RvmTranslator5.1 - 3DS Max Importer

简介: RvmTranslator5.1 - 3DS Max Importer eryar@163.com RvmTranslator5.1 is released! This is a 3ds max plugin developed by 3ds max sdk.

RvmTranslator5.1 - 3DS Max Importer


RvmTranslator5.1 is released! This is a 3ds max plugin developed by 3ds max sdk.

1. Download RvmPlugin-2010-win32.dli, this is used for 3DS Max2010 32bit;


2. Put the RvmPlugin-2010-win32.dli plugin in the plugins folder of 3DS Max;


3. Run 3DS MAX, from the import menu.


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