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I have an app for iPhone who use the sqlite to read a database. Before I update my iOS from 4.3 to the latest one everything was fine. But since then, I notice a considerable loading of the data. I used the libsqlite3.0.dylib, which comes with the iOS sdk. I also found the source code (sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c) for version but still have the same problem. So I traced the call of the sqlite3_step until I reached the this line: 
 for(pc=p->pc; rc==SQLITE_OK; pc++)
  in the method [b]sqlite3VdbeExec[/b], line [b]62789[/b] That for loop is the reason of the block. It remains there for few seconds, 3 - 6 seconds, but for the user interface this is lot of time. Even if I execute it on another thread it will still slow down the loading of the data which is not nice. Does anyone knows why and how this can be fixed? This is part of my code, where the method is called. Remember this block happen only at the first execution! 

     sqlite3* database;
     NSString *databasePath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"database.sqlite"];
      NSString *sqlQuery = ...; 
     if(sqlite3_open([databasePath UTF8String], &database) == SQLITE_OK)
          const char* sqlStatement = [sqlQuery UTF8String]; 
          sqlite3_stmt* compiledStatement; 
          if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sqlStatement, -1, &compiledStatement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) 
      while(sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) == SQLITE_ROW)
     ... // process here, close the loop, close the db connection, etc...
 But in the simulator will soon,
 SQL statement has four conditions:
 like this "where Categorys like '%;1036;%' and DistrictID=48 order by Ranking desc,OrderNo" 
 Categorys  is string
 DistrictID,ranking,orderNo is int

 I tested several ways with the 4 conditions:
 categorys,districtID,ranking  the 3 conditions ,,, is slow, about 4s 
 categorys, districtID, orderNO       about 1s
 districtID, Ranking,orderNO  also very slow,about 3.7s
 districtID,ranking   2 conditions ,,, about 0.2s
 districtID,orderNO       about 0.2s


select * from Shop where Categorys like '%;1036;%' and DistrictID=48 order by Ranking desc,OrderNo limit 0, 50 



杨冬芳 2016-07-01 14:46:08 4449 分享 版权
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