一说到Spring Ioc,我们很多小伙伴很本能的想到了在开发时候,我们在一个类上加上诸如@Component之类的注解,然后再在另外一个同样加着注解的类中用@Autowired之类的注解去引用就好了。那么这样子编程有什么好处呢?我们一起看看下面的代码,注意看注释部分:
package com.example.demo.article1.nothaveioc; public class TestController { private AService aService; private BService bService; private CService cService; public void doSomeThing() { // 先初始化需要的各种对象,需要使用大量set get,如果ADao,BDao,CDao也需要很多参数才能初始化的话, // 那么我们的业务逻辑很多都是这样的set get代码了,在引入设计模式之后,类和类的关系变得复杂(因为设计模式中, // 类和类的关系是和业务没有关系的),我们编程的时候必须操心这些类和类,以及对象和对象之间的关系,这让我们的编程十分痛苦 // 补充一点:维护接盘的人更痛苦,因为他还要搞明白你这些乱七八糟的关系 if (this.aService == null) { this.aService = new AService(new ADao(), new BDao(), new CDao()); } if (this.bService == null) { this.bService = new BService(new ADao(), new BDao(), new CDao()); } if (this.cService == null) { this.cService = new CService(new ADao(), new BDao(), new CDao()); } this.aService.doA(); this.bService.doB(); this.cService.doC(); } }
package com.example.demo.article1.nothaveioc; public class AService { private ADao aDao; private BDao bDao; private CDao cDao; public AService(ADao aDao, BDao bDao, CDao cDao) { this.aDao = aDao; this.bDao = bDao; this.cDao = cDao; } public void doA() { } }
BService,和CService的代码和AService的代码一样。 再看看有了Spring IOC的吧,虽然大家都知道,但是我还是贴出来:
package com.example.demo.article1.haveioc; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class TestController { @Autowired private AService aService; @Autowired private BService bService; @Autowired private CService cService; public void doSomeThing() { // 省去了各种new 和set和get,再也不需要关系那些乱七八糟的类和类的关系, // 极大程度的实现了解耦,给开发维护带来了巨大的方便 // 代码变得简单,从此可以只关注自己的业务逻辑 this.aService.doA(); this.bService.doB(); this.cService.doC(); } }
本系列文章是基于spring 4.0版本,本文中所使用的源码在这里github的这里https://github.com/BillBillLi/spring-framework-study,这是我fork的spring-framework的项目,只不过在里面都加上了我自己的注释,如果看文章里的代码块看不明白,你可以把它clone到本地,然后对着里面的代码来看,当然你应该切换到4.0.x的分支上。
public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath*:application-context.xml"); ATest aTest = applicationContext.getBean(ATest.class); aTest.doSomeThing(); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"> <!-- 一个灰常简单的xml --> <bean id="aTest" class="com.example.demo.article2.entity.ATest" name="aTest"> </bean> <bean id="bTest" class="com.example.demo.article2.entity.BTest" name="bTest"> </bean> </beans>
整个过程就是创建了一个Ioc 容器,然后根据类型获取了xml里面定义的对象而已。接下来,我们先以使用xml配置的这种场景(注解的会随后讲),来讲述下xml是怎么被加载,解析,以及如果根据解析出来的xml的信息来创建需要的对象。
1. Resource
public interface Resource extends InputStreamSource { boolean exists(); boolean isReadable(); boolean isOpen(); URL getURL() throws IOException; URI getURI() throws IOException; File getFile() throws IOException; long contentLength() throws IOException; long lastModified() throws IOException; Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException; String getFilename(); String getDescription(); }
我们可以看出来,根据资源类型的不同,Spring为我们提供了不同的实现。其中,AbstractResource是Resource的默认实现,它实现了Resource的大部分接口,这个类也是Resource体系中的重中之重,大部分的子类也是继承的它的方法。如果我们想要定义一种资源,那么一定是继承AbstractResource类,然后根据我们的资源的特点,去覆盖它的方法。 我们来看看AbstractResource的源码:
public abstract class AbstractResource implements Resource { // 文件是否存在 @Override public boolean exists() { // Try file existence: can we find the file in the file system? try { return getFile().exists(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Fall back to stream existence: can we open the stream? try { InputStream is = getInputStream(); is.close(); return true; } catch (Throwable isEx) { return false; } } } // 是否可读默认实现是总是返回true,如果我们自己定义Resource需要用到这个方法的话,覆盖它即可 @Override public boolean isReadable() { return true; } // 是否可以打开,同上,如果自定义Resource要用到,需要覆盖 @Override public boolean isOpen() { return false; } @Override public URL getURL() throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved to URL"); } @Override public URI getURI() throws IOException { URL url = getURL(); try { return ResourceUtils.toURI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new NestedIOException("Invalid URI [" + url + "]", ex); } } @Override public File getFile() throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved to absolute file path"); } // 资源大小 @Override public long contentLength() throws IOException { InputStream is = this.getInputStream(); Assert.state(is != null, "resource input stream must not be null"); try { long size = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[255]; int read; while ((read = is.read(buf)) != -1) { size += read; } return size; } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } @Override public long lastModified() throws IOException { long lastModified = getFileForLastModifiedCheck().lastModified(); if (lastModified == 0L) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved in the file system for resolving its last-modified timestamp"); } return lastModified; } protected File getFileForLastModifiedCheck() throws IOException { return getFile(); } @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot create a relative resource for " + getDescription()); } @Override public String getFilename() { return null; } @Override public String toString() { return getDescription(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj == this || (obj instanceof Resource && ((Resource) obj).getDescription().equals(getDescription()))); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getDescription().hashCode(); } }
2. ResourceLoader
public interface ResourceLoader { /** Pseudo URL prefix for loading from the class path: "classpath:" */ String CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX = ResourceUtils.CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX; Resource getResource(String location); ClassLoader getClassLoader(); }
public Resource getResource(String location) { Assert.notNull(location, "Location must not be null"); // 如果location是以"/"开头,则返回ClassPathContextResource类型的Resource, // 其实它也是ClassPathResource的子类 if (location.startsWith("/")) { return getResourceByPath(location); } // 如果location以"classpath:"开头,则返回ClassPathResource类型的resource else if (location.startsWith(CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX)) { return new ClassPathResource(location.substring(CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX.length()), getClassLoader()); } else { try { // 将location解析为一个URLResource URL url = new URL(location); return new UrlResource(url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // No URL -> resolve as resource path. return getResourceByPath(location); } } }
我们通过上面的代码可以看出来一个问题,就是如果localtion是诸如D:/abc/cde/fgh这种格式的时候,它会被解析成一个ClassPathContextResource(因为显然location不属于Url,在 URL url = new URL(location)的时候会抛MalFormedURLException),这个显然不是我们想要的,我们更希望,这个可以被解析成一个FileSystemResource。这时候,我们可以使用FileSystemResourceLoader中的getResource方法来获取,具体用法就不在这里提了。
3. ResourcePatternReslover
public interface ResourcePatternResolver extends ResourceLoader { String CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX = "classpath*:"; Resource[] getResources(String locationPattern) throws IOException; }
4. ApplicationContext和资源加载的关系
public interface ApplicationContext extends EnvironmentCapable, ListableBeanFactory, HierarchicalBeanFactory, MessageSource, ApplicationEventPublisher, ResourcePatternResolver { ······