forward()函数即可变形卷积的前向代码,bottom_blobs是可变形卷积的输入,当bottom_blobs里有3个输入时,分别是inputs、offset、mask,表示是DCNv2,当bottom_blobs里有2个输入时,分别是inputs、offset,表示是DCNv1。接下来的代码,我计算了out_h、out_w,即输出特征图的高度和宽度。接下来是对输出张量output开辟空间,获取可变形卷积层的权重、偏置的指针weight_ptr、bias_ptr。最后进入for循环。第1个for循环表示的是卷积窗在h方向滑动,滑了out_h次。第2个for循环表示的是卷积窗在w方向滑动,滑了out_w次;之后计算的h_in、w_in分别表示当前卷积窗位置左上角采样点在pad之后的inputs的y坐标、x坐标(实际上inputs不需要pad,之后你会看到,采样点超出inputs的范围时,采样得到的像素强制取0)。第3个for循环表示的是填写输出特征图的每一个通道,填了num_output次;首先让sum=0,当使用偏置时,sum=bias_ptr[oc],即第oc个偏置。第4、第5、第6个for循环遍历了卷积核的高度、宽度、通道数,计算卷积层权重weight每个卷积采样点每个通道和原图inputs相应位置的像素val(双线性插值得到)和积,再累加到sum中。offset_h、offset_w是当前卷积采样点的y、x偏移,mask_是双线性插值得到的val的重要程度。真正采样位置的y坐标是h_im = 当前卷积窗左上角y坐标h_in + 卷积核内部y偏移i * dilation_h + y偏移offset_h;真正采样位置的x坐标是w_im = 当前卷积窗左上角x坐标w_in + 卷积核内部x偏移j * dilation_w + x偏移offset_w。之后,计算好双线性插值中h_im、w_im上下取整的结果h_low、w_low、h_high、w_high,双线性插值中4个像素的权重w1、w2、w3、w4等。注意,不要在for (int c_im = 0; c_im < in_c; c_im++){}中计算,因为在每一个输入通道中,采样位置h_im、w_im是相等的,所以h_low、w_low、h_high、w_high、w1、w2、w3、w4也是相等的,提前计算好就不用在每个输入通道重复计算,提高计算速度和算法效率。第6个for循环中,遍历每个输入通道,求采样得到像素val,如果采样位置超出inputs的范围,取0;对比cond和v1_cond、v2_cond、v3_cond、v4_cond,会发现cond的边界会比v1_cond、v2_cond、v3_cond、v4_cond的边界大一点,比如当h_im==-1且w_im==-1时, cond是true。这是因为,h_im和w_im会经过上下取整,其中上取整得到的采样点位置是(0, 0),刚好是在inputs范围内,所以cond的边界会比v1_cond、v2_cond、v3_cond、v4_cond的边界大一点。计算好val之后,将val * mask_ * weight_ptr[((oc * in_c + c_im) * kernel_h + i) * kernel_w + j]累加到sum之中。
PPYOLOv2输出解码比YOLOv3复杂一些,它使用了iou_aware和Grid Sensitive。在YOLOv3中,输出3个特征图,表示3种感受野(大中小)的预测结果,每个特征图的每个格子输出3个bbox,对应3个聚类出来的anchor进行解码。当数据集类别数是80时候,YOLOv3每个特征图通道数是3 * (4+1+80),3表示每个格子输出3个bbox,4表示未解码的xywh,1表示未解码的objness,80表示80个类别未解码的条件概率。PPYOLOv2使用了iou_aware,每个特征图通道数是3 * (1+4+1+80),即每个bbox多出1个ioup属性。共有258个通道,但是前3个通道才是每个bbox的ioup,后255个通道和YOLOv3的排列一样。通过阅读IouAwareLoss的代码,ioup使用F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits()训练,解码时需要用sigmoid()激活,使用当前预测框和它所学习的gt的iou作为监督信息,所以ioup其实预测的是当前预测框和它所学习的gt的iou。所以,当然是希望ioup越大越好。在mmdet(ppdet)中,用了1条曲线救国的道路对输出解码:
# mmdet/models/heads/
if self.iou_aware: na = len(self.anchors[i]) ioup, x = out[:, 0:na, :, :], out[:, na:, :, :] b, c, h, w = x.shape no = c // na x = x.reshape((b, na, no, h * w)) ioup = ioup.reshape((b, na, 1, h * w)) obj = x[:, :, 4:5, :] ioup = torch.sigmoid(ioup) obj = torch.sigmoid(obj) obj_t = (obj**(1 - self.iou_aware_factor)) * ( ioup**self.iou_aware_factor) obj_t = _de_sigmoid(obj_t) loc_t = x[:, :, :4, :] cls_t = x[:, :, 5:, :] y_t =[loc_t, obj_t, cls_t], 2) out = y_t.reshape((b, c, h, w)) box, score = paddle_yolo_box(out, self._anchors[self.anchor_masks[i]], self.downsample[i], self.num_classes, self.scale_x_y, im_size, self.clip_bbox, conf_thresh=self.nms_cfg['score_threshold'])
即分别对ioup和obj进行sigmoid激活,再obj_t = (obj ** (1 - self.iou_aware_factor)) * (ioup ** self.iou_aware_factor)作为新的obj,新的obj经过sigmoid的反函数还原成未接码状态,未接码的新obj贴回x中。最后out的通道数是255,只要像原版YOLOv3那样解码out就行了。
从中我们可以得到一些信息,ioup只不过是和obj经过表达式obj_t = (obj ** (1 - self.iou_aware_factor)) * (ioup ** self.iou_aware_factor)得到新的obj,其余只要像YOLOv3一样解码就ok了!
// examples/test2_06_ppyolo_ncnn.cpp ... class PPYOLODecodeMatrixNMS : public ncnn::Layer { public: PPYOLODecodeMatrixNMS() { // miemie2013: if num of input tensors > 1 or num of output tensors > 1, you must set one_blob_only = false // And ncnn will use forward(const std::vector<Mat>& bottom_blobs, std::vector<Mat>& top_blobs, const Option& opt) method // or forward_inplace(std::vector<Mat>& bottom_top_blobs, const Option& opt) method one_blob_only = false; support_inplace = false; } virtual int load_param(const ncnn::ParamDict& pd) { num_classes = pd.get(0, 80); anchors = pd.get(1, ncnn::Mat()); strides = pd.get(2, ncnn::Mat()); scale_x_y = pd.get(3, 1.f); iou_aware_factor = pd.get(4, 0.5f); score_threshold = pd.get(5, 0.1f); anchor_per_stride = pd.get(6, 3); post_threshold = pd.get(7, 0.1f); nms_top_k = pd.get(8, 500); keep_top_k = pd.get(9, 100); kernel = pd.get(10, 0); gaussian_sigma = pd.get(11, 2.f); return 0; } virtual int forward(const std::vector<ncnn::Mat>& bottom_blobs, std::vector<ncnn::Mat>& top_blobs, const ncnn::Option& opt) const { const ncnn::Mat& bottom_blob = bottom_blobs[0]; const int tensor_num = bottom_blobs.size() - 1; const size_t elemsize = bottom_blob.elemsize; const ncnn::Mat& im_scale = bottom_blobs[tensor_num]; const float scale_x = im_scale[0]; const float scale_y = im_scale[1]; int out_num = 0; for (size_t b = 0; b < tensor_num; b++) { const ncnn::Mat& tensor = bottom_blobs[b]; const int w = tensor.w; const int h = tensor.h; out_num += anchor_per_stride * h * w; } ncnn::Mat bboxes; bboxes.create(4 * out_num, elemsize, opt.blob_allocator); if (bboxes.empty()) return -100; ncnn::Mat scores; scores.create(num_classes * out_num, elemsize, opt.blob_allocator); if (scores.empty()) return -100; float* bboxes_ptr = bboxes; float* scores_ptr = scores; // decode for (size_t b = 0; b < tensor_num; b++) { const ncnn::Mat& tensor = bottom_blobs[b]; const int w = tensor.w; const int h = tensor.h; const int c = tensor.c; const bool use_iou_aware = (c == anchor_per_stride * (num_classes + 6)); const int channel_stride = use_iou_aware ? (c / anchor_per_stride) - 1 : (c / anchor_per_stride); const int cx_pos = use_iou_aware ? anchor_per_stride : 0; const int cy_pos = use_iou_aware ? anchor_per_stride + 1 : 1; const int w_pos = use_iou_aware ? anchor_per_stride + 2 : 2; const int h_pos = use_iou_aware ? anchor_per_stride + 3 : 3; const int obj_pos = use_iou_aware ? anchor_per_stride + 4 : 4; const int cls_pos = use_iou_aware ? anchor_per_stride + 5 : 5; float stride = strides[b]; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(opt.num_threads) for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < anchor_per_stride; k++) { float obj = + k * channel_stride).row(i)[j]; obj = static_cast<float>(1.f / (1.f + expf(-obj))); if (use_iou_aware) { float ioup =[j]; ioup = static_cast<float>(1.f / (1.f + expf(-ioup))); obj = static_cast<float>(pow(obj, 1.f - iou_aware_factor) * pow(ioup, iou_aware_factor)); } if (obj > score_threshold) { // Grid Sensitive float cx = static_cast<float>(scale_x_y / (1.f + expf( + k * channel_stride).row(i)[j])) + j - (scale_x_y - 1.f) * 0.5f); float cy = static_cast<float>(scale_x_y / (1.f + expf( + k * channel_stride).row(i)[j])) + i - (scale_x_y - 1.f) * 0.5f); cx *= stride; cy *= stride; float dw = static_cast<float>(expf( + k * channel_stride).row(i)[j]) * anchors[(b * anchor_per_stride + k) * 2]); float dh = static_cast<float>(expf( + k * channel_stride).row(i)[j]) * anchors[(b * anchor_per_stride + k) * 2 + 1]); float x0 = cx - dw * 0.5f; float y0 = cy - dh * 0.5f; float x1 = cx + dw * 0.5f; float y1 = cy + dh * 0.5f; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4] = x0 / scale_x; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4 + 1] = y0 / scale_y; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4 + 2] = x1 / scale_x; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4 + 3] = y1 / scale_y; for (int r = 0; r < num_classes; r++) { float score = static_cast<float>(obj / (1.f + expf( + k * channel_stride + r).row(i)[j]))); scores_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * num_classes + r] = score; } }else { bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4] = 0.f; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4 + 1] = 0.f; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4 + 2] = 1.f; bboxes_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * 4 + 3] = 1.f; for (int r = 0; r < num_classes; r++) { scores_ptr[((i * w + j) * anchor_per_stride + k) * num_classes + r] = -1.f; } } } } } bboxes_ptr += h * w * anchor_per_stride * 4; scores_ptr += h * w * anchor_per_stride * num_classes; }
只要在obj那里动手脚,其余像YOLOv3那样解码就行了,而且,只对obj > score_threshold的bbox解码,其余bbox敷衍处理,提升后处理速度。Grid Sensitive的提出是为了解决训练过程中gt中心点落在格子线上的问题,它允许解码后的x、y超出0~1的范围一点点。