A Lightweight and Accurate Recognition Framework for Signs of X-ray Weld Images

简介: 在质量检测行业中,x射线图像是保证设备安全的常用手段。x射线焊缝图像标识识别在制造业数字化溯源系统中起着至关重要的作用。焊缝图像中物体的尺度差异较大,难以实现理想的识别。

A Lightweight and Accurate Recognition Framework for Signs of X-ray Weld Images


简介:本文提出了一种高性能的轻量级焊接图像手势识别框架,将GRNet和GYNet连接起来完成整个任务。其中基于组卷积的ResNet (GRNet)用于交叉标记分类,Greater-YOLO网络(GYNet)用于焊缝信息识别。



X-ray images are commonly used to ensure the security of devices in quality in- spection industry. The recognition of signs printed on X-ray weld images plays an essential role in digital traceability system of manufacturing industry.the scales of objects vary different greatly in weld images, and it hinders us to achieve satisfactory recognition.


In this paper, we propose a signs recognition framework based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for weld images.The proposed framework firstly contains a shallow classification network for correct- ing the pose of images. Moreover, we present a novel spatial and channel enhance- ment (SCE) module to address the above scale problem.This module can inte- grate multi-scale features and adaptively assign weights for each feature source.


Based on SCE module, a narrow network is designed for final weld information recognition.


To enhance the practicability of our framework, we carefully design the architecture of framework with a few parameters and computations.


1. Introduction

However, since size distribution of weld infor- mation is consistent and single, the features at one scale are often more important than at other scales, so it is crucial to assign weights for different feature sources at weld information recognition task.


Our framework is compact and high-performant, consisting of two CNNs, i.e., Group convolution-based ResNet (GRNet) for crossmark classification and Greater-YOLO network (GYNet) for weld information recognition.

我们的框架紧凑、高性能,由两个cnn组成,即用于交叉标记分类的基于组卷积的ResNet (GRNet)和用于焊缝信息识别的Greater-YOLO网络(GYNet)。

3. Method

GRNet for cross mark classification and GYNet for weld information recognition.


The architecture of our framework is represented in Fig. 2. GRNet is a lightweight yet effective clas- sifier with only 14 convolution (Conv) layers. GYNet is a compressed but high- performing network designed by a few number of channels on high-level layers.



3.1. GRNet for Cross Mark Classification

However, the pose of these digital images is random and casual in actual production. Thus we need to classify the direction mark, i,e, the cross mark at first, and then adjust image to correct pose. A compact and efficient classifi- cation network can redirect faster, improving the overall efficiency of recognition framework.


ResNet is still room for further optimization in terms of the number of layers and internal modules.To achieve this goal, we propose a novel GRNet.


The backbone of our GRNet has 9 modules with only 14 Conv layers, and its architecture is shown in Table 2.



To further cut down the parameters and model size of GRNet, we use group convolution to replace all 3×3 normal convolution.


In this paper, we define the g as the greatest common divisor of input and output channel numbers. If the dimensions of input and output are the same, the number of parameters in normal convolution is g times that of group convolution.


3.2. GYNet for Weld Information Recognition

Channel weighted block is a type of attention mechanism method. It can learn the relationship between different channels and obtain the weight of each channel.



Channel weighted block is an adaptive adjuster whose function is to learn the importance of each channel information, and further can show which scale feature is more significant.


when the sizes of recognized objects are similar, there is only one scale that is essential for final prediction theoretically.


channel weighted block is designed to weight different scale adaptively during network learning, and more significant channel, in other words, more meaningful scale feature would be assigned more weight.


Overall, the proposed SCE module improves the contextual representation ability of feature maps through integrating more information sources, and fur- ther weight them adaptively based on their importance.


GYNet has the same numbers of Conv and MaxPool layer compared with Tiny-YOLO v3.More narrow model can decrease the parameters and FLOPs more directly.

与Tiny-YOLO v3相比,GYNet具有相同的Conv和MaxPool层数。更窄的模型可以更直接地降低参数和跳跃


we strictly limit the number of channels in each layer. this design strategy makes network bring few burden on computation device.


We embed SCE module at the tail of backbone to ensure it process more meaningful information, and make the enhanced features closer to the output layer for more accurate recognition results.


4. Experiments

We use the flip and minor operation to augment our dataset for obtaining a more robust network.


Cross mark classification dataset has four classes to represent the direction of images.


For the recognition subtask, we resize the whole image to 416×416 pixels for adapting to the normal input size of YOLO.


5 .Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a high-performing lightweight framework for signs recognition of weld images, in which GRNet and GYNet are connected to com- plete whole task.



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