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Statement Outline

Statement Outline

游客yl2rjx5yxwcam 2020-03-08 13:27:33 855 0
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    生产环境中,SQL语句的执行计划经常会发生改变,导致数据库不稳定。阿里云利用Optimizer Hint和Index Hint让MySQL稳定执行计划,该方法称为Statement Outline,并提供了工具包(DBMS_OUTLN)便于您快捷使用。


    实例版本为RDS MySQL 8.0。


    Statement Outline支持官方MySQL 8.0的所有hint类型,分为如下两类:

    Optimizer Hint 根据作用域和hint对象,分为Global level hint、Table/Index level hint、Join order hint等。详情请参见MySQL官网。 Index Hint 根据Index Hint的类型和范围进行分类。详情请参见MySQL官网 Statement Outline表介绍

    AliSQL内置了一个系统表(outline)保存hint,系统启动时会自动创建该表,无需您手动创建。这里提供表的创建语句供您参考: ​CREATE TABLE mysql.outline ( Id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Schema_name varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, Digest varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, Digest_text longtext COLLATE utf8_bin, Type enum('IGNORE INDEX','USE INDEX','FORCE INDEX','OPTIMIZER') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, Scope enum('','FOR JOIN','FOR ORDER BY','FOR GROUP BY') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '', State enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', Position bigint(20) NOT NULL, Hint text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Id) ) /*!50100 TABLESPACE mysql */ ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin STATS_PERSISTENT=0 COMMENT='Statement outline'​ 参数说明如下。

    参数 说明 Id Outline ID。 Schema_name 数据库名。 Digest Digest_text进行hash计算得到的64字节的hash字符串。 Digest_text SQL语句的特征。 Type Optimizer Hint中,hint类型的取值为OPTIMIZER。 Index Hint中,hint类型的取值为USE INDEX、FORCE INDEX或IGNORE INDEX。 Scope 仅Index Hint需要提供,分为如下三类: FOR GROUP BY FOR ORDER BY FOR JOIN 空串表示所有类型的Index Hint。 State 本规则是否启用。 Position Optimizer Hint中,Position表示Query Block, 因为所有的Optimizer Hint必须作用到 Query Block上,所以,Position从1开始,hint作用在语句的第几个关键字上,Position就是几。 Index Hint中,Position表示表的位置, 也是从1开始,hint作用在第几个表上,Position就是几。 Hint Optimizer Hint中,Hint表示完整的hint字符串,例如/*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */。 Index Hint中,Hint表示索引名字的列表, 例如ind_1,ind_2。 管理Statement Outline

    为了便捷地管理Statement Outline,AliSQL在DBMS_OUTLN中定义了六个本地存储规则。详细说明如下: add_optimizer_outline 增加Optimizer Hint。命令如下: dbms_outln.add_optimizer_outline('<Schema_name>',' ','<query_block>',' ',' '); 说明 Digest和Query(原始SQL语句)可以任选其一。如果填写Query,DBMS_OUTLN会计算Digest和Digest_text。 示例: CALL DBMS_OUTLN.add_optimizer_outline("outline_db", '', 1, '/*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) /', "select * from t1 where id = 1"); add_index_outline 增加Index Hint。命令如下: dbms_outln.add_index_outline('<Schema_name>',' ', ,' ',' ',' ',' '); 说明 Digest和Query(原始SQL语句)可以任选其一。如果填写Query,DBMS_OUTLN会计算Digest和Digest_text。 示例: call dbms_outln.add_index_outline('outline_db', '', 1, 'USE INDEX', 'ind_1', '', "select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'"); preview_outline 查看匹配Statement Outline的情况,可用于手动验证。命令如下: dbms_outln.preview_outline('<Schema_name>',' '); 示例: ​mysql> call dbms_outln.preview_outline('outline_db', "select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'"); +------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------------+ | SCHEMA | DIGEST | BLOCK_TYPE | BLOCK_NAME | BLOCK | HINT | +------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------------+ | outline_db | b4369611be7ab2d27c85897632576a04bc08f50b928a1d735b62d0a140628c4c | TABLE | t1 | 1 | USE INDEX ( ind_1) | +------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)​ show_outline 展示Statement Outline在内存中命中的情况。命令如下: dbms_outln.show_outline(); 示例: ​mysql> call dbms_outln.show_outline(); +------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ID | SCHEMA | DIGEST | TYPE | SCOPE | POS | HINT | HIT | OVERFLOW | DIGEST_TEXT | +------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 33 | outline_db | 36bebc61fce7e32b93926aec3fdd790dad5d895107e2d8d3848d1c60b74bcde6 | OPTIMIZER | | 1 | / + SET_VAR(foreign_key_checks=OFF) / | 1 | 0 | SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = ? | | 32 | outline_db | 36bebc61fce7e32b93926aec3fdd790dad5d895107e2d8d3848d1c60b74bcde6 | OPTIMIZER | | 1 | /+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) / | 2 | 0 | SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = ? | | 34 | outline_db | d4dcef634a4a664518e5fb8a21c6ce9b79fccb44b773e86431eb67840975b649 | OPTIMIZER | | 1 | /+ BNL(t1,t2) / | 1 | 0 | SELECT t1 . id , t2 . id FROM t1 , t2 | | 35 | outline_db | 5a726a609b6fbfb76bb8f9d2a24af913a2b9d07f015f2ee1f6f2d12dfad72e6f | OPTIMIZER | | 2 | /+ QB_NAME(subq1) / | 2 | 0 | SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1 . col1 IN ( SELECT col1 FROM t2 ) | | 36 | outline_db | 5a726a609b6fbfb76bb8f9d2a24af913a2b9d07f015f2ee1f6f2d12dfad72e6f | OPTIMIZER | | 1 | /+ SEMIJOIN(@subq1 MATERIALIZATION, DUPSWEEDOUT) */ | 2 | 0 | SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1 . col1 IN ( SELECT col1 FROM t2 ) | | 30 | outline_db | b4369611be7ab2d27c85897632576a04bc08f50b928a1d735b62d0a140628c4c | USE INDEX | | 1 | ind_1 | 3 | 0 | SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1 . col1 = ? AND t1 . col2 = ? | | 31 | outline_db | 33c71541754093f78a1f2108795cfb45f8b15ec5d6bff76884f4461fb7f33419 | USE INDEX | | 2 | ind_2 | 1 | 0 | SELECT * FROM t1 , t2 WHERE t1 . col1 = t2 . col1 AND t2 . col2 = ? | +------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------------+------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)​ 关于HIT和OVERFLOW的说明如下。 参数 说明 HIT 此Statement Outline命中的次数。 OVERFLOW 此Statement Outline没有找到Query block或相应的表的次数。 del_outline 删除内存和表中的某一条Statement Outline。命令如下: dbms_outln.del_outline( ); 示例: ​mysql> call dbms_outln.del_outline(32); 说明 如果删除的规则不存在,系统会报相应的警告,您可以使用show warnings;查看警告内容。 ​mysql> call dbms_outln.del_outline(1000); Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)

    mysql> show warnings; +---------+------+----------------------------------------------+ | Level | Code | Message | +---------+------+----------------------------------------------+ | Warning | 7521 | Statement outline 1000 is not found in table | | Warning | 7521 | Statement outline 1000 is not found in cache | +---------+------+----------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)​ flush_outline 如果您直接操作了表outline修改Statement Outline,您需要让Statement Outline重新生效。命令如下: dbms_outln.flush_outline(); 示例: mysql> update mysql.outline set Position = 1 where Id = 18; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

    ​mysql> call dbms_outln.flush_outline(); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)​ 功能测试

    验证Statement Outline是否有效果,有如下两种方法: 通过preview_outline进行预览。 mysql> call dbms_outln.preview_outline('outline_db', "select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'"); +------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------------+ | SCHEMA | DIGEST | BLOCK_TYPE | BLOCK_NAME | BLOCK | HINT | +------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------------+ | outline_db | b4369611be7ab2d27c85897632576a04bc08f50b928a1d735b62d0a140628c4c | TABLE | t1 | 1 | USE INDEX (ind_1) | +------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) 直接使用explain查看。 mysql> explain select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+-------+---------+-------+------+----------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+-------+---------+-------+------+----------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | NULL | ref | ind_1 | ind_1 | 5 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using where | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+-------+---------+-------+------+----------+-------------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

    mysql> show warnings; +-------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Level | Code | Message | +-------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Note | 1003 | /* select#1 */ select outline_db.t1.id AS id,outline_db.t1.col1 AS col1,outline_db.t1.col2 AS col2 from outline_db.t1 USE INDEX (ind_1) where ((outline_db.t1.col1 = 1) and (outline_db.t1.col2 = 'xpchild')) | +-------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    2020-03-08 13:27:59
    赞同 展开评论 打赏


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