1public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException { 2 String generic = invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY); 3 if (ProtocolUtils.isGeneric(generic) // @1 4 && !Constants.$INVOKE.equals(invocation.getMethodName()) 5 && invocation instanceof RpcInvocation) { 6 RpcInvocation invocation2 = (RpcInvocation) invocation; 7 String methodName = invocation2.getMethodName(); 8 Class<?>[] parameterTypes = invocation2.getParameterTypes(); 9 Object[] arguments = invocation2.getArguments(); 10 11 String[] types = new String[parameterTypes.length]; 12 for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { 13 types[i] = ReflectUtils.getName(parameterTypes[i]); 14 } 15 16 Object[] args; 17 if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { 18 args = new Object[arguments.length]; 19 for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { 20 args[i] = JavaBeanSerializeUtil.serialize(arguments[i], JavaBeanAccessor.METHOD); 21 } 22 } else { 23 args = PojoUtils.generalize(arguments); 24 } 25 26 invocation2.setMethodName(Constants.$INVOKE); 27 invocation2.setParameterTypes(GENERIC_PARAMETER_TYPES); 28 invocation2.setArguments(new Object[]{methodName, types, args}); 29 Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation2); 30 31 if (!result.hasException()) { 32 Object value = result.getValue(); 33 try { 34 Method method = invoker.getInterface().getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes); 35 if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { 36 if (value == null) { 37 return new RpcResult(value); 38 } else if (value instanceof JavaBeanDescriptor) { 39 return new RpcResult(JavaBeanSerializeUtil.deserialize((JavaBeanDescriptor) value)); 40 } else { 41 throw new RpcException( 42 "The type of result value is " + 43 value.getClass().getName() + 44 " other than " + 45 JavaBeanDescriptor.class.getName() + 46 ", and the result is " + 47 value); 48 } 49 } else { 50 return new RpcResult(PojoUtils.realize(value, method.getReturnType(), method.getGenericReturnType())); 51 } 52 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 53 throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e); 54 } 55 } else if (result.getException() instanceof GenericException) { 56 GenericException exception = (GenericException) result.getException(); 57 try { 58 String className = exception.getExceptionClass(); 59 Class<?> clazz = ReflectUtils.forName(className); 60 Throwable targetException = null; 61 Throwable lastException = null; 62 try { 63 targetException = (Throwable) clazz.newInstance(); 64 } catch (Throwable e) { 65 lastException = e; 66 for (Constructor<?> constructor : clazz.getConstructors()) { 67 try { 68 targetException = (Throwable) constructor.newInstance(new Object[constructor.getParameterTypes().length]); 69 break; 70 } catch (Throwable e1) { 71 lastException = e1; 72 } 73 } 74 } 75 if (targetException != null) { 76 try { 77 Field field = Throwable.class.getDeclaredField("detailMessage"); 78 if (!field.isAccessible()) { 79 field.setAccessible(true); 80 } 81 field.set(targetException, exception.getExceptionMessage()); 82 } catch (Throwable e) { 83 logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); 84 } 85 result = new RpcResult(targetException); 86 } else if (lastException != null) { 87 throw lastException; 88 } 89 } catch (Throwable e) { 90 throw new RpcException("Can not deserialize exception " + exception.getExceptionClass() + ", message: " + exception.getExceptionMessage(), e); 91 } 92 } 93 return result; 94 } 95 96 if (invocation.getMethodName().equals(Constants.$INVOKE) // @2 97 && invocation.getArguments() != null 98 && invocation.getArguments().length == 3 99 && ProtocolUtils.isGeneric(generic)) { 100 101 Object[] args = (Object[]) invocation.getArguments()[2]; 102 if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) { 103 104 for (Object arg : args) { 105 if (!(byte[].class == arg.getClass())) { 106 error(byte[].class.getName(), arg.getClass().getName()); 107 } 108 } 109 } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { 110 for (Object arg : args) { 111 if (!(arg instanceof JavaBeanDescriptor)) { 112 error(JavaBeanDescriptor.class.getName(), arg.getClass().getName()); 113 } 114 } 115 } 116 117 ((RpcInvocation) invocation).setAttachment( 118 Constants.GENERIC_KEY, invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY)); 119 } 120 return invoker.invoke(invocation); 121 }
代码@2:泛化引用,调用方是直接通过GenericService#$invoke方法进行调用,以此来区分是泛化调用还是泛化引用,那不经要问,为什么invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY)中获取的generic参数到底是< dubbo:service/>中配置的还是< dubbo:reference/>中配置的呢?其实不难理解:
- dubbo:servcie未配置而dubbo:reference配置了,则代表的是消费端的,必然是泛化引用。
- dubbo:servcie配置而dubbo:reference未配置了,则代表的是服务端的,必然是泛化实现。
- 如果两者都配置了,generic以消费端为主。消费端参数与服务端参数的合并在服务发现时,注册中心首先会将服务提供者的URL通知消费端,然后消费端会使用当前的配置与服务提供者URL中的配置进行合并,如遇到相同参数,则消费端覆盖服务端。
1@Activate(group = Constants.PROVIDER, order = -20000) 2public class GenericFilter implements Filter { 3 @Override 4 public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation inv) throws RpcException { 5 if (inv.getMethodName().equals(Constants.$INVOKE) 6 && inv.getArguments() != null 7 && inv.getArguments().length == 3 8 && !ProtocolUtils.isGeneric(invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY))) { // @1 9 String name = ((String) inv.getArguments()[0]).trim(); 10 String[] types = (String[]) inv.getArguments()[1]; 11 Object[] args = (Object[]) inv.getArguments()[2]; 12 try { 13 Method method = ReflectUtils.findMethodByMethodSignature(invoker.getInterface(), name, types); // @2 14 Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); 15 if (args == null) { 16 args = new Object[params.length]; 17 } 18 String generic = inv.getAttachment(Constants.GENERIC_KEY); 19 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(generic) 20 || ProtocolUtils.isDefaultGenericSerialization(generic)) { // @3 21 args = PojoUtils.realize(args, params, method.getGenericParameterTypes()); 22 } else if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) { // @4 23 for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { 24 if (byte[].class == args[i].getClass()) { 25 try { 26 UnsafeByteArrayInputStream is = new UnsafeByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) args[i]); 27 args[i] = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Serialization.class) 28 .getExtension(Constants.GENERIC_SERIALIZATION_NATIVE_JAVA) 29 .deserialize(null, is).readObject(); 30 } catch (Exception e) { 31 throw new RpcException("Deserialize argument [" + (i + 1) + "] failed.", e); 32 } 33 } else { 34 throw new RpcException( 35 "Generic serialization [" + 36 Constants.GENERIC_SERIALIZATION_NATIVE_JAVA + 37 "] only support message type " + 38 byte[].class + 39 " and your message type is " + 40 args[i].getClass()); 41 } 42 } 43 } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { // @5 44 for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { 45 if (args[i] instanceof JavaBeanDescriptor) { 46 args[i] = JavaBeanSerializeUtil.deserialize((JavaBeanDescriptor) args[i]); 47 } else { 48 throw new RpcException( 49 "Generic serialization [" + 50 Constants.GENERIC_SERIALIZATION_BEAN + 51 "] only support message type " + 52 JavaBeanDescriptor.class.getName() + 53 " and your message type is " + 54 args[i].getClass().getName()); 55 } 56 } 57 } 58 Result result = invoker.invoke(new RpcInvocation(method, args, inv.getAttachments())); // @6 59 if (result.hasException() 60 && !(result.getException() instanceof GenericException)) { 61 return new RpcResult(new GenericException(result.getException())); 62 } 63 if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) { // @7 64 try { 65 UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream os = new UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream(512); 66 ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Serialization.class) 67 .getExtension(Constants.GENERIC_SERIALIZATION_NATIVE_JAVA) 68 .serialize(null, os).writeObject(result.getValue()); 69 return new RpcResult(os.toByteArray()); 70 } catch (IOException e) { 71 throw new RpcException("Serialize result failed.", e); 72 } 73 } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { 74 return new RpcResult(JavaBeanSerializeUtil.serialize(result.getValue(), JavaBeanAccessor.METHOD)); 75 } else { 76 return new RpcResult(PojoUtils.generalize(result.getValue())); 77 } 78 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 79 throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e); 80 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 81 throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e); 82 } 83 } 84 return invoker.invoke(inv); 85 } 86}
1public class Student { 2 private int id; 3 private String name; 4 private Team team; 5 //省略get set方法 6} 7public class Team { 8 private int id; 9 private String name; 10 // 省略其他属性与set get方法 11} 12用Map表示Student为: 13{ 14 “class”:"somepackeage.Student", 15 "id":1, 16 "name":"dingw", 17 "team": 18 { 19 "class" : "somepackage.Team", 20 "id":2, 21 "name":"t" 22 } 23}
代码@4:处理< dubbo:reference generic="nativejava" /> 启用泛化引用,并使用nativejava序列化参数,在服务端这边通过nativejava反序列化参数成pojo对象。
代码@5:处理< dubbo:reference generic="bean" /> 启用泛化引用,并使用javabean序列化参数,在服务端这边通过javabean反序列化参数成pojo对象。
代码@6:序列化API方法中声明的类型,构建new RpcInvocation(method, args, inv.getAttachments())调用环境,继续调用后续过滤器。