fatal: remote origin already exists

简介: fatal: remote origin already exists


git remote -v 查看远程库信息


# 1. 删除远程库:git remote rm  远程库
git remote rm origin
# 2. 新建远程库:git remote add 远程库 git@github.com:github用户名/项目名.git
git remote add origin  https://github.com/github用户名/项目名.git
安全 网络安全 开发工具
git 提示:fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
git 提示:fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
864 0
git 提示:fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
存储 开发工具 数据安全/隐私保护
解决Gitee或者Github出现Access denied fatal: unable to access,The requested URL returned error: 403
解决Gitee或者Github出现Access denied fatal: unable to access,The requested URL returned error: 403
581 0
svn: E175002: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E175002: Unexpected HTTP status 502Bad Gateway on
svn: E175002: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E175002: Unexpected HTTP status 502Bad Gateway on
155 1
缓存 网络安全 开发工具
Git服务器报错:host key for (ip地址) has changed and you have requested strict checking
Git服务器报错:host key for (ip地址) has changed and you have requested strict checking
535 0
开发工具 git
Git:error: remote origin already exists
Git:error: remote origin already exists
137 2
开发工具 git
【Git】push代码时候报错,出现fatal: unable to access xxx Recv failure: Connection was reset
【Git】push代码时候报错,出现fatal: unable to access xxx Recv failure: Connection was reset
220 0
开发工具 git
完美解决 fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/.../.git‘: Could not resolve host: github.com
完美解决 fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/.../.git‘: Could not resolve host: github.com
26733 1
存储 网络安全
tortoiseGit fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
git.exe pull --progress -v --no-rebase "origin" fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 无法从存储库中读取,可能是因为权限问题。 由于tortoisegit使用的是putty的.ppk格式的密钥,而gitlab必须使用rsa密钥,因此使用其自带的工具,在开始菜单里找到tortoisegit,选择他的puttygen工具来生成密钥 —
692 0
tortoiseGit fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
开发工具 git
git报错:fatal: remote origin already exists.
git报错:fatal: remote origin already exists.
207 0
git报错:fatal: remote origin already exists.
存储 开发工具 git
git 删除远程分支报错error: unable to delete ‘origin/xxx‘: remote ref does not exist
git 删除远程分支报错error: unable to delete ‘origin/xxx‘: remote ref does not exist
331 0
git 删除远程分支报错error: unable to delete ‘origin/xxx‘: remote ref does not exist