opensource ERD (entity relation diagram) - pgModeler for PostgreSQL

云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,通用型 2核4GB 50GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB PostgreSQL 版,标准版 2核4GB 50GB


pgModeler - PostgreSQL Database Modeler - is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more DDL commands written by hand let pgModeler do the job for you! This software reunites the concepts of entity-relationship diagrams and the features that PostgreSQL implements as extensions of SQL standards.

Please, let me know how the pgModeler is working on your system! Help to improve this project, give your feedback about the software or report any bug at Issues page. Additionaly, follow the pgModeler profile on Facebook or Twitter and be up-to-date with new features, fixes and releases.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See LICENSE for details.

pgmodeler的作者是一位巴西友人, 他的github:

特性 : 

Modeling made easy with pgModeler

Why use pgModeler? Check some reasons below.

Easy to use

Easily create and edit database models with simple and intuitive interface. The software's forms indicates which fields must be filled to provide the correct generation of SQL code.


Support to several versions

Model once and export to multiple versions. With its dynamic code generation, pgModeler is capable to export the designed models to different versions of PostgreSQL.


Built over Qt framework pgModeler can be compiled under Windows, Linux and MacOSX. The build scripts are easily configurable to resolve specifics dependencies on each system.


Plugin support

Need some functionality that does not exist yet? Feel free to implement it! Use the plugin development interface and gain access to all pgModeler's classes and functions facilitating the creation of additional features without change a single line on the core code. Check the code documentation here and start to develop your plug-in.

Open source

Get, modify and redistribute the source code without any charge. This project has a public repository that allows forks and full access to source code. Developers can create their own versions from the existing code.


Collaborative development

Developer or not you can collaborate! Give your feedback with suggestions for improvements, submit UI translations, report bugs and much more. Simply submit an issue at GitHub and let your mark on pgModeler's development history. The project needs as many as possible contributors to be improved more quickly!

Checkout the main features

... and be sure that pgModeler can be integrated to your development tool set!

Create several kind of objects with an easy interface

pgModeler supports the creation of the most basic object like a simple column as well advanced objects like user-defined languages, functions, operators and many others with easy-to-use forms.

Automatic generation of columns and constraints

With the column propagation mechanism pgModeler automatically creates columns and constraints as the user connects tables using the available relationships.

Export models in three different ways

pgModeler is capable to export the models to SQL script file, PNG image or directly to a PostgreSQL server.

Generate models from existing databases

With the reverse engineering process pgModeler can create reliable models based upon existing databases.

XML based files

As an open source tool pgModeler gives the complete access to its source code as well to the content of any generated file. All created files are XML based which means the user can handle these files in third party softwares.


Restore previous work in case of failure

In case of unexpected quit the user don't lose all your work this because pgModeler stores temporary models and will recover them in the next execution.

Model structure validation and automatic fixes

In order to avoid references/rules breaking during design time as well when exporting the model to PostgreSQL, pgModeler validates the models from time to time. This validation process creates a consistent and almost error-free model.

Customizable functionalities

With an extensive set of configurations pgModeler gives to the user the freedom to costumize the most of its behavior with an intuitive settings dialog.

Command line interface to automate export process

Automate the export process without use the GUI module with the command line version of pgModeler.

Additional features

Some other important features are: object search feature for large models, the plugin development interface, support for geospatial data types (implemented by PostGiS 2.x extension), translatable user interface and many others. More details available on Wiki pages.

demo : 
opensource ERD (entity relation diagram) - pgModeler for PostgreSQL - 德哥@Digoal - PostgreSQL research

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