持续创作,加速成长!这是我参与「掘金日新计划 · 6 月更文挑战」的第22天,点击查看活动详情
What I Learned
接触Node.js也有十来天了,算是学点新东西。The best way to learn something new is to use it.
学习新知识最好的方式莫过于去使用它(do something),在自然语言、编程语言的习得过程中尤为如此。
- Express 4.x:
- 静态文件引用;
- 路由;
- get,set自定义属性;
- 基本事件触发、响应;服务器、客户端之间的实时通信;
- 这个功能不要太强大。。还需继续挖掘;
- 模板引擎EJS(Embedded JavaScript),较简单,跟Jekyll的Liquid语法有一拼;
- 文件上传模块formidable:
- 文件上传;
- 计算md5;
- path模块:path.join(); path.extname();
- 原生JavaScript的知识点巩固:
- DOM操作;
- Map操作;
- Date转换;
- 对象封装;
- 正则表达式;
- 最后长这样子:
- 作为应用Express 4.x与socket.io的小例子,实现文件的上传、下载;
- 前端上传进度条:显示上传进度,用div宽度模拟,比较简陋;
- 点击文件名可下载:相对上传,下载简单多了,通过response的download方法实现;
- 文件去重:在上传过程中通过formidable提供的
计算文件唯一标识,保证上传后的文件不重复; - 客户端校验:用户输入后,简单的文件名合法性校验;
Let's code
- Server Side : app.js
var express = require('express'); var path = require('path'); var app = express(); var port = 8888; // view engine setup app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); // include static files app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); // upload destination setup app.set('files', path.join(__dirname, '/public/files')); var index = require('./routes/index'); // router app.get('/upload', index.list); app.post('/upload', index.submit(app.get('files'))); app.get('/file/:id/download', index.download(app.get('files'))); var server = app.listen(port); console.log("Listening on port: " + port); var io = require('socket.io')(server); app.set('socketio', io); // store a reference to the io object, can be passed to routes
- Router - Form and File List: index.js
var formidable = require('formidable'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var fileUploaded = new Map(); // store uploaded files exports.list = function (req, res) { res.render('index', { title: "File upload", fileUploaded: fileUploaded }); }; • Router - Submit and Upload: index.js javascript exports.submit = function (dir) { return function (req, res, next) { var form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); // high level formidable API form.uploadDir = dir; // set destination form.hash = 'md5'; // use hash algorithm, we can get hash value by 'file.hash' form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) { // console.log(fields); // console.log(files); files.file.lastModifiedDate = files.file.lastModifiedDate.toLocaleString(); var f = { newName: fields.name.length == 0 ? files.file.name : fields.name + path.extname(files.file.name), file: files.file }; if (fileUploaded.has(files.file.hash)) { form.emit('aborted'); // doesn't work!? console.log('aborted'); } else { fileUploaded.set(files.file.hash, f); // add to map } fs.rename(files.file.path, path.join(form.uploadDir, files.file.name), function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } res.redirect('/upload'); console.log('Finished.'); }); }); var io = req.app.get('socketio'); // get reference to socket.io // listening progress event and send data to client form.on('progress', function (bytesReceived, bytesExpected) { var percent = Math.floor(bytesReceived / bytesExpected * 100); console.log(percent); var progress = { name: 'progress', percent: percent }; // emit event : progress io.emit('progress', progress); //notify all client, no session here }); } };
• Router - Download :index.js
exports.download = function (dir) { return function (req, res, next) { var id = req.params.id; var file = fileUploaded.get(id); var targetPath = path.join(dir, file.file.name); // second parameter can be used to specify file name res.download(targetPath, file.newName); }; };
• Layout(only part of the file): index.ejs
<table> <caption>Uploaded Files</caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Size</th> <th>Type</th> <th>DateTime</th> <!--<th>Details</th>--> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% fileUploaded.forEach(function(item, key, mapObj) { %> <tr> <td><a href='/file/<%=key%>/download'><%=item.newName%></a></td> <td><%=item.file.size%></td> <td><%=item.file.type%></td> <td><%=item.file.lastModifiedDate%></td> <!--lastModifiedDate, mtime???--> <!--<td><%=JSON.stringify(item.file)%></td>--> </tr> <%})%> </tbody> </table>
• Client Validation(only part of the file): client.js
// client validation function validateInput() { var uploadButton = document.forms[0].upload; uploadButton.onclick = function () { var file = document.forms[0].file.value; if (file.length == 0) { document.getElementById('uploadProgress').innerText = 'No file selectd!'; return false; } var name = document.forms[0].name.value; if (name.length != 0) { var invalidChars = name.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_()\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/g); // match invalid file name if (invalidChars.length != 0) { document.getElementById('uploadProgress').innerText = 'Invalid file name!'; return false; } } } } // communication between client and server using socket.io function getUploadProgressFromServer() { var socket = io.connect("http://localhost:8888"); var uploadProgress = document.getElementById("uploadProgress"); var bar = document.getElementById('bar'); socket.on("progress", function (data) { if ("progress" === data.name) { uploadProgress.innerText = data.percent + '%'; bar.style.width = data.percent / 100 * document.body.offsetWidth + 'px'; } else { console.log("There is nothing.", data); } }); }
- 为简单起见,后端触发上传进度事件时,通过broadcast方式通知所有客户端,所以当多个客户端(可用两个不同的浏览器模拟)在传文件时,会在所有的窗口内显示进度,更好的实现方式应该是使用socket.io的Session;
- 前端上传进度条、已上传文件列表的实现、样式等均比较粗糙,未使用bootstrap美化,不过作为Demo型程序,已经足够;
- 目前该程序上传的文件放在服务器指定目录下,但记录仅保存在内存中,未涉及DB;如果有兴趣,可做些扩展,将上传记录持久化至DB中,比如常用的MongoDB,MySQL,SQLite甚至SQLServer,node社区提供了各种好用的module;
- 理论上应该可以传输各种格式的文件;另外,该示例中并未限制上传文件的大小,如有需要可查阅formidable的相关文档;其实node中用于文件上传的module非常多,比较成熟、常用的有multer,formidable,multiparty等,感兴趣的话都可以用一用;
- 对重复文件上传操作:虽然能保证服务器端仅保留一份,但由于这里计算md5的方式只能等文件流获取完毕才能计算(推测),所以依然会进行上传操作,这在文件较大时……简直了!是否可先计算文件md5(采用crypto模块),对比已上传文件的md5,如果不存在,再进行上传?
- formidable的file对象,传至客户端页面(index.ejs中,已注掉),直接输出为:
{"size":102056, "path":"D:\\...\\uploadProgress\\public\\files\\upload_0dcfbb98abc3b2c7356f87f218df715b", "name":"debug.log", "type":"application/octet-stream", "mtime":"2017-04-26 20:58:08", "hash":"40f2f78bff67c9e6164aa790f9627d83"}
- 很明显,其中包含mtime(最终修改时间);然而,当通过
- 上述问题,如您知道原因,还请不吝赐教,非常感谢!
Source Code: Github
If you have any questions or any bugs are found, please feel free to contact me.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome!