mysql having报错this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
# Use root/example as user/password credentials version: '3.1' services: db: image: mysql # NOTE: use of "mysql_native_password" is not recommended: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html#upgrade-caching-sha2-password # (this is just an example, not intended to be a production configuration) command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --lower_case_table_names=1 restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root ports: - 3306:3306 volumes: - ./my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ cd /Library/DockerCompose/ achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ docker-compose -f mysql-compose.yml up -d [+] Running 12/12 ✔ db 11 layers [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 0B/0B Pulled 34.7s ✔ 29e800056b7e Pull complete 11.7s ✔ 69da292eb326 Pull complete 11.7s ✔ 8850ef02dd58 Pull complete 11.7s ✔ 86a76caa9e20 Pull complete 11.8s ✔ 881324b10832 Pull complete 11.8s ✔ 1f5d1a8fa489 Pull complete 11.8s ✔ 5efbe9eacf59 Pull complete 25.7s ✔ 80db22f26c0f Pull complete 25.7s ✔ e5595b935c31 Pull complete 30.0s ✔ c391d4efe159 Pull complete 30.0s ✔ e5527cf2eb5f Pull complete 30.0s [+] Running 2/2 ✔ Network dockercompose_default Creat... 0.0s ✔ Container dockercompose-db-1 Starte... achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ docker-compose -f mysql-compose.yml up -d [+] Running 12/12 ✔ db 11 layers [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 0B/0B Pulled 37.6s ✔ 29e800056b7e Pull complete 9.7s ✔ 69da292eb326 Pull complete 9.8s ✔ 8850ef02dd58 Pull complete 9.8s ✔ 86a76caa9e20 Pull complete 9.9s ✔ 881324b10832 Pull complete 9.9s ✔ 1f5d1a8fa489 Pull complete 9.9s ✔ 5efbe9eacf59 Pull complete 19.8s ✔ 80db22f26c0f Pull complete 19.8s ✔ e5595b935c31 Pull complete 32.8s ✔ c391d4efe159 Pull complete 32.8s ✔ e5527cf2eb5f Pull complete 32.8s [+] Running 0/1 ⠿ Container dockercompose-db-1 Startin... 0.4s Error response from daemon: Mounts denied: The path /Library/DockerCompose/my.cnf is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker. You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> Resources -> File Sharing. See https://docs.docker.com/desktop/mac for more info. 0.6s
发现这里提示is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker.
achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8ab032076233 mysql "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 minutes ago Created dockercompose-db-1 671e95fa6e2e redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 31 hours ago Exited (0) 26 hours ago>6379/tcp some-redis achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ docker rm 8ab032076233 8ab032076233 achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ docker rmi mysql Untagged: mysql:latest Untagged: mysql@sha256:232936eb036d444045da2b87a90d48241c60b68b376caf509051cb6cffea6fdc Deleted: sha256:772571a08c67835aed7436d84973e885cc439b6cdd4dd1cc661a907d8acd3591 Deleted: sha256:433770b08a2dd41a86a333367033160b17606e5ebb2b92631ec78b4271fc6960 Deleted: sha256:b29b12491e1e17258cf08faba990bf68796bc64cbecfaaefb7589c51728dfe0b Deleted: sha256:686d2473026cd05e2b4c65f8d4d65323c20c41a1cf1f7335a0aea3470d2377fc Deleted: sha256:95835cb02d6b78021bcec36d9c34e336c9c66520d6c429d71c03091c87fb17aa Deleted: sha256:fb6fd46d33af700630b4d596a8daebc559e9af5b03050929d121b2ae96e076fc Deleted: sha256:d6f1d939e095f4854e964197f993d5827c89ad6d397cf08813e09b57be77c1cc Deleted: sha256:241384476c4f937e16d507a015ca4c2e73e50a33fd09671b00fcbc348c3d1de3 Deleted: sha256:0722bbaa4d8469983c449492605faa50beacecaae2b7543b97796b40d2fe8574 Deleted: sha256:a78744b20069e25e25a35cf6b52d1307577c35123960c8b7a91725ddd824f1bc Deleted: sha256:ad2eba511a7c8004e9b643b46974b6a9d28ba1039b8c27f6900638f260b5bd18 Deleted: sha256:901c6235ed257542c09d413355d472fcc809db93f6dbe91ddc6790a53d698d2c achaodeMacBook-Pro:DockerCompose achao$ docker-compose -f mysql-compose.yml up -d [+] Running 12/12 ✔ db 11 layers [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 0B/0B Pulled 34.5s ✔ 29e800056b7e Pull complete 9.4s ✔ 69da292eb326 Pull complete 9.4s ✔ 8850ef02dd58 Pull complete 9.4s ✔ 86a76caa9e20 Pull complete 12.4s ✔ 881324b10832 Pull complete 12.4s ✔ 1f5d1a8fa489 Pull complete 12.4s ✔ 5efbe9eacf59 Pull complete 19.8s ✔ 80db22f26c0f Pull complete 19.8s ✔ e5595b935c31 Pull complete 29.7s ✔ c391d4efe159 Pull complete 29.7s ✔ e5527cf2eb5f Pull complete 29.8s [+] Running 1/1 ✔ Container dockercompose-db-1 Started 0.4s
show global variables like '%lower_case%';