- 我们先安装好swooole拓展,执行
php --ri swoole
确保可以看到swoole拓展最版本为4.4.3 - 建立一个目录,名为
,执行composer require easyswoole/easyswoole=3.x
引入easyswoole - 执行
php vendor/bin/easyswoole install
根目录下的 composer.json 文件,加入"App\\": "App/"
{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "App\\\": "App/" } }, "require": { "easyswoole/easyswoole": "3.x" }}
Test 项目部署目录 ├─App 应用目录 │ ├─HttpController 控制器目录(需要自己创建) ├─Log 日志文件目录(启动后创建) ├─Temp 临时文件目录(启动后创建) ├─vendor 第三方类库目录 ├─composer.json Composer架构 ├─composer.lock Composer锁定 ├─EasySwooleEvent.php 框架全局事件 ├─easyswoole 框架管理脚本 ├─easyswoole.install 框架安装锁定文件 ├─dev.php 开发配置文件 ├─produce.php 生产配置文件
composer dumpautoload
我们在dev.php 配置文件中,加入以下配置信息,注意:请跟进自己的mysql服务器信息填写账户密码。
'MYSQL' => \[ 'host' => '', 'port' => 3300, 'user' => '', 'password' => '', 'database' => '', 'timeout' => 5, 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', \]
composer require easyswoole/mysqli
composer require easyswoole/mysqli-pool
<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: yf * Date: 2018/5/28 * Time: 下午6:33 */namespace EasySwoole\\EasySwoole;use EasySwoole\\Component\\Timer;use EasySwoole\\EasySwoole\\Swoole\\EventRegister;use EasySwoole\\EasySwoole\\AbstractInterface\\Event;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Request;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Response;class EasySwooleEvent implements Event{ public static function initialize() { // TODO: Implement initialize() method. date\_default\_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); $configData = Config::getInstance()->getConf('MYSQL'); $config = new \\EasySwoole\\Mysqli\\Config($configData); $poolConf = \\EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql::getInstance()->register('mysql', $config); $poolConf->setMaxObjectNum(20); } public static function mainServerCreate(EventRegister $register) { } public static function onRequest(Request $request, Response $response): bool { // TODO: Implement onRequest() method. return true; } public static function afterRequest(Request $request, Response $response): void { // TODO: Implement afterAction() method. }}
<?phpnamespace App\\Model;use EasySwoole\\Mysqli\\Mysqli;class BaseModel{ protected $db; protected $table; function __construct(Mysqli $connection) { $this->db = $connection; } function getDbConnection():Mysqli { return $this->db; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getTable() { return $this->table; }}
CREATE TABLE \`admin_list\` ( \`adminId\` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \`adminName\` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, \`adminAccount\` varchar(18) DEFAULT NULL, \`adminPassword\` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, \`adminSession\` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, \`adminLastLoginTime\` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, \`adminLastLoginIp\` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (\`adminId\`), UNIQUE KEY \`adminAccount\` (\`adminAccount\`), KEY \`adminSession\` (\`adminSession\`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO \`admin_list\` VALUES ('1', '仙士可', 'xsk', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', '', '1566279458', '');
新增 App/Model/Admin/AdminBean.php
<?phpnamespace App\\Model\\Admin;/** * Class AdminBean * Create With Automatic Generator * @property int adminId | * @property string adminName | * @property string adminAccount | * @property string adminPassword | * @property string adminSession | * @property int adminLastLoginTime | * @property string adminLastLoginIp | */class AdminBean extends \\EasySwoole\\Spl\\SplBean{ protected $adminId; protected $adminName; protected $adminAccount; protected $adminPassword; protected $adminSession; protected $adminLastLoginTime; protected $adminLastLoginIp; public function setAdminId($adminId) { $this->adminId = $adminId; } public function getAdminId() { return $this->adminId; } public function setAdminName($adminName) { $this->adminName = $adminName; } public function getAdminName() { return $this->adminName; } public function setAdminAccount($adminAccount) { $this->adminAccount = $adminAccount; } public function getAdminAccount() { return $this->adminAccount; } public function setAdminPassword($adminPassword) { $this->adminPassword = $adminPassword; } public function getAdminPassword() { return $this->adminPassword; } public function setAdminSession($adminSession) { $this->adminSession = $adminSession; } public function getAdminSession() { return $this->adminSession; } public function setAdminLastLoginTime($adminLastLoginTime) { $this->adminLastLoginTime = $adminLastLoginTime; } public function getAdminLastLoginTime() { return $this->adminLastLoginTime; } public function setAdminLastLoginIp($adminLastLoginIp) { $this->adminLastLoginIp = $adminLastLoginIp; } public function getAdminLastLoginIp() { return $this->adminLastLoginIp; }}
新增 App/Model/Admin/AdminModel.php
<?phpnamespace App\\Model\\Admin;/** * Class AdminModel * Create With Automatic Generator */class AdminModel extends \\App\\Model\\BaseModel{ protected $table = 'admin_list'; protected $primaryKey = 'adminId'; /** * @getAll * @keyword adminName * @param int page 1 * @param string keyword * @param int pageSize 10 * @return array\[total,list\] */ public function getAll(int $page = 1, string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array { if (!empty($keyword)) { $this->getDbConnection()->where('adminAccount', '%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'); } $list = $this->getDbConnection() ->withTotalCount() ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC') ->get($this->table, \[$pageSize * ($page - 1), $pageSize\]); $total = $this->getDbConnection()->getTotalCount(); return \['total' => $total, 'list' => $list\]; } /** * 默认根据主键(adminId)进行搜索 * @getOne * @param AdminBean $bean * @return AdminBean */ public function getOne(AdminBean $bean): ?AdminBean { $info = $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getAdminId())->getOne($this->table); if (empty($info)) { return null; } return new AdminBean($info); } /** * 默认根据bean数据进行插入数据 * @add * @param AdminBean $bean * @return bool */ public function add(AdminBean $bean): bool { return $this->getDbConnection()->insert($this->table, $bean->toArray(null, $bean::FILTER\_NOT\_NULL)); } /** * 默认根据主键(adminId)进行删除 * @delete * @param AdminBean $bean * @return bool */ public function delete(AdminBean $bean): bool { return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getAdminId())->delete($this->table); } /** * 默认根据主键(adminId)进行更新 * @delete * @param AdminBean $bean * @param array $data * @return bool */ public function update(AdminBean $bean, array $data): bool { if (empty($data)) { return false; } return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getAdminId())->update($this->table, $data); } /* * 登录成功后请返回更新后的bean */ function login(AdminBean $userBean): ?AdminBean { $user = $this->getDbConnection() ->where('adminAccount', $userBean->getAdminAccount()) ->where('adminPassword', $userBean->getAdminPassword()) ->getOne($this->table); if (empty($user)) { return null; } return new AdminBean($user); } /* * 以account进行查询 */ function accountExist(AdminBean $userBean): ?AdminBean { $user = $this->getDbConnection() ->where('adminAccount', $userBean->getAdminAccount()) ->getOne($this->table); if (empty($user)) { return null; } return new AdminBean($user); } function getOneBySession($session) { $user = $this->getDbConnection() ->where('adminSession', $session) ->getOne($this->table); if (empty($user)) { return null; } return new AdminBean($user); } function logout(AdminBean $bean){ $update = \[ 'adminSession'=>'', \]; return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getAdminId())->update($this->table, $update); }}
CREATE TABLE \`user_list\` ( \`userId\` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \`userName\` varchar(32) NOT NULL, \`userAccount\` varchar(18) NOT NULL, \`userPassword\` varchar(32) NOT NULL, \`phone\` varchar(18) NOT NULL, \`addTime\` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, \`lastLoginIp\` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, \`lastLoginTime\` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, \`userSession\` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, \`state\` tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL, \`money\` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '用户余额', \`frozenMoney\` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '冻结余额', PRIMARY KEY (\`userId\`), UNIQUE KEY \`pk_userAccount\` (\`userAccount\`), KEY \`userSession\` (\`userSession\`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
在 App/Model/User/UserBean.php
<?phpnamespace App\\Model\\User;/** * Class UserBean * Create With Automatic Generator * @property int userId | * @property string userName | * @property string userAccount | * @property string userPassword | * @property string phone | * @property string money | * @property int addTime | * @property string lastLoginIp | * @property int lastLoginTime | * @property string userSession | * @property int state | */class UserBean extends \\EasySwoole\\Spl\\SplBean{ protected $userId; protected $userName; protected $userAccount; protected $userPassword; protected $userAvatar; protected $phone; protected $money; protected $frozenMoney; protected $addTime; protected $lastLoginIp; protected $lastLoginTime; protected $userSession; protected $state; const STATE_PROHIBIT = 0;//禁用状态 const STATE_NORMAL = 1;//正常状态 public function setUserId($userId) { $this->userId = $userId; } public function getUserId() { return $this->userId; } public function setUserName($userName) { $this->userName = $userName; } public function getUserName() { return $this->userName; } public function setUserAccount($userAccount) { $this->userAccount = $userAccount; } public function getUserAccount() { return $this->userAccount; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getUserAvatar() { return $this->userAvatar; } /** * @param mixed $userAvatar */ public function setUserAvatar($userAvatar): void { $this->userAvatar = $userAvatar; } public function setUserPassword($userPassword) { $this->userPassword = $userPassword; } public function getUserPassword() { return $this->userPassword; } public function setPhone($phone) { $this->phone = $phone; } public function getPhone() { return $this->phone; } public function setMoney($money) { $this->money = $money; } public function getMoney() { return $this->money; } public function setAddTime($addTime) { $this->addTime = $addTime; } public function getAddTime() { return $this->addTime; } public function setLastLoginIp($lastLoginIp) { $this->lastLoginIp = $lastLoginIp; } public function getLastLoginIp() { return $this->lastLoginIp; } public function setLastLoginTime($lastLoginTime) { $this->lastLoginTime = $lastLoginTime; } public function getLastLoginTime() { return $this->lastLoginTime; } public function setUserSession($userSession) { $this->userSession = $userSession; } public function getUserSession() { return $this->userSession; } public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getFrozenMoney() { return $this->frozenMoney; } /** * @param mixed $frozenMoney */ public function setFrozenMoney($frozenMoney) { $this->frozenMoney = $frozenMoney; }}
新增 App/Model/User/UserModel.php
<?phpnamespace App\\Model\\User;/** * Class UserModel * Create With Automatic Generator */class UserModel extends \\App\\Model\\BaseModel{ protected $table = 'user_list'; protected $primaryKey = 'userId'; /** * @getAll * @keyword userName * @param int page 1 * @param string keyword * @param int pageSize 10 * @return array\[total,list\] */ public function getAll(int $page = 1, string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array { if (!empty($keyword)) { $this->getDbConnection()->where('userAccount', '%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'); } $list = $this->getDbConnection() ->withTotalCount() ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC') ->get($this->table, \[$pageSize * ($page - 1), $pageSize\]); $total = $this->getDbConnection()->getTotalCount(); return \['total' => $total, 'list' => $list\]; } /** * 默认根据主键(userId)进行搜索 * @getOne * @param UserBean $bean * @return UserBean */ public function getOne(UserBean $bean,$field='*'): ?UserBean { $info = $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getUserId())->getOne($this->table,$field); if (empty($info)) { return null; } return new UserBean($info); } public function getOneByPhone($phone,$field='*'): ?UserBean { $info = $this->getDbConnection()->where('phone', $phone)->getOne($this->table,$field); if (empty($info)) { return null; } return new UserBean($info); } /** * 默认根据bean数据进行插入数据 * @add * @param UserBean $bean * @return bool */ public function add(UserBean $bean): bool { return $this->getDbConnection()->insert($this->table, $bean->toArray(null, $bean::FILTER\_NOT\_NULL)); } /** * 默认根据主键(userId)进行删除 * @delete * @param UserBean $bean * @return bool */ public function delete(UserBean $bean): bool { return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getUserId())->delete($this->table); } /** * 默认根据主键(userId)进行更新 * @delete * @param UserBean $bean * @param array $data * @return bool */ public function update(UserBean $bean, array $data): bool { if (empty($data)){ return false; } return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getUserId())->update($this->table, $data); } /* * 登录成功后请返回更新后的bean */ function login(UserBean $userBean): ?UserBean { $user = $this->getDbConnection() ->where('userAccount', $userBean->getUserAccount()) ->where('userPassword', $userBean->getUserPassword()) ->getOne($this->table); if (empty($user)) { return null; } return new UserBean($user); } function getOneBySession($session) { $user = $this->getDbConnection() ->where('userSession', $session) ->getOne($this->table); if (empty($user)) { return null; } return new UserBean($user); } function logout(UserBean $bean){ $update = \[ 'userSession'=>'', \]; return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getUserId())->update($this->table, $update); }}
CREATE TABLE \`banner_list\` ( \`bannerId\` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \`bannerName\` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, \`bannerImg\` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'banner图片', \`bannerDescription\` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, \`bannerUrl\` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '跳转地址', \`state\` tinyint(3) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态0隐藏 1正常', PRIMARY KEY (\`bannerId\`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
新增 App/Model/Admin/BannerBean.php
<?phpnamespace App\\Model\\Admin;/** * Class BannerBean * Create With Automatic Generator * @property int bannerId | * @property string bannerImg | banner图片 * @property string bannerUrl | 跳转地址 * @property int state | 状态0隐藏 1正常 */class BannerBean extends \\EasySwoole\\Spl\\SplBean{ protected $bannerId; protected $bannerImg; protected $bannerUrl; protected $bannerName; protected $bannerDescription; protected $state; public function setBannerId($bannerId) { $this->bannerId = $bannerId; } public function getBannerId() { return $this->bannerId; } public function setBannerImg($bannerImg) { $this->bannerImg = $bannerImg; } public function getBannerImg() { return $this->bannerImg; } public function setBannerUrl($bannerUrl) { $this->bannerUrl = $bannerUrl; } public function getBannerUrl() { return $this->bannerUrl; } public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getBannerName() { return $this->bannerName; } /** * @param mixed $bannerName */ public function setBannerName($bannerName): void { $this->bannerName = $bannerName; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getBannerDescription() { return $this->bannerDescription; } /** * @param mixed $bannerDescription */ public function setBannerDescription($bannerDescription): void { $this->bannerDescription = $bannerDescription; }}
新增 App/Model/Admin/BannerModel.php
<?phpnamespace App\\Model\\Admin;/** * Class BannerModel * Create With Automatic Generator */class BannerModel extends \\App\\Model\\BaseModel{ protected $table = 'banner_list'; protected $primaryKey = 'bannerId'; /** * @getAll * @keyword bannerUrl * @param int page 1 * @param string keyword * @param int pageSize 10 * @return array\[total,list\] */ public function getAll(int $page = 1, string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array { if (!empty($keyword)) { $this->getDbConnection()->where('bannerUrl', '%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'); } $list = $this->getDbConnection() ->withTotalCount() ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC') ->get($this->table, \[$pageSize * ($page - 1), $pageSize\]); $total = $this->getDbConnection()->getTotalCount(); return \['total' => $total, 'list' => $list\]; } /** * getAllByState * @param int $page * @param int|null $state * @param string|null $keyword * @param int $pageSize * @return array * @throws \\EasySwoole\\Mysqli\\Exceptions\\ConnectFail * @throws \\EasySwoole\\Mysqli\\Exceptions\\Option * @throws \\EasySwoole\\Mysqli\\Exceptions\\OrderByFail * @throws \\EasySwoole\\Mysqli\\Exceptions\\PrepareQueryFail * @author Tioncico * Time: 15:13 */ public function getAllByState(int $page = 1, ?int $state = null, string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array { if (!empty($keyword)) { $this->getDbConnection()->where('bannerUrl', '%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'); } if ($state!==null) { $this->getDbConnection()->where('state', $state); } $list = $this->getDbConnection() ->withTotalCount() ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC') ->get($this->table, \[$pageSize * ($page - 1), $pageSize\]); $total = $this->getDbConnection()->getTotalCount(); return \['total' => $total, 'list' => $list\]; } /** * 默认根据主键(bannerId)进行搜索 * @getOne * @param BannerBean $bean * @return BannerBean */ public function getOne(BannerBean $bean): ?BannerBean { $info = $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getBannerId())->getOne($this->table); if (empty($info)) { return null; } return new BannerBean($info); } /** * 默认根据bean数据进行插入数据 * @add * @param BannerBean $bean * @return bool */ public function add(BannerBean $bean): bool { return $this->getDbConnection()->insert($this->table, $bean->toArray(null, $bean::FILTER\_NOT\_NULL)); } /** * 默认根据主键(bannerId)进行删除 * @delete * @param BannerBean $bean * @return bool */ public function delete(BannerBean $bean): bool { return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getBannerId())->delete($this->table); } /** * 默认根据主键(bannerId)进行更新 * @delete * @param BannerBean $bean * @param array $data * @return bool */ public function update(BannerBean $bean, array $data): bool { if (empty($data)){ return false; } return $this->getDbConnection()->where($this->primaryKey, $bean->getBannerId())->update($this->table, $data); }}
新增 App/Httpcontroller/Api/ApiBase.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api;use EasySwoole\\EasySwoole\\Core;use EasySwoole\\EasySwoole\\ServerManager;use EasySwoole\\EasySwoole\\Trigger;use EasySwoole\\Http\\AbstractInterface\\Controller;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;abstract class ApiBase extends Controller{ function index() { // TODO: Implement index() method. $this->actionNotFound('index'); } protected function actionNotFound(?string $action): void { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_NOT\_FOUND); } function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool { if (!parent::onRequest($action)) { return false; }; /* * 各个action的参数校验 */ $v = $this->getValidateRule($action); if ($v && !$this->validate($v)) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \['errorCode' => 1, 'data' => \[\]\], $v->getError()->__toString()); return false; } return true; } abstract protected function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate; protected function onException(\\Throwable $throwable): void { Trigger::getInstance()->throwable($throwable); $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_INTERNAL\_SERVER_ERROR, null, $throwable->getMessage() . " at file {$throwable->getFile()} line {$throwable->getLine()}"); } /** * 获取用户的get/post的一个值,可设定默认值 * input * @param $key * @param null $default * @return array|mixed|null * @author Tioncico * Time: 17:27 */ protected function input($key, $default = null) { $value = $this->request()->getRequestParam($key); return $value ?? $default; } /** * 获取用户的真实IP * @param string $headerName 代理服务器传递的标头名称 * @return string */ protected function clientRealIP($headerName = 'x-real-ip') { $server = ServerManager::getInstance()->getSwooleServer(); $client = $server->getClientInfo($this->request()->getSwooleRequest()->fd); $clientAddress = $client\['remote_ip'\]; $xri = $this->request()->getHeader($headerName); $xff = $this->request()->getHeader('x-forwarded-for'); if ($clientAddress === '') { if (!empty($xri)) { // 如果有xri 则判定为前端有NGINX等代理 $clientAddress = $xri\[0\]; } elseif (!empty($xff)) { // 如果不存在xri 则继续判断xff $list = explode(',', $xff\[0\]); if (isset($list\[0\])) $clientAddress = $list\[0\]; } } return $clientAddress; }}
新增 App/Httpcontroller/Api/Common/CommonBase.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\Common;use App\\HttpController\\Api\\ApiBase;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class CommonBase extends ApiBase{ function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool { if (parent::onRequest($action)) { return true; } return false; } protected function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { return null; // TODO: Implement getValidateRule() method. }}
新增 App/HttpController/Api/Common/Banner.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\Common;use App\\Model\\Admin\\BannerBean;use App\\Model\\Admin\\BannerModel;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class Banner extends CommonBase{ public function getOne() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam(); $model = new BannerModel($db); $bean = $model->getOne(new BannerBean(\['bannerId' => $param\['bannerId'\]\])); if ($bean) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $bean, "success"); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \[\], 'fail'); } } public function getAll() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam(); $page = $param\['page'\]??1; $limit = $param\['limit'\]??20; $model = new BannerModel($db); $data = $model->getAllByState($page, 1,$param\['keyword'\]??null, $limit); $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $data, 'success'); } function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { $validate = null; switch ($action) { case 'getAll': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('page', '页数')->optional(); $validate->addColumn('limit', 'limit')->optional(); $validate->addColumn('keyword', '关键词')->optional(); break; case 'getOne': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('bannerId', '主键id')->required()->lengthMax(11); break; } return $validate; }}
测试链接: 需要有数据才能看到具体输出
新增 App/HttpController/Api/Admin/AdminBase.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\Admin;use App\\HttpController\\Api\\ApiBase;use App\\Model\\Admin\\AdminBean;use App\\Model\\Admin\\AdminModel;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class AdminBase extends ApiBase{ protected $who; //session的cookie头 protected $sessionKey = 'adminSession'; //白名单 protected $whiteList = \['login'\]; function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool { if (parent::onRequest($action)) { //白名单判断 if (in_array($action, $this->whiteList)) { return true; } //获取登入信息 if (!$this->getWho()) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '登入已过期'); return false; } return true; } return false; } function getWho(): ?AdminBean { if ($this->who instanceof AdminBean) { return $this->who; } $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey); if (empty($sessionKey)) { $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams($this->sessionKey); } if (empty($sessionKey)) { return null; } $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $adminModel = new AdminModel($db); $this->who = $adminModel->getOneBySession($sessionKey); return $this->who; } protected function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { return null; // TODO: Implement getValidateRule() method. }}
新增 App/HttpController/Api/Admin/Auth.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\Admin;use App\\Model\\Admin\\AdminBean;use App\\Model\\Admin\\AdminModel;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql;use EasySwoole\\Spl\\SplBean;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class Auth extends AdminBase{ protected $whiteList=\['login'\]; function login() { $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam(); $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $model = new AdminModel($db); $bean = new AdminBean(); $bean->setAdminAccount($param\['account'\]); $bean->setAdminPassword(md5($param\['password'\])); if ($rs = $model->login($bean)) { $bean->restore(\['adminId' => $rs->getAdminId()\]); $sessionHash = md5(time() . $rs->getAdminId()); $model->update($bean, \[ 'adminLastLoginTime' => time(), 'adminLastLoginIp' => $this->clientRealIP(), 'adminSession' => $sessionHash \]); $rs = $rs->toArray(null, SplBean::FILTER\_NOT\_NULL); unset($rs\['adminPassword'\]); $rs\['adminSession'\] = $sessionHash; $this->response()->setCookie('adminSession', $sessionHash, time() + 3600, '/'); $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, '', '密码错误'); } } function logout() { $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey); if (empty($sessionKey)) { $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams('adminSession'); } if (empty($sessionKey)) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '尚未登入'); return false; } $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $adminModel = new AdminModel($db); $result = $adminModel->logout($this->getWho()); if ($result) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, '', "登出成功"); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', 'fail'); } } function getInfo() { $this->writeJson(200, $this->getWho(), 'success'); } protected function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { $validate = null; switch ($action) { case 'login': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('account')->required()->lengthMax(32); $validate->addColumn('password')->required()->lengthMax(32); break; case 'logout': break; } return $validate; }}
请求127.0.0.1:9501/Api/Admin/Auth/login?account=xsk&password=123456 即可返回:
{ "code": 200, "result": { "adminId": 1, "adminName": "仙士可", "adminAccount": "xsk", "adminSession": "d45de0cd6dd91122db4bd7e976c7deb8", "adminLastLoginTime": 1566279458, "adminLastLoginIp": "" }, "msg": null }
新增 App/httpController/Api/Admin/User.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\Admin;use App\\Model\\User\\UserBean;use App\\Model\\User\\UserModel;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class User extends AdminBase{ function getAll() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $page = (int)$this->input('page', 1); $limit = (int)$this->input('limit', 20); $model = new UserModel($db); $data = $model->getAll($page, $this->input('keyword'), $limit); $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $data, 'success'); } function getOne() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam(); $data\['userId'\] = intval($param\['userId'\]); $model = new UserModel($db); $rs = $model->getOne(new UserBean($data)); if ($rs) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, "success"); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \[\], 'fail'); } } function add() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam(); $model = new UserModel($db); $bean = new UserBean($param); $bean->setUserPassword(md5($param\['userPassword'\])); $bean->setState($this->input('state',1)); $bean->setMoney(0); $bean->setAddTime(time()); $rs = $model->add($bean); if ($rs) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, "success"); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \[\], $db->getLastError()); } } function update() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $model = new UserModel($db); $userInfo = $model->getOne( new UserBean(\['userId' => $this->input('userId')\])); if (!$userInfo){ $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \[\], '未找到该会员'); } $password = $this->input('userPassword'); $updateBean = new UserBean(); $updateBean->setUserName($this->input('userName',$userInfo->getUserName())); $updateBean->setUserPassword($password?md5($password):$userInfo->getUserPassword()); $updateBean->setState($this->input('state',$userInfo->getState())); $updateBean->setPhone($this->input('phone',$userInfo->getPhone())); $rs = $model->update($userInfo, $updateBean->toArray(\[\], $updateBean::FILTER\_NOT\_EMPTY)); if ($rs) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, "success"); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \[\], $db->getLastError()); } } function delete() { $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam(); $model = new UserModel($db); $bean = new UserBean(\['userId' => intval($param\['userId'\])\]); $rs = $model->delete($bean); if ($rs) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, "success"); } else { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE\_BAD\_REQUEST, \[\], '删除失败'); } } function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { $validate = null; switch ($action) { case 'getAll': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('page','页数')->optional(); $validate->addColumn('limit','limit')->optional(); $validate->addColumn('keyword','关键词')->optional(); break; case 'getOne': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('userId', '会员id')->required()->lengthMax(11); break; case 'add': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('userName', '会员名')->required()->lengthMax(18); $validate->addColumn('userAccount', '会员账号')->required()->lengthMax(32); $validate->addColumn('userPassword', '会员密码')->required()->lengthMax(18); $validate->addColumn('phone', '手机号')->optional()->lengthMax(18); $validate->addColumn('state', '状态')->optional()->inArray(\[0,1\]); break; case 'update': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('userId', '会员id')->required()->lengthMax(11); $validate->addColumn('userName', '会员名')->optional()->lengthMax(18); $validate->addColumn('userPassword', '会员密码')->optional()->lengthMax(18); $validate->addColumn('phone', '手机号')->optional()->lengthMax(18); $validate->addColumn('state', '状态')->optional()->inArray(\[0,1\]); break; case 'delete': $validate = new Validate(); $validate->addColumn('userId', '会员id')->required()->lengthMax(11); break; } return $validate; }}
新增 App/HttpController/Api/User/UserBase.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\User;use App\\HttpController\\Api\\ApiBase;use App\\Model\\User\\UserBean;use App\\Model\\User\\UserModel;use App\\Utility\\Pool\\MysqlPool;use App\\Utility\\Pool\\RedisPool;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql;use EasySwoole\\Spl\\SplBean;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class UserBase extends ApiBase{ protected $who; //session的cookie头 protected $sessionKey = 'userSession'; //白名单 protected $whiteList = \['login', 'register'\]; function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool { if (parent::onRequest($action)) { //白名单判断 if (in_array($action, $this->whiteList)) { return true; } //获取登入信息 if (!$data = $this->getWho()) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '登入已过期'); return false; } //刷新cookie存活 $this->response()->setCookie($this->sessionKey, $data->getUserSession(), time() + 3600, '/'); return true; } return false; } function getWho(): ?UserBean { if ($this->who instanceof UserBean) { return $this->who; } $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey); if (empty($sessionKey)) { $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams($this->sessionKey); } if (empty($sessionKey)) { return null; } $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $userModel = new UserModel($db); $this->who = $userModel->getOneBySession($sessionKey); return $this->who; } protected function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { return null; // TODO: Implement getValidateRule() method. }}
新增 App/HttpController/Api/User/Auth.php
<?phpnamespace App\\HttpController\\Api\\User;use App\\HttpController\\Api\\ApiBase;use App\\Model\\User\\UserBean;use App\\Model\\User\\UserModel;use App\\Utility\\Pool\\MysqlPool;use App\\Utility\\Pool\\RedisPool;use EasySwoole\\Http\\Message\\Status;use EasySwoole\\MysqliPool\\Mysql;use EasySwoole\\Spl\\SplBean;use EasySwoole\\Validate\\Validate;class UserBase extends ApiBase{ protected $who; //session的cookie头 protected $sessionKey = 'userSession'; //白名单 protected $whiteList = \['login', 'register'\]; function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool { if (parent::onRequest($action)) { //白名单判断 if (in_array($action, $this->whiteList)) { return true; } //获取登入信息 if (!$data = $this->getWho()) { $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '登入已过期'); return false; } //刷新cookie存活 $this->response()->setCookie($this->sessionKey, $data->getUserSession(), time() + 3600, '/'); return true; } return false; } function getWho(): ?UserBean { if ($this->who instanceof UserBean) { return $this->who; } $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey); if (empty($sessionKey)) { $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams($this->sessionKey); } if (empty($sessionKey)) { return null; } $db = Mysql::defer('mysql'); $userModel = new UserModel($db); $this->who = $userModel->getOneBySession($sessionKey); return $this->who; } protected function getValidateRule(?string $action): ?Validate { return null; // TODO: Implement getValidateRule() method. }}
访问 即可登陆成功