最近 Twitter 上有一篇介绍 Google 搜索技巧的帖子,觉得非常实用,所以分享给大家,原帖子地址放在文末了。
技巧1:Use quotes to force an exact-match search
"what is javascript"
技巧2:AND operator will return only results related to both terms
AND 运算符将仅返回与这两个术语相关的结果:
html AND css
技巧3:You can use the OR operator to get the results related to one of the search terms
您可以使用 OR 运算符来获取与搜索词之一相关的结果:
(javascript OR python) free course
技巧4:The "-" operator will exclude results that contain a term or phrase
javascript -css
技巧5:You can use the (*) wildcards as placeholders, which will be replaced by any word or phrase
你可以使用 (*) 通配符作为占位符,它将被任何单词或短语替换
"how to start * in 6 months"
技巧6:Search inside a single website
技巧7:You can also use a very useful feature that helps to find a specific file type. Super useful!
你还可以使用一个非常有用的功能来帮助查找特定的文件类型。 超级好用:
filetype:pdf learn css
技巧8:Search for a range of numbers
ecmascript 2016..2018
技巧9:Use the before
operator to return only results before a given date
使用 before
javascript before:2020
技巧10:Use the after
operator to return only results after a given date
使用 after
web development after:2020