来自官方文档的 Oracle GraalVM Container Images

简介: 来自官方文档的 Oracle GraalVM Container Images


docker pull container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/jdk:17

FROM container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/jdk:17

Pulling Images

  1. To pull the container image for Oracle GraalVM JDK for a specific JDK feature version, e.g., 17, run:
  2. Copy
  3. docker pull container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/jdk:17
  4. Alternatively, to use the container image as the base image in your Dockerfile, use:
  5. Copy
  6. FROM container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/jdk:17
  7. To pull the container image for Oracle GraalVM native-image utility for a specific JDK feature version, e.g., 17, run:
  8. Copy
  9. docker pull container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/native-image:17
  10. Alternatively, to pull the container image for Oracle GraalVM native-image utility with the musl libc toolchain to create fully statically linked executables, run:
  11. Copy
  12. docker pull container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/native-image:17-muslib
  13. Alternatively, to use the container image as the base image in your Dockerfile, use:
  14. Copy
  15. FROM container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/native-image:17-muslib
  16. To verify, start the container and enter the Bash session:
  17. Copy
  18. docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash container-registry.oracle.com/graalvm/native-image:17
  19. To check the version of Oracle GraalVM and its installed location, run the env command from the Bash prompt:
  20. Copy
  21. env
  22. The output shows the environment variable JAVA_HOME pointing to the installed Oracle GraalVM version and location.
    To check the Java version, run the following command from the Bash prompt:
  23. Copy
  24. java -version
  25. The output shows the installed Oracle GraalVM Java runtime environment and version information.
    To check the native-image version, run the following command from the Bash prompt:
  26. Copy
  27. native-image --version
  28. The output shows the installed Oracle GraalVM native-image utility version information.
  29. Calling docker pull without specifying a processor architecture pulls container images for the processor architecture that matches your Docker client. To pull container images for a different platform architecture, specify the desired platform architecture with the --platform option and either linux/amd64 or linux/aarch64 as follows:
  30. Copy
  31. docker pull --platform linux/aarch64 container-registry.o



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