跨平台 scrcpy显示/控制安卓手机方案

简介: • Genymotion、Parallels Desktop 等虚拟机软件 太专业, 需要配置太多软件, 适合开发者.• 国内一批安卓游戏助手都可以一试, 这里我随便下载了一款网易MuMu对字体的显示不太好. 可以尝试一下 傲软投屏(ApowerMirror)• Vysor Pro 收费较贵,免费版广告又多
  • Genymotion、Parallels Desktop 等虚拟机软件 太专业, 需要配置太多软件, 适合开发者.

  • 国内一批安卓游戏助手都可以一试, 这里我随便下载了一款网易MuMu对字体的显示不太好. 可以尝试一下 傲软投屏(ApowerMirror)

  • Vysor Pro 收费较贵,免费版广告又多


这里推荐一款开源免费, 跨平台支持 Win、Mac、Linux,可通过 USB 数据线 (或WiFi) 连接电脑,将手机画面投屏到电脑显示,并可使用键盘鼠标远程控制你的手机

This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. It works on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS.

It focuses on:

  • lightness (native, displays only the device screen)

  • performance (30~60fps)

  • quality (1920×1080 or above)

  • low startup time (~1 second to display the first image)

  • non-intrusiveness (nothing is left installed on the device)


The Android device requires at least API 21 (Android 5.0).

Make sure you enabled adb debugging on your device(s).

On some devices, you also need to enable an additional option to

control it using keyboard and mouse.

Get the app


On Linux, you typically need to [build the app manually][BUILD]. Don't worry,

it's not that hard.

A Snap package is available: scrcpy.

For Arch Linux, an AUR package is available: scrcpy.

For Gentoo, an Ebuild is available: scrcpy/.


For Windows, for simplicity, prebuilt archives with all the dependencies

(including adb) are available:


brew install scrcpy

You need adb, accessible from your PATH. If you don't have it yet:

brew cask install android-platform-tools

Run 运行

插入一个 Android 设备,然后执行:

Plug an Android device, and execute:



It accepts command-line arguments, listed by:

scrcpy --help


Capture configuration

Reduce size 限制画面分辨率

Sometimes, it is useful to mirror an Android device at a lower definition to

increase performance.

To limit both the width and height to some value (e.g. 1024):

scrcpy --max-size 1024
scrcpy -m 1024  # short version

The other dimension is computed to that the device aspect ratio is preserved.

That way, a device in 1920×1080 will be mirrored at 1024×576.

Change bit-rate 修改视频码率

The default bit-rate is 8 Mbps. To change the video bitrate (e.g. to 2 Mbps):

scrcpy --bit-rate 2M
scrcpy -b 2M  # short version

Limit frame rate 限制帧率

On devices with Android >= 10, the capture frame rate can be limited:

scrcpy --max-fps 15

Crop 裁剪

The device screen may be cropped to mirror only part of the screen.

This is useful for example to mirror only one eye of the Oculus Go:

scrcpy --crop 1224:1440:0:0   # 1224x1440 at offset (0,0)

If --max-size is also specified, resizing is applied after cropping.



It is possible to record the screen while mirroring:

scrcpy --record file.mp4
scrcpy -r file.mkv

To disable mirroring while recording: 不投屏只录屏:

scrcpy --no-display --record file.mp4
scrcpy -Nr file.mkv
# interrupt recording with Ctrl+C
# Ctrl+C does not terminate properly on Windows, so disconnect the device

"Skipped frames" are recorded, even if they are not displayed in real time (for

performance reasons). Frames are timestamped on the device, so packet delay
does not impact the recorded file.

Connection 连接

Wireless 无线连接

Scrcpy uses adb to communicate with the device, and adb can connect to a

device over TCP/IP:

  1. 查询设备当前的 IP 地址 (设置 →关于手机→状态)

  1. 启用 adb TCP/IP 连接,执行命令:adb tcpip 5555,其中 5555 为端口号

  1. 拔掉你的数据线

  1. 通过 WiFi 进行连接,执行命令:adb connect 设备IP地址:5555

  1. 重新启动 scrcpy 即可

It may be useful to decrease the bit-rate and the definition:

scrcpy --bit-rate 2M --max-size 800
scrcpy -b2M -m800  # short version

Multi-devices 多设备支持

If several devices are listed in adb devices, you must specify the serial:

scrcpy --serial 0123456789abcdef
scrcpy -s 0123456789abcdef  # short version

You can start several instances of scrcpy for several devices.

SSH tunnel 隧道

To connect to a remote device, it is possible to connect a local adb client to

a remote adb server (provided they use the same version of the adb


adb kill-server    # kill the local adb server on 5037
ssh -CN -L5037:localhost:5037 -R27183:localhost:27183 your_remote_computer
# keep this open

From another terminal:


Like for wireless connections, it may be useful to reduce quality:

scrcpy -b2M -m800 --max-fps 15

Window configuration


By default, the window title is the device model. It can be changed:

scrcpy --window-title 'My device'

Position and size

The initial window position and size may be specified:

scrcpy --window-x 100 --window-y 100 --window-width 800 --window-height 600


To disable window decorations:

scrcpy --window-borderless

Always on top

保持 scrcpy 窗口始终在顶部:

To keep the scrcpy window always on top:

scrcpy --always-on-top

Fullscreen 全屏

The app may be started directly in fullscreen:

scrcpy --fullscreen
scrcpy -f  # short version

Fullscreen can then be toggled dynamically with Ctrl+f.

Other mirroring options

Read-only 只读

To disable controls (everything which can interact with the device: input keys,

mouse events, drag&drop files):

scrcpy --no-control
scrcpy -n

Turn screen off 关闭手机屏幕

It is possible to turn the device screen off while mirroring on start with a

command-line option:

scrcpy --turn-screen-off
scrcpy -S

Or by pressing Ctrl+o at any time.

To turn it back on, press POWER (or Ctrl+p).

Render expired frames

By default, to minimize latency, scrcpy always renders the last decoded frame

available, and drops any previous one.

To force the rendering of all frames (at a cost of a possible increased

latency), use:

scrcpy --render-expired-frames

Show touches

For presentations, it may be useful to show physical touches (on the physical


Android provides this feature in Developers options.

Scrcpy provides an option to enable this feature on start and disable on exit:

scrcpy --show-touches
scrcpy -t

Note that it only shows physical touches (with the finger on the device).

Input control 输入控制



It is possible to synchronize clipboards between the computer and the device, in

both directions:

  • Ctrl+c copies the device clipboard to the computer clipboard将设备剪贴板复制到计算机剪贴板;

  • Ctrl+Shift+v copies the computer clipboard to the device clipboard将计算机剪贴板复制到设备剪贴板;

  • Ctrl+vpastes the computer clipboard as a sequence of text events (but breaks non-ASCII characters)将计算机剪贴板粘贴为一系列文本事件(但

中断非 ascii 字符)。.

Text injection preference

There are two kinds of events generated when typing text:

  • key events, signaling that a key is pressed or released;

  • text events, signaling that a text has been entered.

By default, letters are injected using key events, so that the keyboard behaves

as expected in games (typically for WASD keys).

But this may cause issues. If you encounter such a problem, you

can avoid it by:

scrcpy --prefer-text

(but this will break keyboard behavior in games)

File drop 文件拖拽

Install APK 安装APK包

To install an APK, drag & drop an APK file (ending with .apk) to the scrcpy


There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.

Push file to device

To push a file to /sdcard/ on the device, drag & drop a (non-APK) file to the

scrcpy window.

There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.

The target directory can be changed on start:

scrcpy --push-target /sdcard/foo/bar/

Audio forwarding

| 可借助 USBaudio 这个开源项目实现,但仅支持 Linux 系统 |

Audio is not forwarded by scrcpy. Use [USBaudio] (Linux-only).

[USBaudio]: https://github.com/rom1v/usbaudio

[issue #14]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues/14


Action Shortcut Shortcut (macOS)
Switch fullscreen mode Ctrl+f Cmd+f
Resize window to 1:1 (pixel-perfect) Ctrl+g Cmd+g
Resize window to remove black borders Ctrl+x | Double-click¹ Cmd+x | Double-click¹
Click on HOME Ctrl+h | Middle-click Ctrl+h | Middle-click
Click on BACK Ctrl+b | Right-click² Cmd+b | Right-click²
Click on APP_SWITCH Ctrl+s Cmd+s
Click on MENU Ctrl+m Ctrl+m
Click on VOLUME_UP Ctrl+(up) Cmd+(up)
Click on VOLUME_DOWN Ctrl+(down) Cmd+(down)
Click on POWER Ctrl+p Cmd+p
Power on Right-click² Right-click²
Turn device screen off (keep mirroring) Ctrl+o Cmd+o
Expand notification panel Ctrl+n Cmd+n
Collapse notification panel Ctrl+Shift+n Cmd+Shift+n
Copy device clipboard to computer Ctrl+c Cmd+c
Paste computer clipboard to device Ctrl+v Cmd+v
Copy computer clipboard to device Ctrl+Shift+v Cmd+Shift+v
Enable/disable FPS counter (on stdout) Ctrl+i Cmd+i

¹Double-click on black borders to remove them.

²Right-click turns the screen on if it was off, presses BACK otherwise.

Custom paths

To use a specific adb binary, configure its path in the environment variable


ADB=/path/to/adb scrcpy

To override the path of the scrcpy-server file, configure its path in




If you have a bug or an idea, browse the open issues before opening a new one. You can also take a look at the Open Source Guide.

If you're ready to tackle some open issues, we've collected some good first issues for you .


5款免费手机投屏软件汇总 - 将 iOS 安卓画面无线串流投到电脑电视大屏幕


  • Genymobile/scrcpy: Display and control your Android device


  • 异次元软件对scrcpy的介绍:


开发框架 前端开发 Android开发
Android开发 数据安全/隐私保护 虚拟化
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Web App开发 定位技术 iOS开发
Playwright 是一个强大的工具,用于在各种浏览器上测试应用,并模拟真实设备如手机和平板。通过配置 `playwright.devices`,可以轻松模拟不同设备的用户代理、屏幕尺寸、视口等特性。此外,Playwright 还支持模拟地理位置、区域设置、时区、权限(如通知)和配色方案,使测试更加全面和真实。例如,可以在配置文件中设置全局的区域设置和时区,然后在特定测试中进行覆盖。同时,还可以动态更改地理位置和媒体类型,以适应不同的测试需求。
Playwright 是一个强大的工具,用于在各种浏览器上测试应用,并模拟真实设备如手机和平板。通过配置 `playwright.devices`,可以轻松模拟不同设备的用户代理、屏幕尺寸、视口等特性。此外,Playwright 还支持模拟地理位置、区域设置、时区、权限(如通知)和配色方案,使测试更加全面和真实。例如,可以在配置文件中设置全局的区域设置和时区,然后在特定测试中进行覆盖。同时,还可以动态更改地理位置和媒体类型,以适应不同的测试需求。
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安全 搜索推荐 Android开发
Android vs. iOS:解锁智能手机操作系统的奥秘####
【10月更文挑战第21天】 在当今这个数字化时代,智能手机已成为我们生活中不可或缺的伙伴。本文旨在深入浅出地探讨两大主流操作系统——Android与iOS的核心差异、优势及未来趋势,帮助读者更好地理解这两个平台背后的技术哲学和用户体验设计。通过对比分析,揭示它们如何塑造了我们的数字生活方式,并展望未来可能的发展路径。无论您是技术爱好者还是普通用户,这篇文章都将带您走进一个充满创新与可能性的移动世界。 ####
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开发框架 移动开发 Android开发
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Android开发 iOS开发 UED
开发框架 前端开发 Android开发
设计模式 前端开发 JavaScript
【9月更文挑战第21天】在这篇文章中,我们将一同揭开移动应用开发的神秘面纱,从Android和iOS这两个主流平台出发,探讨如何利用现代技术栈实现跨平台开发。文章将通过具体的代码示例,带领读者理解不同平台间的差异与联系,以及如何运用React Native框架简化开发流程,实现一次编写,多平台运行的目标。无论你是刚入门的新手还是希望拓展技能的老手,这篇文章都将为你提供宝贵的知识和启示。
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