PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1068 Find More Coins(30 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1126 Eulerian Path(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1118 Birds in Forest(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1107 Social Clusters(30 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1098 Insertion or Heap Sort(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1082 Read Number in Chinese(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1060 爱丁顿数(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1078 字符串压缩与解压(20 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1050 螺旋矩阵(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1062 Talent and Virtue(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1073 多选题常见计分法(20 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1060 Are They Equal(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1056 Mice and Rice(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1055 The World‘s Richest(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1051 Pop Sequence(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1049 Counting Ones(30 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1044 Shopping in Mars(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1043 Is It a Binary Search Tree(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1052 卖个萌(20 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1029 Median(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1112 Stucked Keyboard(20 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1051 复数乘法(15 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1096 Consecutive Factors(20 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1017 Queueing at Bank(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1034 有理数四则运算(20 分)
团体程序设计天梯赛-练习集 - L2-002 链表去重(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1028 人口普查(20 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1014 Waiting in Line(30 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1025 反转链表(25 分)
HDU - 2018 Multi-University Training Contest 3 - 1012: Visual Cube
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1013 Battle Over Cities(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1012 The Best Rank(25 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1010 Radix(25 分)
PAT (Basic Level) Practice (中文)- 1077 互评成绩计算(20 分)
PAT (Advanced Level) Practice - 1004 Counting Leaves(30 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-46 新浪微博热门话题(30 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-44 基于词频的文件相似度(30 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-43 字符串关键字的散列映射(25 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-42 整型关键字的散列映射(25 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-36 社交网络图中结点的“重要性”计算(30 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-35 城市间紧急救援(25 分)
HDU - 2018 Multi-University Training Contest 2 - 1004: Game
HDU - 2018 Multi-University Training Contest 2 - 1010: Swaps and Inversions
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-33 地下迷宫探索(30 分)
数据结构与算法题目集(中文) - 7-49 打印学生选课清单(25 分)