管道设计CAD系统中重量重心计算 eryar@163.com Abstract. 管道设计CAD系统中都有涉及到重量重心计算的功能,这个功能得到的重心数据主要用于托盘式造船时方便根据重心设置吊装配件。
IsoAlgo3d - A PCF 3D Viewer for Desktop, Tablet and Smart phone eryar@163.com Abstract. IsoAlgo3d 通过将PCF三维可视化,并导出HTML文件。
OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析 eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a simple twist drill bit modeling example in Tcl script.
OpenCASCADE各版本源码下载 OpenCASCADE最新版本7.2.0官网下载不方便,现在给出各个版本的下载地址供大家下载使用: https://yun.baidu.com/pcloud/album/info?uk=3808749571&album_id=1612598197766366...
StdTranslator - Translate PDMS to STD for STAAD.Pro eryar@163.com STAAD.Pro是由美国世界著名的工程咨询和CAD软件开发公司—REI(Research Engineering International)从上世纪七十年代开始开发的通用有限元结构分析与设计软件,到2005年底统计,在全球近百个国家中已超过160,000用户。
Split Shape by Plane in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. Sometimes you want to split a shape by plane or even split a shape by a B Spline surfac...
GLUT Trackball Demo eryar@163.com 1.Introduction 在三维场景中建立模型后,为了方便用户从各个角度观察模型,从而需要对三维视图进行控制。常见的视图交互控制方式有:Trackball控制器、飞行控制器,还有三维游戏常用的第一人称控制器。
3D电梯仿真软件开发 eryar@163.com 电梯原理图如下: 1.本系统的电梯模型模拟三层楼,当轿厢系统上升(下降),重量平衡系统下降(上升),顶部的曳引系统则类似一个轮轴,要不停的旋转顺时针(逆时针),当电梯到达指定楼层时,轿厢的门能开关。
dimradius by AutoLisp in AutoCAD eryar@163.com 最近在开发一个自动出图程序,从PDMS模型中取数据后,经过处理生成AutoCAD的图纸。其中涉及到一个问题就是如何尽量使程序与AutoCAD低耦合,尽量不使用第三方库的情况下,实现数据的传递。
AVEVA PDMS to 3ds Max - RvmTranslator6.0beta eryar@163.com RvmTranslato6.0 translate PDMS RVM to 3ds Max by MAXScript.
SdnfViewer - 3D Viewer for SDNF File eryar@163.com SDNF(Structural steel Detailing Neutral File) format was originally defined by the Intergraph Fr...
Intersection between 2d conic in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides the algorithm to implement of the intersection between two 2d conic curve.
Intersection between a 2d line and a conic in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides the algorithm to implementation of the analy...
OpenCASCADE 3 Planes Intersection eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides the algorithm to search the intersection point between 3 planes. If two of the planes are parallel or identical, will get no result. Key Words. Plane Intersection 1.Introduction 由《高等数学》可知,如果一非零向量垂直于一平面,这向量就叫做该平面的法向量。
Two analytical 2d line intersection in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE geometric tools provide algorithms to calculate the intersec...
Visual Studio Set Project Environment Variables eryar@163.com In Visual Studio you can specify changes to environment variables in the project settings.
PcfTranslator - Translate AVEVA PDMS to PCF eryar@163.com Abstract. The Piping Component File(PCF) are text files containing component and routing information.
PDMS RVM TO 3DXML - RvmTranslator6.0 eryar@163.com Happy Spring Festival! 1. Support Dassault Systemes 3DXML translation: You can download 3DXML player from: http://www.
RvmTranslator6.0 Preview eryar@163.com 1. Introduce Qt for a good GUI: It also supports command when you give parameters for the application, su...
EasyMesh - A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator eryar@163.com Abstract. EasyMesh is developed by Bojan Niceno, it is a two-dimensional quality mesh generator.
RvmTranslator5.11. Fix crash bug for binary rvm file;download RvmTranslator5.1:http://yun.baidu.com/pcloud/album/info?uk=3808749571&album_id=363499308...
OpenCASCADE AIS Manipulator eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE7.1.0 introduces new built-in interactive object AIS_Manipulator providing interface for moving objects within 3D viewer.
Convert BSpline Curve to Arc Spline in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. The paper based on OpenCASCADE algorithms to approximate the NURBS curve to arc spline.
OpenSceneGraph in ActiveX by ActiveQt eryar@163.com Abstract. Qt’s ActiveX and COM support allows Qt for Windows developers to access and use Activ...
RvmTranslator5.1 - 3DS Max Importer eryar@163.com RvmTranslator5.1 is released! This is a 3ds max plugin developed by 3ds max sdk.
OpenCASCADE Shape Location eryar@163.com Abstract. The TopLoc package of OpenCASCADE gives resources to handle 3D local coordinate systems called Locations.
RvmTranslator5.0 - Translate RVM to AutoCAD DXF eryar@163.com RvmTranslator5.0 is released! This version support to translate RVM to AutoCAD DXF file.
OpenCASCADE BRep Projection eryar@163.com 一网友发邮件问我下图所示的效果如何在OpenCASCADE中实现,我的想法是先构造出螺旋线,再将螺旋线投影到面上。
1. Reduce the STEP file size to improve the performance for STEP translation; 2.Fix the dish lose in STEP file; Download RvmTranslator4.
C++ 应用程序性能优化 eryar@163.com 1. Introduction 对于几何造型内核OpenCASCADE,由于会涉及到大量的数值算法,如矩阵相关计算,微积分,Newton迭代法解方程,以及非线性优化的一些算法,如BFGS,FRPR,PSO等等用于多元函数的极值求解,所以这些数值算法的性能直接影响系统的性能。
RvmTranslator4.1 in PDMS eryar@163.com In order to export PDMS model to other system more convenient, I wrapped the RvmTranslator in PDMS by PML.
IsoAlgo3d - PCF format 3d visualization tool eryar@163.com IsoAlgo3d is a PCF format 3d visualization tool.
Make Helix Shape in occQtPCurve is a powerful modeling method, to make helix shapes in occQt to help you understand pcurve better, then you can also can model some intereting shape based on pcurve.
PDMS Automatic Pipe Routing eryar@163.com Abstract. AVEVA PDMS Pipe Router is a rule-based tool which enables you to route pipe network automatically and to position piping components.
OpenCASCADE Expression Interpreter by Flex & Bison eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCASCADE provide data structure of any expression, relation or function used in mathematics.
Modify Branding of FreeCAD eryar@163.com This article describes the Branding of FreeCAD. Branding means to start your own application based on FreeCAD.
Compile FreeCAD on Windows eryar@163.com 1.Introduction FreeCAD是一个参数化的三维造型软件,主要用于任意大小的实际模型的设计。
Use DS and SS to access the same memory eryar@163.com CPU要读写一个内存单元时,必须先要给出这个内存单元的地址,在8086PC中内存地址由段地址和偏移地址组成。
Assembly Loop eryar@163.com 我觉得循环指令是程序的核心,是计算机不厌其烦地执行机械、重复枯燥劳动的基础。本文来学习下汇编程序中的LOOP指令。Loop指令的格式是:loop 标号,CPU执行loop指令的时候,要进行两步操作: v (cx)=(cx)-1 v 判断cx中的值,不为零则转到标号处执行程序,如果为零则向下执行。
IsoAlgo - PCF Viewer eryar@163.com IsoAlgo can be used to view PCF file in 2D, i.e. Isometric drawing, or in 3D by IsoAlgo3d.
Output Char to Screen eryar@163.com 1.Introduction 与CPU相连的各种硬件,如内存条RAM,显卡,网卡等,CPU在控制它们的时候,把它们都当作内存对待。
The First ASM Program eryar@163.com 1.Introduction 以前都是在Debug程序中写一些指令来测试,现在可以开始编写完整的汇编语言程序,用编译和连接程序将汇编代码编译连接成可执行程序。
CPU Segments eryar@163.com 1.Introduction 8086CPU在访问内存时要由相关部件提供内存单元的段地址和偏移地址,送入地址加法器合成物理地址。段地址在8086CPU的段寄存器中存放,8086CPU有4个段寄存器:CS,DS,SS,ES。
CPU Instruction Pointer eryar@163.com 1.Introduction CPU对存储器的读写通过总线Bus来完成,总线又分为地址总线(Address Bus)、数据总线(Data Bus)、控制总线(Control Bus)。
Windows7 Debug Test eryar@163.com 1.Introduction 在郁大师的影响下,很早之前买了本王爽老师的《汇编语言》,可惜一直闲置,今天终于得空,可以学习起来了。
RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version is Released eryar@163.com RvmTranslator4.0 beta version is released! The big change is able to translate RVM to 3D PDF,...
RvmTranslator4.0 Beta Version will Release eryar@163.com RvmTranslator4.0 beta version will release soon! The big change is able to translate RVM to ...
OpenCASCADE Data Exchange - 3D PDF eryar@163.com Abstract. Today most 3D engineering model data are save to 3D PDF files.
RvmTranslator Translate RVM to 3D PDF eryar@163.com The Portable Document Format(PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner inde...