SELECT 要查询的列名称
[WHERE 满足的行条件]
[GROUP BY 分组的依据]
[ORDER BY 排序的依据]
[LIMIT 限定输出结果];
-- 查询所有数据
select * from students;
-- 查询指定列
select sname,age,gender from students;
-- 查询一个或多个表中的数据
select students.sname,students.age,teachers.tname,teachers.age,teachers.tsubject from students,teachers;
运算符 |
名称 |
示例 |
= |
等于 |
id=5 |
!= |
不等于 |
id!=5 |
> |
大于 |
id>5 |
>= |
大于等于 |
id>=5 |
< |
小于 |
id<5 |
<= |
小于等于 |
id<=5 |
!=或<> |
不等于 |
id!=5 |
关键字 |
名称 |
示例 |
和 |
name='lhd' AND age=25 |
OR |
或 |
name='lhd' OR name='lt' |
为空 |
phone IS NULL |
不为空 |
在...和...区间 |
id BETWEEN 1 AND 5 |
IN |
在...集合中 |
id IN (3,4,5) |
不在...范围里 |
id NOT IN (100,101) |
模式匹配 |
name LIKE('a%') |
模式匹配 |
name NOT LIKE ('a%') |
常规表达式 |
name 正则表达式; |
-- in
select * from students where age in (18,19,20); #in 表示在集合中,not in 表示不在集合中
select * from students where sname not in ('张三','李四');
-- between and
select * from students where age between 12 and 18;
select * from students where age not between 12 and 18;
-- like
select * from students where sname like '小%';
select * from students where hobby like '羽_球';
-- is null
select * from students where phone is null;
select sname from students where hobby is not null;
-- and
select * from students where age>15 and address='China';
select * from students where sid>1 and sid=4;
-- or
select * from students where age>15 or address='China';
select * from students where sid=1 or sid=4;
-- distinct 去除查询结果中的重复行
select distinct * from students;
select distinct address from students;
-- order by 对查询结果排序
select * from students order by age asc; #默认按升序排列,asc 可省略
select * from students order by age desc; #加 desc 按降序排列
-- group by 查询结果只显示每组的一条记录
select sid,sname,age,phone from students group by age; #数据中两个年龄16岁的只显示了一个
select sid,sname,age,phone,group_concat(age) from students group by age; #加上group_concat()函数,可以显示所有数据记录
select sid,sname,age,address,group_concat(age,address) from students group by age,address;
-- limit 限定输出行数
select * from students order by age;
select * from students order by age limit 3; #取前三条数据
select * from students order by age limit 0,3; #从第1(编号从0开始)条数据开始查询3条
select * from students order by age limit 2,2; #从第3条数据开始查询2条
-- regexp 正则表达式
-- ^ 匹配以特定字符或字符串开头的记录
select * from students where sname regexp '^小';
-- $ 匹配以特定字符或字符串结尾的记录
select * from students where address regexp 'na$';
-- . 匹配字符串的任意一个字符,包括回车和换行符
select * from students where phone regexp '1.'; #当.在给定的字符后面,那么查询的结果不能以该字符结尾且包含该字符
select * from students where phone regexp '.1'; #当.在给定的字符前面,那么查询的结果不能以该字符开头且包含该字符
select * from students where phone regexp '.2345.'; #包含指定字符,不能以该字符开头或结尾
select * from students where phone regexp '345'; #包含指定字符
-- [字符集合]
select * from students where gender regexp '[男]'; #匹配“字符集合”中的任意一个字符
select * from students where gender regexp '[^男]'; #匹配除“字符集合”以外的任意一个字符
-- S1|S2|S3 匹配S1 S2 S3中的任意一个字符串
select * from students where address regexp 'China|北京|西安';
-- * 匹配多个该符号之前的字符,包括0和1个
select * from students where phone regexp '6*';
select * from students where phone regexp '3*567';
select * from students where phone regexp '1*01';
-- + 匹配多个该符号之前的字符,最少一个,且必须紧挨着该字符
select * from students where phone regexp '2+34';
select * from students where phone regexp '234'; #用法和上一样
-- 字符串{N} 匹配字符串连续出现N次
select * from students where phone regexp '3{2}'; #注意:必须是连续出现
-- 字符串{M,N} 匹配字符串出现至少M次,最多N次
select * from students where phone regexp '1{1,4}';
-- 聚合函数查询
-- count()
select count(sname) from students; #不带*,返回非null值行的数目
select count(phone) from students;
select count(age),count(*) from students; #带*,返回所有行的数目
select age,count(*),avg(age) from students group by age; #统计各个年龄的人数
-- sum() 函数可以求出表中某个字段取值的总和
select sum(age) from students;
select sum(sid) from students;
select s.sname , c.english+c.chinese+c.math as total from student s,score c where s.sid = c.sid order by total desc; #求学生总成绩
-- avg() 函数可以求出表中某个字段取值的平均值
select avg(age) from students;
-- max() 函数可以求出表中某个字段取值的最大值
select max(age) from students;
-- min() 函数可以求出表中某个字段取值的最小值
select min(age) from students;
-- round() 保留几位小数
select round(avg(age),1) from students;
-- 内连接查询,
select s.sname,s.age,s.grade from students s inner join teachers t where s.grade = t.grade;
select s.sname,s.age,s.grade from students s, teachers t where s.grade = t.grade;
# 内连接inner join 可以省略,用逗号代替;
# 内连接关键字 where 可以用 on 替代,外连接只能用on
# 内外连接的条件语句可以加括号
-- 左外连接查询
select s.sname,t.tname,s.grade from students s left join teachers t on (s.grade = t.grade);
-- 右外连接查询
select s.sname,t.tname,t.grade from students s right join teachers t on s.grade = t.grade;
-- 复合条件连接查询
select s.sname,t.tname,s.grade from students s,teachers t where s.grade = t.grade and s.grade > 2;
-- 子查询
-- 带关键字in的子查询
select * from students where sid in(select tid from teachers order by tid);
select tid from teachers order by tid;
-- 带比较运算符的子查询
select * from students where grade = (select grade from teachers where tname = '潘老师');
select grade from teachers where tname = '潘老师';
-- 带关键字exists的子查询
select * from students where exists (select * from teachers where tid = 1);
select * from students where sid = 2 and exists (select * from teachers where tid = 1);
-- 带关键字any的子查询
select * from students where sid > any (select tid from teachers);
select tid from teachers;
-- 带关键字all的子查询
select * from students where sid > all (select tid from teachers where tid >3);
select tid from teachers where tid >3;
-- 合并查询结果
-- union 将所有的查询结果合并到一起,并且去除相同记录
select address from students union select address from teachers;
-- union all 只是简单地将结果合并到一起
select address from students union all select address from teachers;
-- 定义表和字段的别名
select * from students s where s.sid = 2;
select sname s,grade g from students;