nio是net io的意思 (网络io)
dio是data io的意思 (文件io)
- 1.accept线程在接受新的连接后,从对象池中取出一个任务对象,封装客户端信息,通过轮询的方式发送给对应的work线程,写入管道pipe(传输的是对象的地址),pipe是能够触发work线程中的epoll。(在接受新连接前,在work线程中就已经把pipe加入了监听)。在网络io线程中,就可以读取到新的连接任务对象,在storage_nio_init中重新绑定读写事件。
- 2.文件io线程,通过从队列中取任务,然后写入到磁盘中。
那么如何通知文件io线程呢,直接往文件处理队列(阻塞队列)中添加即可,在文件io线程中就能取到(锁和条件变量,取消阻塞)。没有直接在文件io线程中检测网络io事件,主要是为了将功能解耦合,让work线程(处理网络io)去做这件事,每个线程只做自己的事,使得逻辑清楚。 - 3.dio线程不会直接给nio线程设置各种读写事件,⽽是通过
FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_DIO_THREAD等状态 + 通过pipe通知nio线程响应storage_recv_notify_read
1.队列 (阻塞队列,锁+条件变量)
- 一些初始化工作(如创建socket对象(进行listen),等)
- 创建work线程(读写网络io)
- 创建dio线程(dataIO线程,也就是处理文件的,比如将上传的内容写入到磁盘)
- 创建accept线程(用于接受新的连接)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... sock = socketServer(g_bind_addr, g_server_port, &result);//socket、bind、listen if (sock < 0) { logCrit("exit abnormally!\n"); delete_pid_file(pidFilename); log_destroy(); return result; } ... if ((result=storage_service_init()) != 0)//storage_service初始化,包含work线程初始化(网络IO部分) { logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "storage_service_init fail, program exit!", __LINE__); g_continue_flag = false; return result; } ... if ((result=storage_dio_init()) != 0)//初始化dio线程(dataIO线程,就也是处理文件的) { logCrit("exit abnormally!\n"); log_destroy(); return result; } log_set_cache(true); bTerminateFlag = false; accept_stage = ACCEPT_STAGE_DOING; storage_accept_loop(sock);//初始化accept线程 accept_stage = ACCEPT_STAGE_DONE; ... }
void storage_accept_loop(int server_sock) { if (g_accept_threads > 1) { pthread_t tid; pthread_attr_t thread_attr; int result; int i; if ((result=init_pthread_attr(&thread_attr, g_thread_stack_size)) != 0) { logWarning("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "init_pthread_attr fail!", __LINE__); } else { for (i=1; i<g_accept_threads; i++) { if ((result=pthread_create(&tid, &thread_attr, \ accept_thread_entrance, \ (void *)(long)server_sock)) != 0)//创建accept线程 { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "create thread failed, startup threads: %d, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, i, result, STRERROR(result)); break; } } pthread_attr_destroy(&thread_attr); } } accept_thread_entrance((void *)(long)server_sock); }
其中获取任务对象是从对象池中获取,然后 将新连接的信息封装到任务对象。
static void *accept_thread_entrance(void* arg) { int server_sock; int incomesock; struct sockaddr_in inaddr; socklen_t sockaddr_len; in_addr_t client_addr; char szClientIp[IP_ADDRESS_SIZE]; long task_addr; struct fast_task_info *pTask; StorageClientInfo *pClientInfo; struct storage_nio_thread_data *pThreadData; server_sock = (long)arg; while (g_continue_flag) { sockaddr_len = sizeof(inaddr); incomesock = accept(server_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&inaddr, \ &sockaddr_len);//accept if (incomesock < 0) //error { if (!(errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "accept failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, errno, STRERROR(errno)); } continue; } client_addr = getPeerIpaddr(incomesock, \ szClientIp, IP_ADDRESS_SIZE); if (g_allow_ip_count >= 0) { if (bsearch(&client_addr, g_allow_ip_addrs, \ g_allow_ip_count, sizeof(in_addr_t), \ cmp_by_ip_addr_t) == NULL) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "ip addr %s is not allowed to access", \ __LINE__, szClientIp); close(incomesock); continue; } } if (tcpsetnonblockopt(incomesock) != 0) { close(incomesock); continue; } pTask = free_queue_pop(); // 取task对象(从对象池中取) if (pTask == NULL) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "malloc task buff fail, you should " "increase the parameter \"max_connections\" " "in storage.conf, or check your applications " "for connection leaks", __LINE__); close(incomesock); continue; } pClientInfo = (StorageClientInfo *)pTask->arg; // 封装客户端信息 pTask->event.fd = incomesock; // socket fd pClientInfo->stage = FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_INIT; // 初始化client的状态 pClientInfo->nio_thread_index = pTask->event.fd % g_work_threads;//通过轮询的方式,发送给对应的work线程 pThreadData = g_nio_thread_data + pClientInfo->nio_thread_index;//g_nio_thread_data是一个全局的信息(指针),加上一个index就可以指向,具体的线程信息 strcpy(pTask->client_ip, szClientIp); task_addr = (long)pTask; if (write(pThreadData->thread_data.pipe_fds[1], &task_addr, \ sizeof(task_addr)) != sizeof(task_addr))//写入管道 { close(incomesock); free_queue_push(pTask);//如果写入失败,就把对象重新放入对象池中 logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call write failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, errno, STRERROR(errno)); } else { int current_connections; current_connections = __sync_add_and_fetch(&g_storage_stat.connection. current_count, 1);//连接数量+1 (CAS) if (current_connections > g_storage_stat.connection.max_count) { g_storage_stat.connection.max_count = current_connections; } ++g_stat_change_count; } } return NULL; }
int storage_service_init() { ... bytes = sizeof(struct storage_nio_thread_data) * g_work_threads;//work线程默认个数是4,也可以从配置文件中读出来 g_nio_thread_data = (struct storage_nio_thread_data *)malloc(bytes); if (g_nio_thread_data == NULL) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "malloc %d bytes fail, errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, bytes, errno, STRERROR(errno)); return errno != 0 ? errno : ENOMEM; } memset(g_nio_thread_data, 0, bytes); g_storage_thread_count = 0; pDataEnd = g_nio_thread_data + g_work_threads; for (pThreadData=g_nio_thread_data; pThreadData<pDataEnd; pThreadData++) { ... if (pipe(pThreadData->thread_data.pipe_fds) != 0)//创建管道 { result = errno != 0 ? errno : EPERM; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pipe fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); break; } ... if ((result=pthread_create(&tid, &thread_attr, \ work_thread_entrance, pThreadData)) != 0)//创建work线程 { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "create thread failed, startup threads: %d, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, g_storage_thread_count, \ result, STRERROR(result)); break; } else { if ((result=pthread_mutex_lock(&g_storage_thread_lock)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } g_storage_thread_count++;//创建线程成功,因此+1 if ((result=pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_storage_thread_lock)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } } } ... }
ioevent_loop是 事件循环所在
static void *work_thread_entrance(void* arg) { int result; struct storage_nio_thread_data *pThreadData; pThreadData = (struct storage_nio_thread_data *)arg; ... // 事件循环所在 ioevent_loop(&pThreadData->thread_data, storage_recv_notify_read, task_finish_clean_up, &g_continue_flag); ioevent_destroy(&pThreadData->thread_data.ev_puller); ... return NULL; }
int ioevent_loop(struct nio_thread_data *pThreadData, IOEventCallback recv_notify_callback, TaskCleanUpCallback clean_up_callback, volatile bool *continue_flag) { int result; struct ioevent_notify_entry ev_notify; FastTimerEntry head; struct fast_task_info *task; time_t last_check_time; int count; memset(&ev_notify, 0, sizeof(ev_notify)); ev_notify.event.fd = FC_NOTIFY_READ_FD(pThreadData); // socket fd ev_notify.event.callback = recv_notify_callback; // 对应的是 storage_recv_notify_read ev_notify.thread_data = pThreadData; // 自己所属的线程 if (ioevent_attach(&pThreadData->ev_puller, pThreadData->pipe_fds[0], IOEVENT_READ, &ev_notify) != 0) // 管道添加到epoll管理 { result = errno != 0 ? errno : ENOMEM; logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "ioevent_attach fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } pThreadData->deleted_list = NULL; last_check_time = g_current_time; while (*continue_flag) { pThreadData->ev_puller.iterator.count = ioevent_poll( // 实际是调用epoll_wait &pThreadData->ev_puller); if (pThreadData->ev_puller.iterator.count > 0) { deal_ioevents(&pThreadData->ev_puller); // 真正有数据来进入该函数(执行回调函数) } else if (pThreadData->ev_puller.iterator.count < 0) { result = errno != 0 ? errno : EINVAL; if (result != EINTR) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "ioevent_poll fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } } ... } return 0; }
// 这里的socket实际是pipe void storage_recv_notify_read(int sock, short event, void *arg)// 数据服务器socket事件回调,比如说在上传文件时,接收了一部分之后,调用storage_nio_notify(pTask) { struct fast_task_info *pTask; StorageClientInfo *pClientInfo;//注意这个参数是不同的,一个是跟踪服务器参数,一个是数据服务器参数 long task_addr; // 读取task的地址 int64_t remain_bytes; int bytes; int result; while (1) // 循环读取task任务 { if ((bytes=read(sock, &task_addr, sizeof(task_addr))) < 0) // 读取task任务 { if (!(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call read failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, errno, STRERROR(errno)); } break; // 没有task可读 } else if (bytes == 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call read failed, end of file", __LINE__); break; } pTask = (struct fast_task_info *)task_addr; // 还原任务 pClientInfo = (StorageClientInfo *)pTask->arg; if (pTask->event.fd < 0) //quit flag, 这个是对应的 socket fd { return; } /* //logInfo("=====thread index: %d, pTask->event.fd=%d", \ pClientInfo->nio_thread_index, pTask->event.fd); */ if (pClientInfo->stage & FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_DIO_THREAD) { pClientInfo->stage &= ~FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_DIO_THREAD; } switch (pClientInfo->stage) { case FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_INIT: //数据服务器服务端socket接收过来的任务的pClientInfo->stage=FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_INIT result = storage_nio_init(pTask); //因此在这里在重新绑定读写事件 //每连接一个客户端,在这里都会触发这个动作 break; case FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_RECV: pTask->offset = 0; //在次接受包体时pTask->offset偏移量被重置 remain_bytes = pClientInfo->total_length - \ pClientInfo->total_offset;//任务的长度=包的总长度-包的总偏移量 if (remain_bytes > pTask->size) //总是试图将余下的自己一次接收收完 { pTask->length = pTask->size; // pTask->size 是每次最大的数据接收长度 } else { pTask->length = remain_bytes; } if (set_recv_event(pTask) == 0) { client_sock_read(pTask->event.fd, // 通过socket fd读取数据 IOEVENT_READ, pTask); // 读取数据 } result = 0; break; case FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_SEND: result = storage_send_add_event(pTask); // 数据发送 break; case FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_CLOSE: result = EIO; //close this socket break; default: logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "invalid stage: %d", __LINE__, \ pClientInfo->stage); result = EINVAL; break; } if (result != 0) { ioevent_add_to_deleted_list(pTask); // 如果出错再将对应的task加入到删除队列进行处理 } } }
static void client_sock_read(int sock, short event, void *arg) { ... while (1) { if (pClientInfo->total_length == 0) //recv header //初始时pClientInfo->total_length=0 pTask->offset=0 { recv_bytes = sizeof(TrackerHeader) - pTask->offset; } else // 至少读到了10个字节后 sizeof(TrackerHeader) { recv_bytes = pTask->length - pTask->offset; //在次接受上传文件的数据包时,因为发生storage_nio_notify(pTask) } /* logInfo("total_length=%"PRId64", recv_bytes=%d, " "pTask->length=%d, pTask->offset=%d", pClientInfo->total_length, recv_bytes, pTask->length, pTask->offset); */ bytes = recv(sock, pTask->data + pTask->offset, recv_bytes, 0); // 根据buffer情况读取数据 if (bytes < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { } else if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, recv failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, pTask->client_ip, \ errno, STRERROR(errno)); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); } return; } else if (bytes == 0) { logDebug("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, recv failed, " \ "connection disconnected.", \ __LINE__, pTask->client_ip); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); return; } if (pClientInfo->total_length == 0) //header { // 要来解析header if (pTask->offset + bytes < sizeof(TrackerHeader)) // 还没有读够 header { pTask->offset += bytes; return; } pClientInfo->total_length=buff2long(((TrackerHeader *) \ //确定包data的总长度:比如下载文件时,接收的包,就只有包的长度, 这里不包括header pTask->data)->pkg_len); if (pClientInfo->total_length < 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, pkg length: " \ "%"PRId64" < 0", \ __LINE__, pTask->client_ip, \ pClientInfo->total_length); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); return; } //包的总长度=包头+包体的长度 //设想发送的场景:包头+包体+包体+...(其中在包头里面含有多个包体的总长度) pClientInfo->total_length += sizeof(TrackerHeader); //因为默认的接收缓冲只有K,所以会分次发送, 计算出来包括header的长度 if (pClientInfo->total_length > pTask->size) { pTask->length = pTask->size; //如果包的总长大于包的分配的长度,那么任务长度等于任务分配的长度, 读到对应的数据就去触发dio } else { pTask->length = pClientInfo->total_length; //确定任务的长度 } } pTask->offset += bytes; // offset增加 if (pTask->offset >= pTask->length) //recv current pkg done //接收到当前包完成 { if (pClientInfo->total_offset + pTask->length >= \ //上次操作接收的总的偏移量+这次接收的数据长度,如果大于包的总长度,那么说明包接收完毕 pClientInfo->total_length) { /* current req recv done */ pClientInfo->stage = FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_SEND; pTask->req_count++; } if (pClientInfo->total_offset == 0) { // 说明还没有开始处理 pClientInfo->total_offset = pTask->length; //数据服务器进行处理 storage_deal_task(pTask); // 解析header 以及我们协议附加的信息 } else { pClientInfo->total_offset += pTask->length; //否则继续写文件 /* continue write to file */ storage_dio_queue_push(pTask); // 比如文件增加 } return; } } return; }
),那么看总任务的是不是都发送完了。如果总任务都发送完成了,那么就切换 接受RECV状态。
static void client_sock_write(int sock, short event, void *arg) { int bytes; struct fast_task_info *pTask; StorageClientInfo *pClientInfo; pTask = (struct fast_task_info *)arg; pClientInfo = (StorageClientInfo *)pTask->arg; if (pTask->canceled) { return; } if (event & IOEVENT_TIMEOUT) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "client ip: %s, send timeout, offset: %d, " "remain bytes: %d", __LINE__, pTask->client_ip, pTask->offset, pTask->length - pTask->offset); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); return; } if (event & IOEVENT_ERROR) { logDebug("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "client ip: %s, recv error event: %d, " "close connection", __LINE__, pTask->client_ip, event); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); return; } while (1) { fast_timer_modify(&pTask->thread_data->timer, &pTask->event.timer, g_current_time + g_fdfs_network_timeout); bytes = send(sock, pTask->data + pTask->offset, \ pTask->length - pTask->offset, 0); //printf("%08X sended %d bytes\n", (int)pTask, bytes); if (bytes < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { set_send_event(pTask); } else if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, recv failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, pTask->client_ip, \ errno, STRERROR(errno)); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); } return; } else if (bytes == 0) { logWarning("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "send failed, connection disconnected.", \ __LINE__); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); return; } pTask->offset += bytes; if (pTask->offset >= pTask->length) { if (set_recv_event(pTask) != 0) { return; } pClientInfo->total_offset += pTask->length; if (pClientInfo->total_offset>=pClientInfo->total_length) { if (pClientInfo->total_length == sizeof(TrackerHeader) && ((TrackerHeader *)pTask->data)->status == EINVAL) { logDebug("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, "\ "close conn: #%d, client ip: %s", \ __LINE__, pTask->event.fd, pTask->client_ip); task_finish_clean_up(pTask); return; } /* response done, try to recv again */ pClientInfo->total_length = 0; pClientInfo->total_offset = 0; pTask->offset = 0; pTask->length = 0; pClientInfo->stage = FDFS_STORAGE_STAGE_NIO_RECV; } else //continue to send file content { pTask->length = 0; /* continue read from file */ storage_dio_queue_push(pTask); // 继续发送数据 } return; } } }
static int storage_upload_file(struct fast_task_info *pTask, bool bAppenderFile) { StorageClientInfo *pClientInfo; StorageFileContext *pFileContext; DisconnectCleanFunc clean_func; char *p; char filename[128]; char file_ext_name[FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN + 1]; int64_t nInPackLen; int64_t file_offset; int64_t file_bytes; int crc32; int store_path_index; int result; int filename_len; pClientInfo = (StorageClientInfo *)pTask->arg; pFileContext = &(pClientInfo->file_context); // 对应一个文件上下文 nInPackLen = pClientInfo->total_length - sizeof(TrackerHeader); if (nInPackLen < 1 + FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE + FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "cmd=%d, client ip: %s, package size " \ "%"PRId64" is not correct, " \ "expect length >= %d", __LINE__, \ STORAGE_PROTO_CMD_UPLOAD_FILE, \ pTask->client_ip, nInPackLen, \ 1 + FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE + \ FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN); return EINVAL; } p = pTask->data + sizeof(TrackerHeader); // 跳过header store_path_index = *p++; // store_path_index 解析store path值 if (store_path_index == -1) // { if ((result=storage_get_storage_path_index( \ &store_path_index)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "get_storage_path_index fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", __LINE__, \ result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } } else if (store_path_index < 0 || store_path_index >= \ g_fdfs_store_paths.count) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, store_path_index: %d " \ "is invalid", __LINE__, \ pTask->client_ip, store_path_index); return EINVAL; } file_bytes = buff2long(p); // 解析处理要上传的文件大小 p += FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE; if (file_bytes < 0 || file_bytes != nInPackLen - \ (1 + FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE + \ FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN)) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, pkg length is not correct, " \ "invalid file bytes: %"PRId64 \ ", total body length: %"PRId64, \ __LINE__, pTask->client_ip, file_bytes, nInPackLen); return EINVAL; } memcpy(file_ext_name, p, FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN); *(file_ext_name + FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) = '\0'; p += FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN; if ((result=fdfs_validate_filename(file_ext_name)) != 0) // 检验扩展名 { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "client ip: %s, file_ext_name: %s " \ "is invalid!", __LINE__, \ pTask->client_ip, file_ext_name); return result; } pFileContext->calc_crc32 = true; pFileContext->calc_file_hash = g_check_file_duplicate; // 是否要检测文件唯一性 pFileContext->extra_info.upload.start_time = g_current_time; strcpy(pFileContext->extra_info.upload.file_ext_name, file_ext_name); storage_format_ext_name(file_ext_name, \ pFileContext->extra_info.upload.formatted_ext_name); pFileContext->extra_info.upload.trunk_info.path. \ store_path_index = store_path_index; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.file_type = _FILE_TYPE_REGULAR; // 常规文件 pFileContext->sync_flag = STORAGE_OP_TYPE_SOURCE_CREATE_FILE; // 创建文件 pFileContext->timestamp2log = pFileContext->extra_info.upload.start_time; // 时间戳 pFileContext->op = FDFS_STORAGE_FILE_OP_WRITE; if (bAppenderFile) { pFileContext->extra_info.upload.file_type |= \ // 是否为追加文件模式 _FILE_TYPE_APPENDER; } else { if (g_if_use_trunk_file && trunk_check_size( \ TRUNK_CALC_SIZE(file_bytes))) { pFileContext->extra_info.upload.file_type |= \ // 附加信息 _FILE_TYPE_TRUNK; // 设置为trunk文件模式 } } if (pFileContext->extra_info.upload.file_type & _FILE_TYPE_TRUNK) // trunk文件 { FDFSTrunkFullInfo *pTrunkInfo; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.if_sub_path_alloced = true; pTrunkInfo = &(pFileContext->extra_info.upload.trunk_info); if ((result=trunk_client_trunk_alloc_space( \ // TRUNK_CALC_SIZE(file_bytes) = trunk header + file size TRUNK_CALC_SIZE(file_bytes), pTrunkInfo)) != 0) { return result; } clean_func = dio_trunk_write_finish_clean_up; file_offset = TRUNK_FILE_START_OFFSET((*pTrunkInfo)); pFileContext->extra_info.upload.if_gen_filename = true; trunk_get_full_filename(pTrunkInfo, pFileContext->filename, \ sizeof(pFileContext->filename)); pFileContext->extra_info.upload.before_open_callback = \ dio_check_trunk_file_when_upload; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.before_close_callback = \ dio_write_chunk_header; pFileContext->open_flags = O_RDWR | g_extra_open_file_flags; } else { char reserved_space_str[32]; if (!storage_check_reserved_space_path(g_fdfs_store_paths.paths \ [store_path_index].total_mb, g_fdfs_store_paths.paths \ [store_path_index].free_mb - (file_bytes/FDFS_ONE_MB), \ g_avg_storage_reserved_mb)) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "no space to upload file, " "free space: %d MB is too small, file bytes: " \ "%"PRId64", reserved space: %s", \ __LINE__, g_fdfs_store_paths.paths[store_path_index].\ free_mb, file_bytes, \ fdfs_storage_reserved_space_to_string_ex( \ g_storage_reserved_space.flag, \ g_avg_storage_reserved_mb, \ g_fdfs_store_paths.paths[store_path_index]. \ total_mb, g_storage_reserved_space.rs.ratio,\ reserved_space_str)); return ENOSPC; } crc32 = rand(); *filename = '\0'; filename_len = 0; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.if_sub_path_alloced = false; if ((result=storage_get_filename(pClientInfo, \ // 获取file id pFileContext->extra_info.upload.start_time, \ file_bytes, crc32, pFileContext->extra_info.upload.\ formatted_ext_name, filename, &filename_len, \ // 生成的文件需要扩展名 pFileContext->filename)) != 0) { return result; } clean_func = dio_write_finish_clean_up; file_offset = 0; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.if_gen_filename = true; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.before_open_callback = NULL; pFileContext->extra_info.upload.before_close_callback = NULL; pFileContext->open_flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC \ | g_extra_open_file_flags; } pFileContext->continue_callback = storage_nio_notify; // 处理完毕后 return storage_write_to_file(pTask, file_offset, file_bytes, \ p - pTask->data, dio_write_file, \ storage_upload_file_done_callback, \ clean_func, store_path_index); }
int storage_dio_init() { ... for (pThreadData=g_dio_thread_data; pThreadData<pDataEnd; pThreadData++) { ... for (pContext=pThreadData->contexts; pContext<pContextEnd; \ pContext++) { if ((result=blocked_queue_init(&(pContext->queue))) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=pthread_create(&tid, &thread_attr, \ dio_thread_entrance, pContext)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "create thread failed, " \ "startup threads: %d, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, g_dio_thread_count, \ result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_dio_thread_lock); g_dio_thread_count++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_dio_thread_lock); } } } pthread_attr_destroy(&thread_attr); return result; }
static void *dio_thread_entrance(void* arg) { ... while (g_continue_flag) { while ((pTask=blocked_queue_pop(&(pContext->queue))) != NULL) { ((StorageClientInfo *)pTask->arg)->deal_func(pTask);//执行回调函数 } } ... }
int dio_write_file(struct fast_task_info *pTask) { StorageClientInfo *pClientInfo; StorageFileContext *pFileContext; int result; int write_bytes; char *pDataBuff; pClientInfo = (StorageClientInfo *)pTask->arg; pFileContext = &(pClientInfo->file_context); result = 0; do { if (pFileContext->fd < 0) { if (pFileContext->extra_info.upload.before_open_callback!=NULL) { result = pFileContext->extra_info.upload. \ before_open_callback(pTask); if (result != 0) { break; } } if ((result=dio_open_file(pFileContext)) != 0) { break; } } pDataBuff = pTask->data + pFileContext->buff_offset; // 跳过header以及附加信息, 在deal task的时候赋值的 pFileContext->buff_offset write_bytes = pTask->length - pFileContext->buff_offset; // if (fc_safe_write(pFileContext->fd, pDataBuff, write_bytes) != write_bytes) { result = errno != 0 ? errno : EIO; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "write to file: %s fail, fd=%d, write_bytes=%d, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, pFileContext->filename, \ pFileContext->fd, write_bytes, \ result, STRERROR(result)); } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_dio_thread_lock); g_storage_stat.total_file_write_count++; if (result == 0) { g_storage_stat.success_file_write_count++; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_dio_thread_lock); if (result != 0) { break; } if (pFileContext->calc_crc32) { pFileContext->crc32 = CRC32_ex(pDataBuff, write_bytes, \ pFileContext->crc32); } if (pFileContext->calc_file_hash) { if (g_file_signature_method == STORAGE_FILE_SIGNATURE_METHOD_HASH) { CALC_HASH_CODES4(pDataBuff, write_bytes, \ pFileContext->file_hash_codes) } else { my_md5_update(&pFileContext->md5_context, \ (unsigned char *)pDataBuff, write_bytes); } } /* logInfo("###dio write bytes: %d, pTask->length=%d, buff_offset=%d", \ write_bytes, pTask->length, pFileContext->buff_offset); */ pFileContext->offset += write_bytes; // 增加写入文件的字数数量 if (pFileContext->offset < pFileContext->end) // pFileContext->end实际是指文件的大小。 { pFileContext->buff_offset = 0; // 为什么设置为0?因为下一次传输的数据全部为文件内容了 pFileContext->continue_callback(pTask); // 等待下一次的继续触发,比如 storage_nio_notify } else // 文件已经写入完毕 { if (pFileContext->calc_crc32) { pFileContext->crc32 = CRC32_FINAL( \ pFileContext->crc32); } if (pFileContext->calc_file_hash) { if (g_file_signature_method == STORAGE_FILE_SIGNATURE_METHOD_HASH) { FINISH_HASH_CODES4(pFileContext->file_hash_codes) } else { my_md5_final((unsigned char *)(pFileContext-> \ file_hash_codes), &pFileContext->md5_context); } } if (pFileContext->extra_info.upload.before_close_callback != NULL) { result = pFileContext->extra_info.upload. \ before_close_callback(pTask); } /* file write done, close it */ close(pFileContext->fd); pFileContext->fd = -1; if (pFileContext->done_callback != NULL) { pFileContext->done_callback(pTask, result);// 比如 storage_upload_file_done_callback } } return 0; } while (0); pClientInfo->clean_func(pTask); if (pFileContext->done_callback != NULL) { pFileContext->done_callback(pTask, result); } return result; }