package com.sjsq.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * 学生实体类 * @author shuijianshiqing * */ public class Student { // 学号 private String sId; // 姓名 private String sName; // 性别 private String sSex; // 学院 private String sCollege; private String sC; private String sMath; private String sEnglish; private String sChinese; private String sJava; public Student() { super(); } public Student(String sId, String sName, String sSex, String sCollege, String sC, String sMath, String sEnglish, String sChinese, String sJava) { super(); this.sId = sId; this.sName = sName; this.sSex = sSex; this.sCollege = sCollege; this.sC = sC; this.sMath = sMath; this.sEnglish = sEnglish; this.sChinese = sChinese; this.sJava = sJava; } public static List<Student> students=new ArrayList<Student>(); public String getsId() { return sId; } public void setsId(String sId) { this.sId = sId; } public String getsName() { return sName; } public void setsName(String sName) { this.sName = sName; } public String getsSex() { return sSex; } public void setsSex(String sSex) { this.sSex = sSex; } public String getsCollege() { return sCollege; } public void setsCollege(String sCollege) { this.sCollege = sCollege; } public String getsC() { return sC; } public void setsC(String sC) { this.sC = sC; } public String getsMath() { return sMath; } public void setsMath(String sMath) { this.sMath = sMath; } public String getsEnglish() { return sEnglish; } public void setsEnglish(String sEnglish) { this.sEnglish = sEnglish; } public String getsChinese() { return sChinese; } public void setsChinese(String sChinese) { this.sChinese = sChinese; } public String getsJava() { return sJava; } public void setsJava(String sJava) { this.sJava = sJava; } @Override public String toString() { return "Student [sId=" + sId + ", sName=" + sName + ", sSex=" + sSex + ", sCollege=" + sCollege + ", sC=" + sC + ", sMath=" + sMath + ", sEnglish=" + sEnglish + ", sChinese=" + sChinese + ", sJava=" + sJava + "]"; } }
package com.sjsq.dao; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.sjsq.model.Student; import com.sjsq.util.DBUtil; public class StudentDao { public static int progress; // private final String FILE_PATH="d:\\student.xls"; public static StudentDao getInstance() { StudentDao studentDao; return studentDao = new StudentDao(); } // 查询所有学生的信息 public ResultSet queryAll() { ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "select * from Student"; System.out.println("------查询所有学生信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); DBUtil db = new DBUtil(); try { rs = db.executeQuery(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rs; } // 查询所有学生信息,并且返回List public List<Student> queryAllStudent() { List<Student> listStudent = new ArrayList<Student>(); String sql = "select * from student"; System.out.println("------查询所有学生信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); DBUtil db = new DBUtil(); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = db.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) { Student studentTmp = new Student(); studentTmp.setsId(rs.getString("sId")); studentTmp.setsName(rs.getString("sName")); studentTmp.setsSex(rs.getString("sSex")); studentTmp.setsCollege(rs.getString("sCollege")); studentTmp.setsC(rs.getString("sC")); studentTmp.setsMath(rs.getString("sMath")); studentTmp.setsEnglish(rs.getString("sEnglish")); studentTmp.setsChinese(rs.getString("sChinese")); studentTmp.setsJava(rs.getString("sJava")); listStudent.add(studentTmp); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } db.close(); } return listStudent; } public static int getprogress() { return progress; } // 按照条件查询 public ResultSet queryByCondition(String[] data) { ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "select * from student where 1=1"; int i = 0; // 学号 if (!(data[0].equals(""))) { sql += " and sid='" + data[0] + "' "; } // 姓名 if (!(data[1].equals(""))) { sql += " and sname='" + data[1] + "' "; } // 省份 if (!(data[2].equals(""))) { sql += " and senglish='" + data[2] + "' "; } // 性别 if (!(data[3].equals(""))) { sql += " and ssex='" + data[3] + "' "; } System.out.println("------查询所有学生信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); DBUtil db = new DBUtil(); try { rs = db.executeQuery(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rs; } // 插入学生信息,并且返回插入结果 public boolean insertStudentInformation(Student student) { DBUtil DBUtil = new DBUtil(); // 通过student对象设置sid的值 String sid = student.getsId(); String sname = student.getsName(); String ssex = student.getsSex(); String scollege = student.getsCollege(); String sc = student.getsC(); String smath = student.getsMath(); String senglish = student.getsEnglish(); String schinese = student.getsChinese(); String sjava = student.getsJava(); String sql = "insert into student(sid,sname,ssex,scollege,sc,smath,senglish,schinese,sjava)" + "values('" + sid + "','" + sname + "','" + ssex + "','" + scollege+ "','" + sc+ "','" + smath + "','" + senglish + "','" + schinese + "','" + sjava + "')"; System.out.println("------插入学生信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); // 向数据库插入数据语句 // 定义一个boolean型变量,用于判断插入数据是否成功 boolean flag = false; try { // 更新数据库信息 flag = DBUtil.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBUtil.close(); // 返回执行结果 return flag; } // 统计同一学号有多少人 public int queryForsidinformation(String sid) { DBUtil db = new DBUtil(); // 通过sid查询数据库中是否有相同sid数据 String sql = "select * from student where sid=" + sid; System.out.println("------验证学生学号信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); ResultSet rs = null; int count = 0; try { // 更新数据库保存到结果集里 rs = (ResultSet) db.executeQuery(sql); // 找到相同的count++ if (rs.next()) { count++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 关闭数据库连接 db.close(); // 返回count return count; } // 更新学生信息,这里学号不能更新 public boolean updateStudentInformation(Student student) { DBUtil DBUtil = new DBUtil(); // scollege,sc,smath,senglish,schinese,sjava String sql = "update student set sname=" + "'" + student.getsName() + "'" + " ," + " ssex=" + "'" + student.getsSex() + "'" + " ," + " scollege=" + "'" + student.getsCollege() + "' " + " ," + " sc=" + "'" + student.getsC() + "' " + " ," + " smath=" + "'" + student.getsMath() + "' " + " ," + " senglish=" + "'" + student.getsEnglish() + "'" + "," + " schinese=" + "'" + student.getsChinese() + "'" + " ," + " sjava=" + "'" + student.getsJava()+ "'" + " where" + " sid=" + "'"+ student.getsId() + "'"; System.out.println("------更新学生信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); boolean flag = false; try { flag = DBUtil.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; } // 删除学生信息 public boolean deleteStudentInfoBySid(String sid) { boolean flag = false; String sql = "delete from student where sid=" + "'" + sid + "'"; System.out.println("------删除学生信息------"); System.out.println("sql语句:" + sql); DBUtil DBUtil = new DBUtil(); try { flag = DBUtil.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; } }