论文阅读笔记 | MLP系列——MLP部分汇总(RaftMLP,DynaMixer)

函数计算FC,每月15万CU 3个月
简介: 论文阅读笔记 | MLP系列——MLP部分汇总(RaftMLP,DynaMixer)

1. RaftMLP

结构上与Vip,HireMLP等等类似,感觉没有太多的亮点,都是对h,w方向作改变。不过提出了多尺度的进行patch embedding操作,主要是对nn.Unfold函数的使用,其对一个卷积核大小的区域提取出来成为一个patch。

RaftMLP architecture



Pseudocode of raft-token-mixing block (Pytorch-like)

class RaftTokenMixingBlock(nn.Module):
    # b: size of mini -batch, h: height, w: width,
    # c: channel, r: size of raft (number of groups), o: c//r,
    # e: expansion factor,
    # x: input tensor of shape (h, w, c)
    def __init__(self):
        self.lnv = nn.LayerNorm(c)
        self.lnh = nn.LayerNorm(c)
        self.fnv1 = nn.Linear(r * h, r * h * e)
        self.fnv2 = nn.Linear(r * h * e, r * h)
        self.fnh1 = nn.Linear(r * w, r * w * e)
        self.fnh2 = nn.Linear(r * w * e, r * w)
    def forward(self, x):
        x: b, hw, c
        # Vertical-Mixing Block
        y = self.lnv(x)
        y = rearrange(y, 'b (h w) (r o) -> b (o w) (r h)')
        y = self.fcv1(y)
        y = F.gelu(y)
        y = self.fcv2(y)
        y = rearrange(y, 'b (o w) (r h) -> b (h w) (r o)')
        y = x + y
        # Horizontal-Mixing Block
        y = self.lnh(y)
        y = rearrange(y, 'b (h w) (r o) -> b (o h) (r w)')
        y = self.fch1(y)
        y = F.gelu(y)
        y = self.fch2(y)
        y = rearrange(y, 'b (o h) (r w) -> b (h w) (r o)')
        return x + y


  • Multi-scale Patch Embedding


以下是我根据paper提出的伪代码写的关于多尺度进行patch embedding代码:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from timm.models.layers import to_2tuple
from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange
# b: size of mini-batch, h: height, w: width,
# kernels: list of kernel sizes for unfold.
# e.g., [4, 8]
class MultiScalePatchEmbedding(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernels):
        self.stride = 1
        # mlp_in_channels = ∏(kernels**2)* channels
        mlp_in_channels = 0
        for k in kernels:
            mlp_in_channels += k ** 2
        mlp_in_channels *= in_channels
        self.embeddings = nn.ModuleList([
            # to simple: L = (spatial_size[d] // stride[d]) + 1
                padding=k // 2),  # I chance the code here: (k-stride)//2 -> k//2
                Rearrange("b c hw -> b hw c")
            ]) for k in kernels
        self.fc = nn.Linear(mlp_in_channels, out_channels)
    def forward(self, input):
        b, _, h, w = input.shape
        outputs = []
        for emb in self.embeddings:
            output = emb(input)
        # input: [1, 48, 56, 56]
        # kernels: [4, 8]
        # output: [1, 3249, 3840] -> 3840 = 768(4*4*48) + 3072(8*8*48)
        outputs = torch.cat(outputs, dim=2)
        # [1, 3249, 3840] -> # [1, 3249, 96]
        outputs = self.fc(outputs)
        return outputs      # (b, patch_nums, patch_embeddings)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    model = MultiScalePatchEmbedding(48, 96, [4, 8])
    input = torch.rand([1, 48, 56, 56])
    outputs = model(input)


2. DynaMixer

DynaMixer提出通过利用所有要混合的 token 的内容来动态生成混合矩阵,其实就是对h,w方向的每一篇做一个注意力机制,改善了现有基于固定权重的特征矩阵。其中,这个混合矩阵可以是针对一整个channel,也可以对channel进行分组,对每一组生成混合矩阵再进行拼接出来。

  • DynaMixer architecture


  • DynaMixer operation for one segment


Algorithm 1 Pseudo-code for DynaMixer Block (PyTorch-like)

###### initializaiton #######
proj_c = nn.Linear(D, D)
proj_o = nn.Linear(D, D)
###### code in forward ######
def dyna_mixer_block(self, X):
  H, W, D = X.shape
  # row mixing
  for h = 1:H
  Y_h[h,:,:] = DynaMixerOp_h(X[h,:,:])
  # column mixing
  for w = 1:W
  Y_w[:,w,:] = DynaMixerOp_w(X[:,w,:])
  # channel mixing
  Y_c = proj_c(X)
  Y_out = Y_h + Y_w + Y_c
  return proj_o(Y_out)

下面是我根据paper与伪代码写的DynaMixer Block结构:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from einops import rearrange
class DynaMixerOperation(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, N, D, d=10):
        self.N = N
        self.D = D
        self.d = d
        self.fc_ND = nn.Linear(D, d)
        self.fc_Nd = nn.Linear(N*d, N*N)
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=2)
    def forward(self, input):
        B, D, N = input.shape
        # Dynamic mixing matrix generation
        input = rearrange(input, 'b d n -> b n d')
        p = self.fc_ND(input)
        p = p.reshape(-1, 1, N*self.d)
        p = self.fc_Nd(p)
        p = p.reshape(-1, N, N)
        p = self.softmax(p)
        out = torch.matmul(p, input)
        out = rearrange(out, 'b n d -> b d n')
        return out
class DynaMixerBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, channels=48, imagesize=(54, 58)):
        h_size = imagesize[0]
        w_size = imagesize[1]
        self.dynamixer_op_h = DynaMixerOperation(w_size, channels)
        self.dynamixer_op_w = DynaMixerOperation(h_size, channels)
        self.proj_c = nn.Conv2d(channels, channels, kernel_size=1)
        self.proj_o = nn.Conv2d(channels, channels, kernel_size=1)
    def forward(self, input):
        b, c, h, w = input.shape
        # row mixing
        Y_h = input
        for i in range(h):
            Y_h[:, :, i, :] = self.dynamixer_op_h(input[:, :, i, :])     # (b c w)
        # column mixing
        Y_w = input
        for i in range(w):
            Y_w[:, :, :, i] = self.dynamixer_op_w(input[:, :, :, i])     # (b c h)
        # channel mixing
        Y_c = self.proj_c(input)
        Y_out = Y_h + Y_w + Y_c
        return self.proj_o(Y_out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    SEED = 42
    model = DynaMixerBlock()
    input = torch.rand([1, 48, 54, 58])  # (b c h w)
    out = model(input)

这里我没有对通道进行分组,直接按channel = D来进行编写的。

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