yolo-world 源码解析(六)(1)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1484140
# 版权声明,版权归腾讯公司所有 # 基于 CSPLayers 的 PAFPN 的基本模块 # 导入 yolo_bricks 模块中的相关类 from .yolo_bricks import ( CSPLayerWithTwoConv, MaxSigmoidAttnBlock, MaxSigmoidCSPLayerWithTwoConv, ImagePoolingAttentionModule, ) # 导出给外部使用的类列表 __all__ = ['CSPLayerWithTwoConv', 'MaxSigmoidAttnBlock', 'MaxSigmoidCSPLayerWithTwoConv', 'ImagePoolingAttentionModule']
# 导入必要的库 from typing import Optional import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from mmdet.models.losses.mse_loss import mse_loss from mmyolo.registry import MODELS # 注册模型类为CoVMSELoss @MODELS.register_module() class CoVMSELoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim: int = 0, reduction: str = 'mean', loss_weight: float = 1.0, eps: float = 1e-6) -> None: super().__init__() # 初始化参数 self.dim = dim self.reduction = reduction self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.eps = eps def forward(self, pred: Tensor, weight: Optional[Tensor] = None, avg_factor: Optional[int] = None, reduction_override: Optional[str] = None) -> Tensor: """Forward function of loss.""" # 确保重写的减少参数在合法范围内 assert reduction_override in (None, 'none', 'mean', 'sum') # 根据重写的减少参数或者默认减少参数来确定减少方式 reduction = ( reduction_override if reduction_override else self.reduction) # 计算协方差 cov = pred.std(self.dim) / pred.mean(self.dim).clamp(min=self.eps) # 创建目标张量 target = torch.zeros_like(cov) # 计算损失 loss = self.loss_weight * mse_loss( cov, target, weight, reduction=reduction, avg_factor=avg_factor) return loss
# 版权声明,版权归腾讯公司所有 # 导入动态损失模块中的CoVMSELoss类 from .dynamic_loss import CoVMSELoss # 导出CoVMSELoss类,供外部使用 __all__ = ['CoVMSELoss']
# 导入必要的库 import copy from typing import List, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from mmdet.utils import ConfigType, OptMultiConfig # 导入自定义的模型注册器和工具函数 from mmyolo.registry import MODELS from mmyolo.models.utils import make_divisible, make_round from mmyolo.models.necks.yolov8_pafpn import YOLOv8PAFPN # 注册YOLOWorldPAFPN类为模型 @MODELS.register_module() class YOLOWorldPAFPN(YOLOv8PAFPN): """Path Aggregation Network used in YOLO World Following YOLOv8 PAFPN, including text to image fusion """ # 初始化函数,定义模型结构和参数 def __init__(self, in_channels: List[int], out_channels: Union[List[int], int], guide_channels: int, embed_channels: List[int], num_heads: List[int], deepen_factor: float = 1.0, widen_factor: float = 1.0, num_csp_blocks: int = 3, freeze_all: bool = False, block_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='CSPLayerWithTwoConv'), norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), act_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True), init_cfg: OptMultiConfig = None) -> None: # 设置引导通道数、嵌入通道数和头数 self.guide_channels = guide_channels self.embed_channels = embed_channels self.num_heads = num_heads self.block_cfg = block_cfg # 调用父类的初始化函数,传入参数 super().__init__(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, deepen_factor=deepen_factor, widen_factor=widen_factor, num_csp_blocks=num_csp_blocks, freeze_all=freeze_all, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, init_cfg=init_cfg) # 构建自顶向下的层 def build_top_down_layer(self, idx: int) -> nn.Module: """build top down layer. Args: idx (int): layer idx. Returns: nn.Module: The top down layer. """ # 深拷贝块配置 block_cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.block_cfg) # 更新块配置参数 block_cfg.update( dict(in_channels=make_divisible( (self.in_channels[idx - 1] + self.in_channels[idx]), self.widen_factor), out_channels=make_divisible(self.out_channels[idx - 1], self.widen_factor), guide_channels=self.guide_channels, embed_channels=make_round(self.embed_channels[idx - 1], self.widen_factor), num_heads=make_round(self.num_heads[idx - 1], self.widen_factor), num_blocks=make_round(self.num_csp_blocks, self.deepen_factor), add_identity=False, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg, act_cfg=self.act_cfg)) # 构建模型 return MODELS.build(block_cfg) # 构建底部向上的层 def build_bottom_up_layer(self, idx: int) -> nn.Module: """build bottom up layer. Args: idx (int): layer idx. Returns: nn.Module: The bottom up layer. """ # 深拷贝块配置 block_cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.block_cfg) # 更新块配置 block_cfg.update( dict(in_channels=make_divisible( (self.out_channels[idx] + self.out_channels[idx + 1]), self.widen_factor), out_channels=make_divisible(self.out_channels[idx + 1], self.widen_factor), guide_channels=self.guide_channels, embed_channels=make_round(self.embed_channels[idx + 1], self.widen_factor), num_heads=make_round(self.num_heads[idx + 1], self.widen_factor), num_blocks=make_round(self.num_csp_blocks, self.deepen_factor), add_identity=False, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg, act_cfg=self.act_cfg)) # 构建模型 return MODELS.build(block_cfg) # 定义前向传播函数,接受多层级的图像特征和文本特征作为输入,返回元组 def forward(self, img_feats: List[Tensor], txt_feats: Tensor) -> tuple: """Forward function. including multi-level image features, text features: BxLxD """ # 断言图像特征的数量与输入通道数相同 assert len(img_feats) == len(self.in_channels) # 减少层级 reduce_outs = [] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels)): reduce_outs.append(self.reduce_layers[idx](img_feats[idx])) # 自顶向下路径 inner_outs = [reduce_outs[-1]] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels) - 1, 0, -1): feat_high = inner_outs[0] feat_low = reduce_outs[idx - 1] upsample_feat = self.upsample_layers[len(self.in_channels) - 1 - idx](feat_high) if self.upsample_feats_cat_first: top_down_layer_inputs = torch.cat([upsample_feat, feat_low], 1) else: top_down_layer_inputs = torch.cat([feat_low, upsample_feat], 1) inner_out = self.top_down_layers[len(self.in_channels) - 1 - idx](top_down_layer_inputs, txt_feats) inner_outs.insert(0, inner_out) # 自底向上路径 outs = [inner_outs[0]] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels) - 1): feat_low = outs[-1] feat_high = inner_outs[idx + 1] downsample_feat = self.downsample_layers[idx](feat_low) out = self.bottom_up_layers[idx](torch.cat([downsample_feat, feat_high], 1), txt_feats) outs.append(out) # 输出层 results = [] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels)): results.append(self.out_layers[idx](outs[idx])) return tuple(results) # 使用 @MODELS 注册 YOLOWorldDualPAFPN 类 @MODELS.register_module() # 定义 YOLOWorldDualPAFPN 类,继承自 YOLOWorldPAFPN 类 class YOLOWorldDualPAFPN(YOLOWorldPAFPN): """Path Aggregation Network used in YOLO World v8.""" # 初始化函数,接受多个参数 def __init__(self, in_channels: List[int], # 输入通道列表 out_channels: Union[List[int], int], # 输出通道列表或整数 guide_channels: int, # 引导通道数 embed_channels: List[int], # 嵌入通道列表 num_heads: List[int], # 多头注意力机制的头数列表 deepen_factor: float = 1.0, # 加深因子,默认为1.0 widen_factor: float = 1.0, # 扩宽因子,默认为1.0 num_csp_blocks: int = 3, # CSP块的数量,默认为3 freeze_all: bool = False, # 是否冻结所有层,默认为False text_enhancder: ConfigType = dict( # 文本增强器配置 type='ImagePoolingAttentionModule', # 类型为图像池化注意力模块 embed_channels=256, # 嵌入通道数为256 num_heads=8, # 多头注意力机制的头数为8 pool_size=3), # 池化大小为3 block_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='CSPLayerWithTwoConv'), # 块配置,默认为CSPLayerWithTwoConv norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN', # 归一化配置,默认为BN momentum=0.03, # 动量为0.03 eps=0.001), # epsilon为0.001 act_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True), # 激活函数配置,默认为SiLU init_cfg: OptMultiConfig = None) -> None: # 初始化配置,默认为None,返回None # 调用父类的初始化函数 super().__init__(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, guide_channels=guide_channels, embed_channels=embed_channels, num_heads=num_heads, deepen_factor=deepen_factor, widen_factor=widen_factor, num_csp_blocks=num_csp_blocks, freeze_all=freeze_all, block_cfg=block_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, init_cfg=init_cfg) # 更新文本增强器配置 text_enhancder.update( dict( image_channels=[int(x * widen_factor) for x in out_channels], # 图像通道数根据输出通道和扩宽因子计算 text_channels=guide_channels, # 文本通道数为引导通道数 num_feats=len(out_channels), # 特征数量为输出通道数的长度 )) # 打印文本增强器配置 print(text_enhancder) # 构建文本增强器模型 self.text_enhancer = MODELS.build(text_enhancder) # 定义前向传播函数,接受图像特征列表和文本特征作为输入,返回元组 def forward(self, img_feats: List[Tensor], txt_feats: Tensor) -> tuple: """Forward function.""" # 断言图像特征列表的长度与输入通道数相同 assert len(img_feats) == len(self.in_channels) # 减少层 reduce_outs = [] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels)): reduce_outs.append(self.reduce_layers[idx](img_feats[idx])) # 自顶向下路径 inner_outs = [reduce_outs[-1]] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels) - 1, 0, -1): feat_high = inner_outs[0] feat_low = reduce_outs[idx - 1] upsample_feat = self.upsample_layers[len(self.in_channels) - 1 - idx](feat_high) if self.upsample_feats_cat_first: top_down_layer_inputs = torch.cat([upsample_feat, feat_low], 1) else: top_down_layer_inputs = torch.cat([feat_low, upsample_feat], 1) inner_out = self.top_down_layers[len(self.in_channels) - 1 - idx](top_down_layer_inputs, txt_feats) inner_outs.insert(0, inner_out) # 对文本特征进行增强 txt_feats = self.text_enhancer(txt_feats, inner_outs) # 自底向上路径 outs = [inner_outs[0]] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels) - 1): feat_low = outs[-1] feat_high = inner_outs[idx + 1] downsample_feat = self.downsample_layers[idx](feat_low) out = self.bottom_up_layers[idx](torch.cat([downsample_feat, feat_high], 1), txt_feats) outs.append(out) # 输出层 results = [] for idx in range(len(self.in_channels)): results.append(self.out_layers[idx](outs[idx])) return tuple(results)
# 版权声明,版权归腾讯公司所有 # 导入yolo_world_pafpn模块中的YOLOWorldPAFPN和YOLOWorldDualPAFPN类 from .yolo_world_pafpn import YOLOWorldPAFPN, YOLOWorldDualPAFPN # 定义__all__列表,包含YOLOWorldPAFPN和YOLOWorldDualPAFPN类,用于模块导入时指定可导入的内容 __all__ = ['YOLOWorldPAFPN', 'YOLOWorldDualPAFPN']
# 导入 Tencent 公司所有权的代码库 # 从 backbones 模块中导入所有内容 from .backbones import * # noqa # 从 layers 模块中导入所有内容 from .layers import * # noqa # 从 detectors 模块中导入所有内容 from .detectors import * # noqa # 从 losses 模块中导入所有内容 from .losses import * # noqa # 从 data_preprocessors 模块中导入所有内容 from .data_preprocessors import * # noqa # 从 dense_heads 模块中导入所有内容 from .dense_heads import * # noqa # 从 necks 模块中导入所有内容 from .necks import * # noqa
# 版权声明 # 版权所有 © 腾讯公司 # 定义版本号 __version__ = '0.1.0' # 解析版本信息的函数 def parse_version_info(version_str): """Parse a version string into a tuple. Args: version_str (str): The version string. Returns: tuple[int | str]: The version info, e.g., "1.3.0" is parsed into (1, 3, 0), and "2.0.0rc1" is parsed into (2, 0, 0, 'rc1'). """ # 初始化版本信息列表 version_info = [] # 根据 '.' 分割版本号字符串 for x in version_str.split('.'): # 如果是数字,则转换为整数 if x.isdigit(): version_info.append(int(x)) # 如果包含 'rc',则分割出补丁版本号 elif x.find('rc') != -1: patch_version = x.split('rc') version_info.append(int(patch_version[0])) version_info.append(f'rc{patch_version[1]}') # 返回版本信息元组 return tuple(version_info) # 调用解析版本信息函数,得到版本信息元组 version_info = parse_version_info(__version__) # 导出的变量列表 __all__ = ['__version__', 'version_info', 'parse_version_info']
# 导入当前目录下的 models 模块中的所有内容 from .models import * # noqa # 导入当前目录下的 datasets 模块中的所有内容 from .datasets import * # noqa # 导入当前目录下的 engine 模块中的所有内容 from .engine import * # noqa