三明治智能合约的名称来源于它们使用的两个基本操作: sandwich 和 fork。在 sandwich 操作中,两个交易被打包进一个区块,这使得它们的状态更新。在 fork 操作中,两个交易在一个区块中被执行,然后通过区块链的分叉来使它们的状态更新。
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract SandwichContract {
address public narrator;
address public saver;
address public borrower;
struct Transaction {
uint amount;
uint timestamp;
address sender;
address receiver;
bool status;
mapping (address => Transaction[]) public transactions;
event TransactionAdded(address sender, address receiver, uint amount);
event TransactionStatusChanged(address transactionHash, bool status);
function sandwich(address sender, address receiver, uint amount) public {
Transaction memory newTransaction = Transaction({
amount: amount,
timestamp: now,
sender: sender,
receiver: receiver,
status: false
emit TransactionAdded(sender, receiver, amount);
// Wait for the next block to be mined
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
require(msg.number >= block.number + 1,"Not enough blocks have been mined yet.");
// Execute the fork operation
address[] memory transactionsToExecute = new address[](transactions[sender].length);
for (uint i = 0; i < transactions[sender].length; i++) {
transactionsToExecute[i] = transactions[sender][i].sender;
assembly {
mstore(0x0, transactionsToExecute)
mstore(0x0, newTransaction.sender) // Save the hash of the transaction to be executed
calldatacopy(0x20, 0x0, 32) // Copy the data from the transaction to be executed to memory
mstore(0x0, newTransaction.amount) // Save the amount from the transaction to be executed to memory
mstore(0x0, newBlockNumber) // Save the hash of the next block to be mined to memory
function _executeTransactions(address[] memory transactionsToExecute, address memory transactionHash, uint memory amount, uint memory newBlockNumber) internal {
for (uint i = 0; i < transactionsToExecute.length; i++) {
Transaction memory transaction = transactions[transactionsToExecute[i]][(-1 + i)];
if (transaction.sender == transactionHash && transaction.amount == amount && block.number == newBlockNumber + 1) {
transaction.status = true;
emit TransactionStatusChanged(transactionHash, true);