P1067 [NOIP2009 普及组] 多项式输出(模拟输出细节)

简介: P1067 [NOIP2009 普及组] 多项式输出(模拟输出细节)

Description of the topic

A dollar nn polyn can be represented by an expression such as:


f (x)\a_nx=a_ n-1]x=n-1]]cdos=a_1x=a_0,a_n=n=anxn=an=1xn=1=a=a=a0,=0]

Among them, the a_ix is called the secondary term, a_iai is called the coefficient of the secondary. Given the number and coefficient of a unitary polynomial item, output the polynomial as specified in the following format:

  1. The argument in the polynomial is xx, and the polynomial is given from left to right in decreasing order of number of times.
  2. The polynomial contains only items with a factor of not 00.
  3. If the polyn sub-factor is positive, the polynomial does not begin with a "plus" sign, and if the polyn nn sub-factor is negative, the polynomial begins with a "-".

For items that are not the highest, connect the item with the previous item with a "plus" sign or a "-" sign, indicating that the coefficient is positive or negative, respectively. Follow a positive integer that represents the absolute value of the coefficient (if an item is more than 00 times, the absolute value of the coefficient is 11, no output 11 is required). If the index of xx is greater than 11, the index portion that follows is "x-bxb", where bb is the index of xx, if the index of xx is 11, the index part of the index that follows is "xx", and if the index of xx is 00, only the output coefficient is required.

  1. In a polynomial, there are no extra spaces at the beginning or end of the polynomial.

Enter the format

Input common 2 lines

Line 1 integers,n, representing the number of times a single polynomial.

The second line has an integer of n-plus, where the second integer represents the coefficient of the n-i-1 term, separated by a space between each of the two integers.

The output format

The output totals 1 line, output polynomials in the format described in the title.

A sample of the input and output

Enter #1 copy

1. 5 
2. 100 -1 1 -3 0 10

Output #1 copy


Enter #2 copy

1. 3 
2. -50 0 0 1

Output #2 copy



NOIP 2009 Popularization Group First Question

For 100% of the data, 0 sle n sle 1000 ≤n≤100, -100 sle s100 ≤ coefficient sle 100≤100

  using namespace std;
  int main()
    int n,m;
    for(int i=n;i>=0;i--)
      if(abs(m)>1||i==0)cout<<m;//m的绝对值不为1和0; 直接输出m 
      if(m==-1&&i)cout<<"-";// 不是最后 一位,把1删掉 

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然后要被查找的b字符串,可能会出现第二个样例中的情况,也就是字符串a是to,而字符串b的Ottoman,这样是不符合题意的。为了 解决这个问题,我们将字符串a首尾都加一个空格,同时将字符串b首尾都加一个空格(这里是为了让字符串b的首单词和尾单词前后均有空格)为了能持续找字符串b中的所有字符串a,我们用一个while循环,如果能找到,就每次从能找到的位置的下一个位置(也就是能找到的位置下标+1)开始找,并及时更新位置,同时计数。因为不区分大小写,所以可以将两个字符串a,b都转为小写(也可以都转为大写)。
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