Langchain and RAG Best Practices
This is a quick-start essay for LangChain and RAG which mainly refers to the Langchain chat with your data course which are taught by Harrison Chase and Andrew Ng.
You can check the entire code in the rag101 repository. This article is also posted on my blog, feel free to check it.
`venv` 是 Python 的虚拟环境工具,用于为不同项目创建独立的运行环境,避免依赖冲突。通过 `python3 -m venv` 命令创建虚拟环境,并使用 `source bin/activate` 激活。激活后,所有 Python 包将安装在该环境中,不影响系统全局环境。退出环境使用 `deactivate` 命令。每个虚拟环境拥有独立的包集合,确保项目间的隔离性。删除虚拟环境只需删除其目录即可。