#每日播报# 8月6日 Github 热门项目汇总


这是一份来自美国的网友利用 Github 的 API 获取的每日 Github 上热门项目列表,该网友每天都会发布更新列表。下面是 8月6日的热门项目列表:


  • ChristianKienle/Core-Data-Editor: Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data. Core Data Editor is compatible with Mac and iOS applications and supports XML, SQLite and binary stores, visualizes all relationships and is able to edit the data and generate Objective-C code for the data model.
  • JonasGessner/JGProgressHUD: 简单但强大的 iOS 进度指示
  • Flipboard/FLEX: iOS 的应用内调试工具
  • illyabusigin/CYRKeyboardButton: A drop-in keyboard button that mimics the look, feel, and functionality of the native iOS keyboard buttons
  • VAlexander/Chameleon: 轻量级但强大的扁平色彩框架
  • AgileBits/onepassword-app-extension: 1Password Extension for iOS Apps
  • a1anyip/AYVibrantButton: A stylish button with iOS 8 vibrancy effect
  • AFNetworking/AFNetworking: 非常优秀的 iOS 和 OS X 网络框架
  • nopshusang/SACalendar: Easy to use and customizable iOS 7 Calendar
  • taruntyagi697/ClearTextLabel: UILabel subclass that renders see through text using CoreText, textColor is clearColor.
  • johnno1962/GitDiff: Highlights deltas against git repo in Xcode
  • marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge: An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
  • mmorey/MDMCoreData: A collection of lightweight Core Data classes for iOS and OS X.
  • matteogobbi/MGFashionMenuView: View with an awesome animation when it is shown/hidden
  • realm/realm-cocoa: Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables
  • jwilling/JNWCollectionView: Customizable and performant collection view for the Mac.
  • path/FastImageCache: iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
  • bfeher/BFPaperButton: iOS Buttons inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
  • jmascia/KLCPopup: A simple and flexible class for presenting custom views as a popup in iOS.
  • bfeher/BFPaperTableViewCell: A subclass of UITableViewCell for iOS inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
  • RestKit/RestKit: RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X
  • magicalpanda/MagicalRecord: Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1!
  • samturner/lights-out: Automatically change the OS X Yosemite theme based on the time of day
  • BradLarson/GPUImage: An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
  • Squirrel/Squirrel.Mac: :shipit: Cocoa framework for updating OS X apps :shipit:


  • siddontang/ledisdb: 高性能的 NoSQL 服务器
  • funny/link: A simple golang network library for packet based persistent connection communication.
  • fatih/structure: Utilities for Go structs
  • limetext/lime: 体验版的 Sublime Text 克隆
  • google/btree:
  • docker/docker: Docker - 开源应用容器引擎
  • flynn/flynn: A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS)
  • hashicorp/terraform: Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently.
  • GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes: Container Cluster Manager
  • coreos/etcd: A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
  • go-martini/martini: Go 语言的 Web 框架
  • astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang: A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
  • revel/revel: A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language.
  • syncthing/syncthing: 开源持续文件同步
  • coreos/fleet: A Distributed init System
  • influxdb/influxdb: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
  • google/cayley: An open-source graph database
  • dropbox/godropbox: Common libraries for writing Go services/applications.
  • astaxie/beego: beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
  • inconshreveable/ngrok: Introspected tunnels to localhost
  • codegangsta/cli: A small package for building command line apps in Go
  • tobyhede/go-underscore: Helpfully Functional Go - A useful collection of Go utilities. Designed for programmer happiness.
  • takama/daemon: A daemon package for use with Go (golang) services
  • packetbeat/packetbeat: Open Source 应用监控
  • codegangsta/negroni: Idiomatic HTTP Middleware for Golang
  • javascript
  • eduardolundgren/tracking.js: A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
  • lmccart/p5.js: A JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing.
  • kesenhoo/android-training-course-in-chinese: Google Android官方培训课程中文版
  • julianshapiro/blast: Blast text apart to make it manipulable.
  • mbostock/d3: A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
  • angular/angular.js: HTML enhanced for web apps
  • geddski/overmind: Easy module isolation and lazy loading for Angular apps
  • mapbox/mapbox-gl-js: JavaScript library for WebGL-based client-side vector maps
  • mitro-co/mitro: Repository for all Mitro client & server code
  • facebook/immutable-js: Immutable Data Collections for Javascript
  • gulpjs/gulp: The streaming build system
  • urbanairship/tessera: A dashboard front-end for graphite.
  • moment/moment: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
  • driftyco/ionic: Advanced HTML5 Mobile App Framework. A beautiful front-end framework for developing hybrid mobile apps in HTML5. Best friends with AngularJS.
  • mrdoob/three.js: JavaScript 3D library.
  • facebook/react: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's declarative, efficient, and extremely flexible. What's more, it works with the libraries and frameworks that you already know.
  • facebook/flux: Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces
  • joyent/node: evented I/O for v8 javascript
  • strongloop/express: Sinatra inspired web development framework for node.js -- insanely fast, flexible, and simple
  • nnnick/Chart.js: Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag
  • angular/material: Material design for Angular
  • feimosi/baguetteBox.js: Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript
  • julianshapiro/velocity: Accelerated JavaScript animation.
  • audreyt/ethercalc: Node.js port of Multi-user SocialCalc
  • meteor/meteor: Meteor, an ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework.
开发工具 git 开发者
2024最简七步完成 将本地项目提交到github仓库方法
2024最简七步完成 将本地项目提交到github仓库方法
开发工具 git
184 69
编解码 Oracle Java
本文宣布了一个名为"JavaLearnNote"的新GitHub项目,该项目旨在帮助Java开发者深入理解和掌握从Java 9到Java 17的每个版本的关键新特性,并通过实战演示、社区支持和持续更新来促进学习。
130 3
存储 安全 Java
152 1
Java系列之 解决 项目 jar 包无法上传到Github
Java系列之 解决 项目 jar 包无法上传到Github
数据采集 编解码 算法
Github | 推荐一个Python脚本集合项目
Github | 推荐一个Python脚本集合项目
131 5
Rust 前端开发 JavaScript
Github 2024-05-20 开源项目周报 Top15
根据Github Trendings的统计,2024年5月20日当周共有15个项目上榜。按开发语言分类,项目数量如下:Python项目5个,TypeScript项目3个,C++项目2个,Jupyter Notebook项目2个,C、Go、Rust和C#项目各1个。介绍了多个值得关注的项目,包括ChatGPT桌面应用程序、Fooocus图像生成软件、Jellyfin媒体系统等。这些项目涵盖了多种功能和技术领域,值得关注和研究。
104 3
SQL JavaScript 前端开发
Github 2024-08-05 开源项目周报 Top15
根据 Github Trendings 的统计,本周(2024年8月5日统计)共有15个项目上榜。以下是根据开发语言汇总的项目数量: - Go 项目:4个 - JavaScript 项目:3个 - Python 项目:3个 - Java 项目:2个 - TypeScript 项目:2个 - C 项目:1个 - Shell 项目:1个 - Dockerfile 项目:1个 - 非开发语言项目:1个
209 2
人工智能 Rust JavaScript
Github 2024-08-26 开源项目周报Top15
根据Github Trendings的统计,本周共有15个项目上榜。以下是按开发语言汇总的项目数量:Python项目8个,TypeScript、C++ 和 Rust 项目各2个,Jupyter Notebook、Shell、Swift 和 Dart 项目各1个。其中,RustDesk 是一款用 Rust 编写的开源远程桌面软件,可作为 TeamViewer 的替代品;Whisper 是一个通用的语音识别模型,基于大规模音频数据集训练而成;初学者的生成式人工智能(第2版)则是由微软提供的18门课程,教授构建生成式AI应用所需的知识。
188 1
Rust Dart 前端开发
Github 2024-08-19 开源项目周报Top15
根据Github Trendings的统计,本周(2024年8月19日统计)共有15个项目上榜。按开发语言分类,上榜项目数量如下:Python项目最多,有7项;其次是JavaScript和TypeScript,各有3项;Dart有2项;HTML、PowerShell、Clojure和C++各1项。此外,还介绍了多个热门项目,包括Bootstrap 5、RustDesk、ComfyUI、易采集、Penpot等,涵盖了Web开发、远程桌面、自动化测试、设计工具等多个领域。
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