【C++ 关键字 override】C++ 重写关键字override(强制编译器检查该函数是否覆盖已存在的虚函数)

简介: 【C++ 关键字 override】C++ 重写关键字override(强制编译器检查该函数是否覆盖已存在的虚函数)


C++ override关键字





This is because in C++, virtual functions are defined and overloaded in a similar way to function overloading. The definition of virtual function is made using the keyword “virtual” in the function declaration, and it can be overloaded to specify the behavior of the function. If a derived class overrides the same function in the base class, the function will become a virtual function in the derived class, and it can be called to implement the function’s functionality. If the derived class does not override the same function in the base class, the function will be considered a virtual function and cannot be directly accessed. This ensures flexibility and maintainability of the code, as well as improving its readability and understandability. Therefore, in C++, the override keyword is a very important feature that is helpful for implementing flexible type overload and abstract function.

  • 注意



  • 基类成员函数为虚函数(virtual)
  • 派生类中重写该成员函数
  • 函数签名必须完全匹配:派生类中的函数必须与基类中被重写的虚函数在函数签名上完全匹配,包括函数名、参数类型、常量性(const)和引用修饰符(&或&&)。否则,编译器将不会认为这是一个重写,而是一个新的函数。
  • 返回类型可以协变:在C++中,重写虚函数的返回类型可以是基类虚函数返回类型的子类。这被称为返回类型协变。例如,如果基类虚函数的返回类型是Base*Base&,那么派生类中重写的函数的返回类型可以是Derived*Derived&,其中DerivedBase的子类。
  • 只能重写公有和保护的虚函数:你只能重写基类中的公有和保护的虚函数。私有虚函数不能在派生类中被重写,因为它们在派生类中不可见。
  • 不能重写非虚函数override关键字只能用于重写虚函数。如果你尝试使用override关键字重写一个非虚函数,编译器会报错。
  • 不能改变虚函数的默认参数:虽然C++允许你在派生类中为重写的虚函数提供不同的默认参数,但这通常是一个坏主意,因为它可能会导致意外的行为。当你通过基类指针或引用调用虚函数时,将使用基类版本的默认参数,而不是派生类版本的默认参数。

  • A virtual member function in a base class.
  • Override the virtual member function in the derived class.
  • The function signature must match completely. The derived class function must be a completely new function that matches the signature of the virtual member function in the base class, including the function name, parameter type, const-ness, and reference modifiers (& or &&). Otherwise, the compiler will not consider it a re-implementation, but rather a new function.
  • The return type of the derived class function can be a sub-type of the return type of the base class virtual member function. For example, if the base class virtual member function is Base* or Base&, the derived class function can be a sub-type of Derived* or Derived&, where Derived is a subclass of Base.
  • You can only override public and protected virtual functions in the base class. Private virtual functions cannot be overridden in the derived class, because they are not visible in the derived class.
  • You cannot override a non-virtual member function. Although you can provide different default parameters for the overridden virtual member function in the derived class, this is usually a bad idea because it can lead to unexpected behavior. When you use a pointer or reference to call the virtual member function in the base class, it will use the base class version of the default parameter, not the derived class version.

使用override 关键字的好处

  1. 程序员的意图更清晰:通过在派生类中使用override关键字,可以清楚地表明该函数是对基类中的虚函数的重写。这使得代码更易读,更易理解。
  2. 让编译器发现一些错误:如果你标记了一个函数为override,但它并没有真正重写任何基类中的函数,编译器会报错。这可以帮助你捕获一些可能的错误,例如函数签名的误差。
  3. 提高代码的维护性:如果基类的虚函数在未来发生改变(例如参数类型或数量的改变),但是派生类中的重写函数没有相应地改变,那么使用了override关键字的函数会在编译时报错,这样可以及时发现并修复问题。
  4. 提高代码的稳定性:使用override关键字可以确保当基类的虚函数接口改变时,所有的派生类都会得到更新,否则编译器会报错。这可以防止因接口改变而导致的运行时错误。
  5. 提高代码的可读性和可理解性override关键字明确地表明了函数是重写了基类中的函数,这对于阅读和理解代码非常有帮助。

  1. Programmer’s intent is clearer: By using the override keyword in a derived class, it is clear that the function is a re-write of the virtual function in the base class. This makes the code easier to read and understand.
  2. Allows the compiler to discover some errors: If a function marked with the override keyword does not actually override any functions in the base class, the compiler will report an error. This can help you catch some potential errors, such as differences in function signatures.
  3. Improves code maintainability: If the base class virtual function interface changes in the future, but the overridden function in the derived class does not correspondingly change, then the function marked with the override keyword will report an error during compilation, which can be used to catch and fix the problem in time.
  4. Improves code stability: Using the override keyword can ensure that all derived classes will be updated when the base class virtual function interface changes, otherwise the compiler will report an error. This can prevent runtime errors caused by interface changes.
  5. Improves code readability and understandability: The use of override keyword clearly indicates that the function is a re-write of the function in the base class, which is very helpful for reading and understanding the code.

C++ override 关键字的来源





using namespace std;
class Base
    // 虚函数
  virtual void statmem()
    cout << "基类函数" << endl;
class Derived :public Base
  // override 重写
  // final 不允许后续其它类覆盖
  void statmem() override final
    cout << "派生类函数" << endl;
// 多态
int main()
  Base base;
  Derived derived;
  base.statmem(); // 基类函数
  derived.statmem(); // 派生类函数
  // 将derived的Base部分拷贝给base2
  Base base2(derived);
  base2.statmem(); // 基类函数
  // 动态绑定只有当我们通过指针或引用调用虚函数时才会发生
  // 基类调用它的派生类函数
  Base *base3 = &derived; 
  base3->statmem(); // 派生类函数
  Base *base4(&derived);
  base4->statmem(); // 派生类函数
  // 派生类调用它的基类函数
  Derived derived1;
  derived.Base::statmem(); // 基类函数
  Derived *derived2 = &derived;
  derived2->Base::statmem(); // 基类函数
  return 0;





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C++ noexcept 关键字的关键作用
`noexcept` 关键字在 C++ 中扮演着重要角色,通过正确使用 `noexcept`,可以提升程序的性能、增强代码的可读性和安全性,并且有助于编译器进行优化。在编写 C++ 代码时,应仔细考虑每个函数是否应该声明为 `noexcept`,以充分利用这一特性带来的优势。通过本文的介绍,希望开发者能够更好地理解和应用 `noexcept` 关键字,从而编写出更加高效、健壮的 C++ 程序。
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C++ `noexcept` 关键字的深入解析
`noexcept` 关键字在 C++ 中用于指示函数不会抛出异常,有助于编译器优化和提高程序的可靠性。它可以减少代码大小、提高执行效率,并增强程序的稳定性和可预测性。`noexcept` 还可以影响函数重载和模板特化的决策。使用时需谨慎,确保函数确实不会抛出异常,否则可能导致程序崩溃。通过合理使用 `noexcept`,开发者可以编写出更高效、更可靠的 C++ 代码。
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在 C++ 中,当 realloc 函数返回 NULL 时,表示内存重新分配失败,但原内存块仍然有效,因此需要手动释放原来的内存,以避免内存泄漏。
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