量化合约系统开发部署需要具备以下技能: 1. 编程语言:需要熟练掌握至少一种编程语言,如Python、C++等。 2. 数据分析:需要具备数据分析的能力,能够对市场数据进行分析和处理,从而制定交易策略。 3. 金融知识:需要了解金融市场的基本知识,如股票、期货、期权等。 4. 交易系统设计:需要设计和开发交易系统,包括交易策略、交易规则、交易接口等。 5. 风险控制:需要具备风险控制的能力,能够对交易风险进行评估和控制。 6. 系统优化:需要对系统进行优化,提高交易效率和稳定性。 总之,量化合约系统开发需要综合运用编程、数据分析、金融知识和风险控制等多方面的技能,才能够开发出高效、稳定的量化交易系统。
Deployer API deployer对象提供了方法用于简化智能合约的部署。deployer.deploy(contract, args…, options)参数contract为使用artifacts.require引用的智能合约对象。参数args...为智能合约的构造函数的参数,用于初始化智能合约。参数options用于指定from,gas及overwrite等信息,overwrite用于重新部署某个已经完成部署的智能合约,默认的options参数在bottle.js文件中配置
// Deploy a single contract without constructor arguments
// Deploy a single contract with constructor arguments
deployer.deploy(A, arg1, arg2, ...);
// Don't deploy this contract if it has already been deployed
deployer.deploy(A, {overwrite: false});
// Set a maximum amount of gas and from
address for the deployment
deployer.deploy(A, {gas: 4612388, from: "0x...."});
// External dependency example:
// For this example, our dependency provides an address when we're deploying to the
// live network, but not for any other networks like testing and development.
// When we're deploying to the live network we want it to use that address, but in
// testing and development we need to deploy a version of our own. Instead of writing
// a bunch of conditionals, we can simply use the overwrite
deployer.deploy(SomeDependency, {overwrite: false});
var ERC20 = artifacts.require("../contracts/Erc20.c")
module.exports = function (deployer, a) {
deployer.deploy(ERC20, "1000000", "bitcoin", "BTC").then(function (instance) {
deploy = instance;
return deploy.GetTotalSupply()
}).then(function (totalSupply) {
console.log("totalSupply", totalSupply.toString());
return deploy.GetDecimals();
}).then(function (decimals) {
console.log("decimals", decimals.toString());
return deploy.GetTokenName();
}).then(function (tokenName) {
console.log("tokenName", tokenName);
return deploy.GetAmount("0x122369f04f32269598789998de33e3d56e2c507a")
}).then(function (balance) {
console.log("balance", balance.toString());