,
c6 int,
c7 int,
c8 int,
c9 int,
c10 int,
c11 int,
c12 int,
c13 int,
c14 int,
c15 int,
c16 int,
c17 int,
c18 int,
c19 int,
c20 int,
c21 int,
c22 int,
c23 int,
c24 int,
c25 int,
c26 int,
c27 int,
c28 int,
c29 int,
c30 int,
c31 int,
c32 int,
c33 int,
c34 int,
c35 int,
c36 int,
c37 int,
c38 int,
c39 int,
c40 int,
c41 int,
c42 int,
c43 int,
c44 int,
c45 int,
c46 int,
c47 int,
c48 int,
c49 int,
c50 int,
c51 int,
c52 int,
c53 int,
c54 int,
c55 int,
c56 int,
c57 int,
c58 int,
c59 int,
c60 int) server cstore_server 
options (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft1.cstore', compression 'pglz');

导入测试数据, 测试数据生成方法见
[root@db-172-16-3-221 testsql2]# ll
total 25716276
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646532347 Aug 15 15:54 10.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646537517 Aug 15 15:55 11.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646522483 Aug 15 15:55 12.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646524530 Aug 15 15:55 13.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646534753 Aug 15 15:56 14.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646527810 Aug 15 15:56 15.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646535257 Aug 15 15:57 16.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1642296488 Aug 15 15:57 1.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1643393480 Aug 15 15:57 2.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1643415513 Aug 15 15:58 3.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1645910749 Aug 15 15:58 4.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646517090 Aug 15 15:59 5.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646526742 Aug 15 15:59 6.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646523866 Aug 15 15:59 7.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646531161 Aug 15 16:00 8.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1646529088 Aug 15 16:00 9.sql
[root@db-172-16-3-221 testsql2]# less 1.sql

导入脚本 :
psql <<EOF
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/1.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/2.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/3.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/4.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/5.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/6.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/7.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/8.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/9.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/10.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/11.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/12.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/13.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/14.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/15.sql' with csv delimiter '|';
copy ft1 from '/opt/testsql2/16.sql' with csv delimiter '|';

导入效率 : 
COPY 3125000
Time: 87673.278 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 86130.378 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 85473.444 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 83736.891 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84052.830 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84130.955 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84063.729 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84073.529 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84470.295 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 85204.964 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 87938.947 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 85290.653 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84120.752 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84354.485 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 83958.781 ms
COPY 3125000
Time: 84603.499 ms

空间占用 :
[root@db-172-16-3-221 cstore_dir]# ll -h
total 20G
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  12G Aug 16 09:56 ft1.cstore
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 6.6K Aug 16 09:56 ft1.cstore.footer

再创建16张同样的测试表 : 
因为这里只是测试, 所以用复制文件的方法创建16个一样的表. 
create foreign table ft2 (c1 int,
c2 int,
c3 int,
c4 int,
c5 int,
c6 int,
c7 int,
c8 int,
c9 int,
c10 int,
c11 int,
c12 int,
c13 int,
c14 int,
c15 int,
c16 int,
c17 int,
c18 int,
c19 int,
c20 int,
c21 int,
c22 int,
c23 int,
c24 int,
c25 int,
c26 int,
c27 int,
c28 int,
c29 int,
c30 int,
c31 int,
c32 int,
c33 int,
c34 int,
c35 int,
c36 int,
c37 int,
c38 int,
c39 int,
c40 int,
c41 int,
c42 int,
c43 int,
c44 int,
c45 int,
c46 int,
c47 int,
c48 int,
c49 int,
c50 int,
c51 int,
c52 int,
c53 int,
c54 int,
c55 int,
c56 int,
c57 int,
c58 int,
c59 int,
c60 int) server cstore_server 
options (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft2.cstore', compression 'pglz');
postgres@db-172-16-3-221-> cd /data01/cstore_dir/
postgres@db-172-16-3-221-> ll
total 20G
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres  12G Aug 16 09:56 ft1.cstore
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 6.6K Aug 16 09:56 ft1.cstore.footer
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres    0 Aug 16 09:58 ft2.cstore
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres   26 Aug 16 09:58 ft2.cstore.footer
postgres@db-172-16-3-221-> mv ft2.cstore ft2.cstore.bak
postgres@db-172-16-3-221-> mv ft2.cstore.footer ft2.cstore.footer.bak
postgres@db-172-16-3-221-> cp ft1.cstore ft2.cstore
postgres@db-172-16-3-221-> cp ft1.cstore.footer ft2.cstore.footer 

其他同上, 创建其他15个表, 并复制数据文件, 略.

digoal=# \det+
                                             List of foreign tables
 Schema | Table |    Server     |                           FDW Options                           | Description 
 public | ft1   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft1.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft10  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft10.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft11  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft11.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft12  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft12.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft13  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft13.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft14  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft14.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft15  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft15.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft16  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft16.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft17  | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft17.cstore', compression 'pglz') | 
 public | ft2   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft2.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft3   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft3.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft4   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft4.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft5   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft5.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft6   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft6.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft7   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft7.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft8   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft8.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
 public | ft9   | cstore_server | (filename '/data01/cstore_dir/ft9.cstore', compression 'pglz')  | 
(17 rows)

分析所有外部表 :
digoal=# analyze ft1;
Time: 148885.149 ms
digoal=# analyze ft17;

查询测试 :
digoal=# select count(distinct c1) from ft1;
(1 row)
Time: 41536.070 ms
digoal=# select count(*) from (select c1,c11,c21,c31,c41,c51,c60 from ft1 group by c1,c11,c21,c31,c41,c51,c60) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 73486.646 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (select ft1.c1 from ft1 join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 279239.085 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (select ft1.c1 from ft1 join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3 join ft3 on ft1.c3=ft3.c5) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 551466.035 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (select ft1.c1 from ft1 join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3 join ft3 on ft1.c3=ft3.c5 join ft4 on ft3.c5=ft4.c6) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 706267.651 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (select ft1.c1 from ft1 join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3 join ft3 on ft2.c3=ft3.c4 join ft4 on ft3.c4=ft4.c5 join ft5 on ft4.c5=ft5.c6) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 736699.900 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (
select ft1.c1 from ft1 
join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3 
join ft3 on ft2.c3=ft3.c4 
join ft4 on ft3.c4=ft4.c5
join ft5 on ft4.c5=ft5.c6
where ft1.c60 < 100000
) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 232810.249 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (
select ft1.c1 from ft1 
join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3 
join ft3 on ft2.c3=ft3.c4 
join ft4 on ft3.c4=ft4.c5
join ft5 on ft4.c5=ft5.c6
join ft6 on ft5.c5=ft6.c6
join ft7 on ft6.c5=ft7.c6
join ft8 on ft7.c5=ft8.c6
join ft9 on ft8.c5=ft9.c6
join ft10 on ft9.c5=ft10.c6
join ft11 on ft10.c5=ft11.c6
join ft12 on ft11.c5=ft12.c6
join ft13 on ft12.c5=ft13.c6
join ft14 on ft13.c5=ft14.c6
join ft15 on ft14.c5=ft15.c6
join ft16 on ft15.c5=ft16.c6
join ft17 on ft16.c5=ft17.c6
) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 4059635.466 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (
select ft1.c1 from ft1 
join ft2 on ft1.c2=ft2.c3 
join ft3 on ft2.c3=ft3.c4 
join ft4 on ft3.c4=ft4.c5
join ft5 on ft4.c5=ft5.c6
join ft6 on ft5.c5=ft6.c6
join ft7 on ft6.c5=ft7.c6
join ft8 on ft7.c5=ft8.c6
join ft9 on ft8.c5=ft9.c6
join ft10 on ft9.c5=ft10.c6
join ft11 on ft10.c5=ft11.c6
join ft12 on ft11.c5=ft12.c6
join ft13 on ft12.c5=ft13.c6
join ft14 on ft13.c5=ft14.c6
join ft15 on ft14.c5=ft15.c6
join ft16 on ft15.c5=ft16.c6
join ft17 on ft16.c5=ft17.c6
where ft1.c60 < 100000
) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 2872032.780 ms

digoal=# select count(*) from (
select ft1.c1 from ft1 
join ft2 on ft1.c1=ft2.c3 
join ft3 on ft2.c3=ft3.c4 
join ft4 on ft3.c4=ft4.c5
join ft5 on ft4.c5=ft5.c6
join ft6 on ft5.c5=ft6.c6
join ft7 on ft6.c5=ft7.c6
join ft8 on ft7.c5=ft8.c6
join ft9 on ft8.c5=ft9.c6
join ft10 on ft9.c5=ft10.c6
join ft11 on ft10.c5=ft11.c6
join ft12 on ft11.c5=ft12.c6
join ft13 on ft12.c5=ft13.c6
join ft14 on ft13.c5=ft14.c6
join ft15 on ft14.c5=ft15.c6
join ft16 on ft15.c5=ft16.c6
join ft17 on ft16.c5=ft17.c6
) as t;
(1 row)
Time: 3562364.934 ms

1. cstore存储性能好在于它的block index, 在使用where条件的情况下, 可以减少块的扫描.
block_row_count (optional): Number of rows per column block. The default is 10000. cstore_fdw compresses, creates skip indexes, and reads from disk at the block granularity. Increasing this value helps with compression and results in fewer reads from disk. However, higher values also reduce the probability of skipping over unrelated row blocks.
Using Skip Indexes

cstore_fdw partitions each column into multiple blocks. Skip indexes store minimum and maximum values for each of these blocks. While scanning the table, if min/max values of the block contradict the WHERE clause, then the block is completely skipped. This way, the query processes less data and hence finishes faster.

To use skip indexes more efficiently, you should load the data after sorting it on a column that is commonly used in the WHERE clause. This ensures that there is a minimum overlap between blocks and the chance of them being skipped is higher.

In practice, the data generally has an inherent dimension (for example a time field) on which it is naturally sorted. Usually, the queries also have a filter clause on that column (for example you want to query only the last week's data), and hence you don't need to sort the data in such cases.

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PostgreSQL的MVCC vs InnoDB的MVCC
存储 SQL 关系型数据库
【数据库选型】ClickHouse vs PostgreSQL vs TimescaleDB
SQL 弹性计算 算法
PostgreSQL 普通表在线转换为分区表 - online exchange to partition table
标签 PostgreSQL , 分区表 , 在线转换 背景 非分区表,如何在线(不影响业务)转换为分区表? 方法1,pg_pathman分区插件 《PostgreSQL 9.5+ 高效分区表实现 - pg_pathman》 使用非堵塞式的迁移接口 partition_table_concurrently( relation REGCLASS,
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SQL 算法 关系型数据库
PostgreSQL 普通表在线转换为分区表 - online exchange to partition table
PostgreSQL 普通表在线转换为分区表 - online exchange to partition table
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SQL 分布式计算 并行计算
PostgreSQL 并行计算解说 之13 - parallel OLAP : 中间结果 parallel with unlogged table
标签 PostgreSQL , cpu 并行 , smp 并行 , 并行计算 , gpu 并行 , 并行过程支持 背景 PostgreSQL 11 优化器已经支持了非常多场合的并行。简单估计,已支持27余种场景的并行计算。 parallel seq scan parallel
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SQL 人工智能 分布式计算
PostgreSQL 并行计算解说 之20 - parallel partition table wise join
标签 PostgreSQL , cpu 并行 , smp 并行 , 并行计算 , gpu 并行 , 并行过程支持 背景 PostgreSQL 11 优化器已经支持了非常多场合的并行。简单估计,已支持27余种场景的并行计算。 parallel seq scan
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