软考 系统架构设计师 2009-2018年英语翻译及重点词汇(下)

简介: 软考 系统架构设计师 2009-2018年英语翻译及重点词汇



Software architecture reconstruction is an interpretive, interactive, and iterative process including many activities. Information extraction involves analyzing a system’s existing design and implementation artifacts to construct a model of it. The result is used in the following activities to construct a view of the system. The database construction activity converts the elements and relations contained in the view into a standard format for storage in a database. The view fusion activity involves defining and manipulating the information stored in database to reconcile, augment, and establish connections between the elements. Reconstruction consists of two primary activities: visualization and interaction and pattern definition and recognition. The former provides a mechanism for the user to manipulate architectural elements, and the latter provides facilities for architecture reconstruction.




Information extraction. 信息提取

elements and relations. 元素和关系

view fusion. 视图融合

visualization and interaction. 可视化与交互

pattern definition and recognition. 模式定义与识别

interpretive, interactive, and iterative process. 解释性的、动态的、迭代的的过程

involve. 涉及、包括

artifact. 构件

convert. 转换

reconcile. 协调、理顺

augment. 加强


The objective of architecture design is to determine what parts of the application software will be assigned to what hardware.The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will operate. All software systems can be divided into four basic functions. The first is data storage. Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved,whether a small file,such as a memo produced by a word processor,or a large database,such as one that stores an organization’s accounting records. The second function is the data access logic,the processing required to access data,which often means database queries in Structured Query Language. The third function is the application logic,which is the logic documented in the DFDs,use cases,and functional requirements.The fourth function is the presentation logic,the display of information to the user and the acceptance of the user’s commands.The three primary hardware components of a system are clients,servers,and network.




architecture design. 架构设计

data storage. 数据存储

data access logic. 数据访问逻辑

application logic. 应用逻辑

clients,servers,and network. 客户机、服务器和网络

allocate. 分配


The objective of architecture design is to determine what parts of the application software will be assigned to what hardware. The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will operate. All software systems can be divided into four basic functions. The first is data storage.Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved, whether a small file,such as a memo produced by a word processor, or a large database, such as one that stores an organization’s accounting records.The second function is the data access logic,the processing required to access data, which often means database queries in Structured Query Language. The third function is the application logic,which is the logic documented in the DFDs, use cases,and functional requirements.The fourth function is the presentation logic,the display of information to the user and the acceptance of the user’s commands.The three primary hardware components of a system are clients,servers,and network.




architecture design. 架构设计

data storage. 数据存储

data access logic. 数据访问逻辑

application logic. 应用逻辑

clients,servers,and network. 客户机、服务器和网络

allocate. 分配


The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants.

The first step is to refine the nonfunctional requirements into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a client-server architecture, one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier,or n-tier architecture.

Then the requirements and the architecture design are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture.Operational requirements specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. Performance requirements focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time,capacity,and reliability. Security requirements are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used.


架构设计指定了将要使用的软件和硬件的总体架构和布局。 架构设计是一个非常复杂的过程,往往留给经验丰富的架构设计师和顾问。


然后使用需求和体系结构设计来开发硬件和软件规范。 有四种主要的非功能需求类型可能在设计架构时非常重要。操作需求指定系统必须执行的操作环境以及这些操作环境如何随时间变化。 性能需求注重非功能性需求是特定于系统将被使用的国家。


nonfunctional requirements. 非功能需求

client-server architecture. 客户端-服务器架构

operational requirements. 操作需求

performance requirements. 性能需求

security requirements. 安全需求

specify. 指定

specification. 规范

specific. 特定的


Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design.There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application.Master files store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information . Audit files contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities. Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. Legacy database is given to those databases which are based on older, sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . Hierarchical database are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers. In relational database, referential integrity can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.




specifically. 具体地

存储 边缘计算 Cloud Native
398 3
调度 数据库 uml
架构师 NoSQL 大数据
207 1
网络协议 安全 中间件
系统架构设计师【第2章】: 计算机系统基础知识 (核心总结)
310 4
消息中间件 架构师 Cloud Native
197 0
存储 数据采集 数据挖掘
随着5G、大数据、人工智能、物联网等技术的不断成熟,各行各业的业务场景日益复杂,企业数据呈现出大规模、多样性的特点,特别是非结构化数据呈现出爆发式增长趋势。在这一背景下,企业数据管理不再局限于传统的结构化OLTP(On-Line Transaction Processing)数据交易过程,而是提出了多样化、异质性数据的实时处理要求。传统的数据湖(Data Lake)在事务一致性及实时处理方面有所欠缺,而数据仓库(Data Warehouse)也无法应对高并发、多数据类型的处理。因此,支持事务一致性、提供高并发实时处理及分析能力的湖仓一体(Lake House)架构应运而生。湖仓一体架构在成本、
175 2
存储 消息中间件 API
396 4
Java 数据库连接 API
195 0
边缘计算 Cloud Native IDE
企业应用集成(Enterprise Application Integration, EAI)是每个企业都必须要面对的实际问题。面向服务的企业应用集成是一种基于面向服务体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)的新型企业应用集成技术,强调将企业和组织内部的资源和业务功能暴露为服务,实现资源共享和系统之间的互操作性,并支持快速地将新的应用以服务的形式加入到已有的集成环境中,增强企业IT环境的灵活性。
168 0
运维 监控 Cloud Native
485 0

