IPDAE: Improved Patch-Based Deep Autoencoder for Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression


IPDAE: Improved Patch-Based Deep Autoencoder for Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression

机器学习/深度学习 算法
算法 数据挖掘
文献解读-Consistency and reproducibility of large panel next-generation sequencing: Multi-laboratory assessment of somatic mutation detection on reference materials with mismatch repair and proofreading deficiency
Consistency and reproducibility of large panel next-generation sequencing: Multi-laboratory assessment of somatic mutation detection on reference materials with mismatch repair and proofreading deficiency,大panel二代测序的一致性和重复性:对具有错配修复和校对缺陷的参考物质进行体细胞突变检测的多实验室评估
31 6
文献解读-Consistency and reproducibility of large panel next-generation sequencing: Multi-laboratory assessment of somatic mutation detection on reference materials with mismatch repair and proofreading deficiency
算法 BI 计算机视觉
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