# 版权声明,版权归腾讯公司所有 # 导入yolo_world模块中的YOLOWorldDetector类 from .yolo_world import YOLOWorldDetector # 导出YOLOWorldDetector类,供外部使用 __all__ = ['YOLOWorldDetector']
# 版权声明,版权归腾讯公司所有 from typing import List # 导入 List 类型 import torch # 导入 torch 库 import torch.nn as nn # 导入 torch.nn 模块 from torch import Tensor # 导入 Tensor 类型 import torch.nn.functional as F # 导入 torch.nn.functional 模块 from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule, DepthwiseSeparableConvModule, Linear # 导入 mmcv.cnn 模块中的 ConvModule、DepthwiseSeparableConvModule、Linear 类 from mmdet.utils import ConfigType, OptConfigType, OptMultiConfig # 导入 mmdet.utils 模块中的 ConfigType、OptConfigType、OptMultiConfig 类 from mmengine.model import BaseModule # 导入 mmengine.model 模块中的 BaseModule 类 from mmyolo.registry import MODELS # 导入 mmyolo.registry 模块中的 MODELS 注册器 from mmyolo.models.layers import CSPLayerWithTwoConv # 导入 mmyolo.models.layers 模块中的 CSPLayerWithTwoConv 类 @MODELS.register_module() # 使用 MODELS 注册器注册该类 class MaxSigmoidAttnBlock(BaseModule): # 定义 MaxSigmoidAttnBlock 类,继承自 BaseModule """Max Sigmoid attention block.""" # 类的简要描述 # 初始化函数,定义了模型的各种参数 def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, guide_channels: int, embed_channels: int, kernel_size: int = 3, padding: int = 1, num_heads: int = 1, use_depthwise: bool = False, with_scale: bool = False, conv_cfg: OptConfigType = None, norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), init_cfg: OptMultiConfig = None) -> None: # 调用父类的初始化函数 super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) # 根据是否使用深度可分离卷积选择不同的卷积模块 conv = DepthwiseSeparableConvModule if use_depthwise else ConvModule # 检查输出通道数和嵌入通道数是否能被头数整除 assert (out_channels % num_heads == 0 and embed_channels % num_heads == 0), \ 'out_channels and embed_channels should be divisible by num_heads.' # 设置头数和每个头的通道数 self.num_heads = num_heads self.head_channels = out_channels // num_heads # 如果嵌入通道数不等于输入通道数,则定义一个卷积模块用于嵌入 self.embed_conv = ConvModule( in_channels, embed_channels, 1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=None) if embed_channels != in_channels else None # 定义一个全连接层用于引导通道到嵌入通道的映射 self.guide_fc = Linear(guide_channels, embed_channels) # 定义一个偏置参数 self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_heads)) # 如果设置了缩放参数,则定义一个缩放参数 if with_scale: self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, num_heads, 1, 1)) else: self.scale = 1.0 # 定义一个卷积模块用于将输入通道映射到输出通道 self.project_conv = conv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=padding, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=None) # 定义一个前向传播函数,接受输入张量 x 和引导张量 guide,返回处理后的张量 def forward(self, x: Tensor, guide: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward process.""" # 获取输入张量 x 的形状信息 B, _, H, W = x.shape # 使用引导张量 guide 经过全连接层处理 guide = self.guide_fc(guide) # 重新调整 guide 的形状,将其分成多个头部 guide = guide.reshape(B, -1, self.num_heads, self.head_channels) # 如果存在嵌入卷积层,对输入张量 x 进行卷积操作,否则直接使用 x embed = self.embed_conv(x) if self.embed_conv is not None else x # 调整嵌入结果的形状,分成多个头部 embed = embed.reshape(B, self.num_heads, self.head_channels, H, W) # 使用 einsum 函数计算注意力权重 attn_weight = torch.einsum('bmchw,bnmc->bmhwn', embed, guide) # 在最后一个维度上取最大值 attn_weight = attn_weight.max(dim=-1)[0] # 归一化注意力权重 attn_weight = attn_weight / (self.head_channels**0.5) # 添加偏置项 attn_weight = attn_weight + self.bias[None, :, None, None] # 对注意力权重进行 sigmoid 激活函数处理,并乘以缩放因子 attn_weight = attn_weight.sigmoid() * self.scale # 对输入张量进行投影卷积 x = self.project_conv(x) # 调整投影结果的形状,分成多个头部 x = x.reshape(B, self.num_heads, -1, H, W) # 将投影结果与注意力权重相乘 x = x * attn_weight.unsqueeze(2) # 调整结果的形状 x = x.reshape(B, -1, H, W) # 返回处理后的张量 return x # 使用 @MODELS.register_module() 装饰器注册 MaxSigmoidCSPLayerWithTwoConv 类 @MODELS.register_module() # 定义 MaxSigmoidCSPLayerWithTwoConv 类,继承自 CSPLayerWithTwoConv 类 class MaxSigmoidCSPLayerWithTwoConv(CSPLayerWithTwoConv): """Sigmoid-attention based CSP layer with two convolution layers.""" # 类的说明文档,描述该类是基于 Sigmoid-attention 的 CSP 层,包含两个卷积层 # 初始化函数,定义了网络结构的各种参数 def __init__( self, in_channels: int, # 输入通道数 out_channels: int, # 输出通道数 guide_channels: int, # 引导通道数 embed_channels: int, # 嵌入通道数 num_heads: int = 1, # 多头注意力机制的头数,默认为1 expand_ratio: float = 0.5, # 扩展比例,默认为0.5 num_blocks: int = 1, # 块的数量,默认为1 with_scale: bool = False, # 是否使用缩放,默认为False add_identity: bool = True, # 是否添加身份连接,默认为True conv_cfg: OptConfigType = None, # 卷积配置,默认为None norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), # 归一化配置,默认为BatchNorm act_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True), # 激活函数配置,默认为SiLU init_cfg: OptMultiConfig = None) -> None: # 初始化配置,默认为None,返回None # 调用父类的初始化函数,传入各种参数 super().__init__(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, expand_ratio=expand_ratio, num_blocks=num_blocks, add_identity=add_identity, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, init_cfg=init_cfg) # 定义最终的卷积层,输入通道数为(3 + num_blocks) * self.mid_channels,输出通道数为out_channels self.final_conv = ConvModule((3 + num_blocks) * self.mid_channels, out_channels, 1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg) # 定义注意力块,输入通道数为self.mid_channels,输出通道数为self.mid_channels self.attn_block = MaxSigmoidAttnBlock(self.mid_channels, self.mid_channels, guide_channels=guide_channels, embed_channels=embed_channels, num_heads=num_heads, with_scale=with_scale, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg) # 定义一个前向传播函数,接受输入张量 x 和引导张量 guide,返回处理后的张量 def forward(self, x: Tensor, guide: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward process.""" # 使用主要卷积层处理输入张量 x x_main = self.main_conv(x) # 将处理后的张量按照通道数分割成两部分 x_main = list(x_main.split((self.mid_channels, self.mid_channels), 1)) # 对每个分割后的部分依次应用不同的块 x_main.extend(blocks(x_main[-1]) for blocks in self.blocks) # 将最后一个处理后的部分与引导张量 guide 一起传入注意力块 x_main.append(self.attn_block(x_main[-1], guide)) # 将所有处理后的部分拼接在一起,然后通过最终卷积层处理得到最终输出 return self.final_conv(torch.cat(x_main, 1)) # 注册 ImagePoolingAttentionModule 类到 MODELS 模块 @MODELS.register_module() class ImagePoolingAttentionModule(nn.Module): # 初始化函数,接受多个参数 def __init__(self, image_channels: List[int], text_channels: int, embed_channels: int, with_scale: bool = False, num_feats: int = 3, num_heads: int = 8, pool_size: int = 3): # 调用父类的初始化函数 super().__init__() # 初始化各个属性 self.text_channels = text_channels self.embed_channels = embed_channels self.num_heads = num_heads self.num_feats = num_feats self.head_channels = embed_channels // num_heads self.pool_size = pool_size # 根据 with_scale 参数决定是否添加可学习的缩放参数 if with_scale: self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([0.]), requires_grad=True) else: self.scale = 1.0 # 创建投影层,将输入的图像通道数映射到嵌入通道数 self.projections = nn.ModuleList([ ConvModule(in_channels, embed_channels, 1, act_cfg=None) for in_channels in image_channels ]) # 创建查询、键、值和投影层 self.query = nn.Sequential(nn.LayerNorm(text_channels), Linear(text_channels, embed_channels)) self.key = nn.Sequential(nn.LayerNorm(embed_channels), Linear(embed_channels, embed_channels)) self.value = nn.Sequential(nn.LayerNorm(embed_channels), Linear(embed_channels, embed_channels)) self.proj = Linear(embed_channels, text_channels) # 创建图像池化层,用于对图像特征进行池化 self.image_pools = nn.ModuleList([ nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d((pool_size, pool_size)) for _ in range(num_feats) ]) # 前向传播函数,接收文本特征和图像特征作为输入 def forward(self, text_features, image_features): # 获取 batch size B = image_features[0].shape[0] # 断言图像特征列表长度等于预定义的特征数量 assert len(image_features) == self.num_feats # 计算每个图像特征的像素块数量 num_patches = self.pool_size**2 # 对每个图像特征进行投影和池化操作,然后将结果拼接在一起 mlvl_image_features = [ pool(proj(x)).view(B, -1, num_patches) for (x, proj, pool ) in zip(image_features, self.projections, self.image_pools) ] # 将拼接后的图像特征进行维度转置 mlvl_image_features = torch.cat(mlvl_image_features, dim=-1).transpose(1, 2) # 对文本特征进行查询操作 q = self.query(text_features) # 对图像特征进行键值对操作 k = self.key(mlvl_image_features) v = self.value(mlvl_image_features) # 将查询、键、值进行维度重塑 q = q.reshape(B, -1, self.num_heads, self.head_channels) k = k.reshape(B, -1, self.num_heads, self.head_channels) v = v.reshape(B, -1, self.num_heads, self.head_channels) # 计算注意力权重 attn_weight = torch.einsum('bnmc,bkmc->bmnk', q, k) # 缩放注意力权重 attn_weight = attn_weight / (self.head_channels**0.5) # 对注意力权重进行 softmax 操作 attn_weight = F.softmax(attn_weight, dim=-1) # 根据注意力权重计算加权值 x = torch.einsum('bmnk,bkmc->bnmc', attn_weight, v) # 将加权值进行投影操作 x = self.proj(x.reshape(B, -1, self.embed_channels)) # 返回最终结果,加上文本特征并乘以缩放因子 return x * self.scale + text_features # 注册模块为VanillaSigmoidBlock,表示使用Sigmoid激活函数的注意力块 @MODELS.register_module() class VanillaSigmoidBlock(BaseModule): """Sigmoid attention block.""" def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, guide_channels: int, embed_channels: int, kernel_size: int = 3, padding: int = 1, num_heads: int = 1, use_depthwise: bool = False, with_scale: bool = False, conv_cfg: OptConfigType = None, norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), init_cfg: OptMultiConfig = None) -> None: super().__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) # 根据是否使用深度可分离卷积选择不同的卷积模块 conv = DepthwiseSeparableConvModule if use_depthwise else ConvModule # 确保输出通道数和嵌入通道数能够被头数整除 assert (out_channels % num_heads == 0 and embed_channels % num_heads == 0), \ 'out_channels and embed_channels should be divisible by num_heads.' self.num_heads = num_heads self.head_channels = out_channels // num_heads # 定义投影卷积层 self.project_conv = conv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=padding, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=None) def forward(self, x: Tensor, guide: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward process.""" # 进行投影卷积 x = self.project_conv(x) # 使用Sigmoid激活函数进行注意力加权 x = x * x.sigmoid() return x # 注册模块为EfficientCSPLayerWithTwoConv,表示使用两个卷积层的CSP层,基于Sigmoid注意力机制 @MODELS.register_module() class EfficientCSPLayerWithTwoConv(CSPLayerWithTwoConv): """Sigmoid-attention based CSP layer with two convolution layers.""" # 初始化函数,定义了一个自定义的神经网络模块 def __init__( self, in_channels: int, # 输入通道数 out_channels: int, # 输出通道数 guide_channels: int, # 引导通道数 embed_channels: int, # 嵌入通道数 num_heads: int = 1, # 多头注意力机制的头数,默认为1 expand_ratio: float = 0.5, # 扩展比例,默认为0.5 num_blocks: int = 1, # 块的数量,默认为1 with_scale: bool = False, # 是否使用缩放,默认为False add_identity: bool = True, # 是否添加身份映射,默认为True conv_cfg: OptConfigType = None, # 卷积配置,默认为None norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN', momentum=0.03, eps=0.001), # 归一化配置,默认为BatchNorm act_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='SiLU', inplace=True), # 激活函数配置,默认为SiLU init_cfg: OptMultiConfig = None) -> None: # 初始化配置,默认为None # 调用父类的初始化函数 super().__init__(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, expand_ratio=expand_ratio, num_blocks=num_blocks, add_identity=add_identity, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg, init_cfg=init_cfg) # 定义最终的卷积层 self.final_conv = ConvModule((3 + num_blocks) * self.mid_channels, out_channels, 1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg) # 定义注意力块 self.attn_block = VanillaSigmoidBlock(self.mid_channels, self.mid_channels, guide_channels=guide_channels, embed_channels=embed_channels, num_heads=num_heads, with_scale=with_scale, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg) # 定义一个前向传播函数,接受输入张量 x 和引导张量 guide,返回处理后的张量 def forward(self, x: Tensor, guide: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward process.""" # 使用主要卷积层处理输入张量 x x_main = self.main_conv(x) # 将处理后的张量按照通道数分割成两部分 x_main = list(x_main.split((self.mid_channels, self.mid_channels), 1)) # 对每个块中的处理函数对最后一个处理后的张量进行处理,并将结果添加到 x_main 中 x_main.extend(blocks(x_main[-1]) for blocks in self.blocks) # 将最后一个处理后的张量和引导张量传入注意力块中进行处理,并将结果添加到 x_main 中 x_main.append(self.attn_block(x_main[-1], guide)) # 将所有处理后的张量拼接在一起,并传入最终卷积层进行处理,返回结果 return self.final_conv(torch.cat(x_main, 1))
yolo-world 源码解析(六)(2)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1484142