Hype Cycle for Cloud Platform Services, 2022 -- Gartner

简介: Hype Cycle for Cloud Platform Services, 2022 -- Gartner


Source: https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2022-08-04-cloud-platform-hc-press-release

Query Performance Optimization at Alibaba Cloud Log Analytics Service
PrestoCon Day 2023,链接:https://prestoconday2023.sched.com/event/1Mjdc?iframe=no首页自我介绍,分享题目概要各个性能优化项能够优化的资源类别limit快速短路有什么优点?有啥特征?进一步的优化空间?避免不必要块的生成逻辑单元分布式执行,global 阶段的算子哪些字段无需输出?公共子表达式结合FilterNode和Proje
Query Performance Optimization at Alibaba Cloud Log Analytics Service
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