Parker COMPAX servo 数字伺服驱动器/控制器

简介: COMPAX 系列数字伺服驱动器/控制器为要求苛刻的运动控制应用提供高功率解决方案,连续功率可达 35 千瓦/峰值功率可达 70 千瓦。它支持 120VAC - 460VAC 输入,具有用户友好的伺服管理器软件,可简化设置。COMPAX 可通过 ASCII、二进制或现场总线协议进行通信,并可通过可选升级和反馈设备满足特定需求。该系统提供用于单轴/多轴控制的独立选件或模块选件,包括套准、运动曲线和专用选件等高级功能。该系统可确保对电气问题和过热进行全面保护,并完全符合 CE 标准。它与各种无刷伺服电机兼容,并支持线性伺服电机。设计紧凑,配有 LED 显示屏,用于监控诊断和错误状态。

Digital Servo Drive/Controllers

The COMPAX servo drive/controller family is the highpowered cousin to Compumotor's line of Gemini low- to midpower servo drive/controllers. Providing an ideal solution for motion control systems where 120VAC - 460VAC direct input power is used, the COMPAX family provides up to 35kW continuous/70kW peak drive power for those more demanding high-speed, high-inertia, high-load applications. The COMPAX family is flexible, offering the choice of either standalone or modular packages for single- or multi-axis needs, thereby providing a complete motion control solution in a highly reliable and integrated package.

All COMPAX units incorporate the easy-to-use Servo ManagerTM front-end software package – a user-friendly,parameter-based configurator that greatly simplifies setup and programming for software users of any level.

The COMPAX can communicate via ASCII and binary or via a number of supported fieldbus protocols for direct interface with PCs, HMIs and PLCs. Moreover, any standard COMPAX unit can be upgraded with specialized functionality and/or alternative feedback devices, allowing users to tailor the COMPAX to their specific application needs.

This combination of performance, flexibility and expandability makes the COMPAX a powerful and valuable member of the Compumotor servo product family.



• Eight power ranges available, providing up to 35kW of continuous drive power

• Direct online single or 3-phase power input (120VAC to 460VAC)*

• Continuous current levels from 2.5 Amps to 50 Amps (RMS); peak current from 5 Amps to 100 Amps (RMS)

• Digital control of position, velocity and torque (current) loops

• High-speed DSP

  • 100 microsecond servo update rate

  • 1 millisecond command processing rate

COMPAX Family Features

• Standalone servo controller and drive in one integrated package

• Control features such as registration, motion profiles, Scurve velocity profiles,conditional statements, arithmetic functions and resolver feedback all standard

• Specialized functions such as following, cam profiling, electronic gearing or cut-on-the-fly available as options for all COMPAX products

• Available in standalone or modular configuration for singleor multi-axis applications

• Serial, binary and fieldbus communication

• PLC-handshaking via onboard I/O

• Comprehensive program monitoring, status and diagnostic features

• Error log—records and stores the four most recent errors

• Easy parameter-based drive setup and motor configuration via the included Servo Manager™ software package

• Guided motor setup and tuning via software tools

• Non-volatile memory for reliable storage of parameters and programs

• Simple, BASIC-style programming language

• Floating point, integer and binary variables with high-level math functionality

• Position or velocity control via external encoder pulse, step/direction† or ±10VDC analog signal†

• Fully CE compliant (EMC & LVD)


• Short-circuit protection—phase-to-phase and phase-toground

• Over-voltage protection for both drive and controller sections

• Under-voltage (brownout) protection for both drive and controller sections

• Drive over-temperature protection

• Motor over-temperature protection

• Current foldback protection

• Regeneration protection


• Compatible with a wide selection of brushless servo motors, such as the Compumotor SM, BE, NeoMetric, J and M Series motors

• Supports linear servo motors, such as the Daedal LXR and Compumotor SL motor series

• 3-digit LED display* for monitoring diagnostic status and/or errors related to the following:

  • Controller section

  • Amplifier drive section

  • Fieldbus

• Bus power and 24VDC control power status light

• Built-in regeneration (power dissipation) circuitry on all units; optional external modules available for additional power dissipation capability

BOSHIDA 两类常见的模拟电源与数字电源
BOSHIDA 两类常见的模拟电源与数字电源
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BOSHIDA 模拟电源与数字电源之间的区别
BOSHIDA 模拟电源与数字电源之间的区别 模拟电源与数字电源是两种不同的电源类型,其核心区别在于电源控制方式和输出特性。本文将从这两方面对模拟电源和数字电源进行比较和分析。
BOSHIDA 模拟电源与数字电源之间的区别
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Parker COMPAX 1000SL 1kVA 伺服控制器
PWM 调光的线性降压 LED 恒流驱动器
一、基本概述 TX6410 是一种带 PWM 调光功能的线性降压 LED 恒流驱动器,仅需外接一个电阻就可以构成一个完整的 LED 恒流驱动电路,调节该外接电阻可调节输出电流,输出电流范围为 10~2000mA。内置 30V 50 毫欧 MOS。内置过热保护功能,可有效保护芯片,避免因过热而造成损坏。具有很低的静态电流,典型值为49uA。带 PWM 调光功能, 可通过在DIM 脚加 PWM 信号调节 LED 电流。芯片采用 ESOP8 封装,内置散热片接LED脚。 二、产品的特点 VDD工作电压:2.5-6V 输出电流:10mA - 2A 内置 30V/50mΩ MOS PWM调光
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BOSHIDA 模拟电源对比数字电源的优势有哪些?
BOSHIDA 模拟电源对比数字电源的优势有哪些?
深度调光降压型 LED 恒流驱动器
一、产品描述 KP14612是一款PF>0.7的高精度、调光型LED恒流驱动控制芯片。适用于全范围交流输入电压的非隔离降压型LED恒流电源。KP14612支持PWM输入调光,最小调光深度可以达到0.1%,并且支持待机模式,待机功耗小于20mW。 二、主要特点 三、具体应用 智能球泡灯 智能筒灯 其他调光LED照明设备
带PWM 调光的线性降压 LED 恒流驱动器
一、基本概述 TX6410B是一种带 PWM 调光功能的线性降压 LED 恒流驱动器,仅需外接一个电阻就可以构成一个完整的 LED 恒流驱动电路,调节该外接电阻可调节输出电流,输出电流范围为 10~2000mA。TX6410B内置 30V 50 毫欧 MOS。TX6410B内置过热保护功能,可有效保护芯片,避免因过热而造成损坏。TX6410B具有很低的静态电流,典型值为 60uA。TX6410B带 PWM 调光功能,可通过在 DIM 脚加 PWM 信号调节 LED 电流。TX6410B采用ESOP8 封装。外露散热片接 LED 脚。 二、产品特点 内置 30V 50 毫欧 MOS 输出
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一、基本概述 TM1628是一种带键盘扫描接口的LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用IC,内部集成有MCU 数 字接口、数据锁存器、LED 驱动、键盘扫描等电路。本产品质量可靠、稳定性好、抗干扰能力强。 主要适用于家电设备(智能热水器、微波炉、洗衣机、空调、电磁炉)、机顶盒、电子称、智能电 表等数码管或LED显示设备。 二、特性说明 采用CMOS工艺 多种显示模式(10 段×7 位 ~ 13段×4 位) 最大支持矩阵按键10×2 辉度调节电路(8 级占空比可调) 串行接口(CLK,STB,DIO) 振荡方式:内置RC振荡 内置上电复位电路 内置数据锁存电路
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