Metaverse is a virtual world constructed by humans using digital technology,mapped or transcended by the real world,and can interact with the real world.It is a digital living space with a new social system.
The"meta universe"itself is not a new technology,but rather integrates a large number of existing technologies,including 5G,cloud computing,artificial intelligence,virtual reality,blockchain,the Internet of Things,human-computer interaction,and so on.
pragma solidity=0.5.16;
contract UniswapV2Pair is IUniswapV2Pair,UniswapV2ERC20{
using SafeMath for uint;
using UQ112x112 for uint224;
uint public constant MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY=10**3;
bytes4 private constant SELECTOR=bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)')));
address public factory;
address public token0;
address public token1;
uint112 private reserve0;//uses single storage slot,accessible via getReserves
uint112 private reserve1;//uses single storage slot,accessible via getReserves
uint32 private blockTimestampLast;//uses single storage slot,accessible via getReserves
uint public price0CumulativeLast;
uint public price1CumulativeLast;
Smart contracts are fully functional,flexible and controllable programs that can be invoked on distributed ledgers,with the advantages of transparency,trustworthiness,automatic execution,and mandatory performance.When it is deployed to a distributed ledger,the code of the program is transparent.