# 1.选择合适的安装库 rpm -Uvh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/5.0/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-5.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm yum clean all # 2.安装zabbix-agent2 yum install -y zabbix-agent2 # 3.启动并设置开启启动 systemctl restart zabbix-agent2 systemctl enable zabbix-agent2
2.1 docker配置
# 如果不进行docker配置 zabbix_get 无法获取数据 # zaabix_server 更无法获取数据 [root@tcloud zabbix]# zabbix_get -s -k docker.info ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED: Unsupported item key. # 1.查看docker 分组下的所有用户 grep 'docker' /etc/group # 2.创建用户组 groupadd docker # 3.将zabbix添加到用户组 usermod -aG docker zabbix # 4.重启docker服务【重启命令根据实际情况执行】 systemctl restart docker
2.2 agent2配置
● See Zabbix template operation for basic instructions.
# 1.修改配置文件 vim zabbix_agent2.conf # 服务端IP地址【根据实际情况配置】 Server= # 如果部署了agent需要修改agent2的端口号 ListenPort=20050 # 主动注册指向服务端【根据实际情况配置】 ServerActive= # 启用Docker插件 Plugins.Docker.Endpoint=unix:///run/docker.sock
● Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the Docker monitoring plugin.
● Test availability: zabbix_get -s docker-host -k docker.info
# 2.重启 agent2 服务 systemctl restart zabbix-agent2 [root@tcloud zabbix]# zabbix_get -s -k docker.info { "Architecture": "x86_64", "BridgeNfIP6tables": false, "BridgeNfIptables": false, "CPUSet": true, "CPUShares": true, "CgroupDriver": "cgroupfs", "ClusterAdvertise": "", "ClusterStore": "", "Containers": 1, "ContainersPaused": 0, "ContainersRunning": 1, "ContainersStopped": 0, "CpuCfsPeriod": true, "CpuCfsQuota": true, "Debug": false, "DefaultRuntime": "runc", "DockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker", "Driver": "overlay2", "ExperimentalBuild": false, "IPv4Forwarding": true, "Id": "L5FW:CLSE:5QRH:P2FJ:A5UO:CO4R:WLKY:2377:32QY:3IPH:ISR7:KBCV", "Images": 1, "IndexServerAddress": "https://index.docker.io/v1/", "InitBinary": "docker-init", "KernelMemory": true, "KernelMemoryTCP": true, "KernelVersion": "3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7.x86_64", "LiveRestoreEnabled": false, "LoggingDriver": "json-file", "MemTotal": 2095964160, "MemoryLimit": true, "NCPU": 1, "NEventsListener": 0, "NFd": 32, "NGoroutines": 45, "Name": "tcloud", "OSType": "linux", "OSVersion": "7", "OomKillDisable": true, "OperatingSystem": "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)", "PidsLimit": true, "SecurityOptions": [ "name=seccomp,profile=default" ], "ServerVersion": "20.10.13", "SwapLimit": true, "Warnings": [ "WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled", "WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled" ] }
使用Template App Docker