MySQL创建数据库 easyShopping,包括area表、goods表、customer表、orders表、ordersdetall表、test表
create table goods( --商品表 goodsID int primary key auto_increment, goodsCode varchar(20) unique not null, goodsName varchar(50) not null, category varchar(20) default null, unitPrice decimal(8,2) default null, areaID int default null, saleCount int default null );
create table customer( --客户表 customerID int primary key auto_increment, loginID varchar(20) unique not null, pwd varchar(10) not null, cName varchar(20) not null, city varchar(20) default null, address varchar(50) default null, phone varchar(20) default null );
/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : demo Source Server Version : 50622 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : easyshopping Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50622 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2020-04-01 10:11:51 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `area` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `area`; CREATE TABLE `area` ( `areaID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `areaName` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`areaID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of area -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `area` VALUES ('1', '北京'); INSERT INTO `area` VALUES ('2', '上海'); INSERT INTO `area` VALUES ('3', '深圳'); INSERT INTO `area` VALUES ('4', '广州'); INSERT INTO `area` VALUES ('5', '南京'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `customer` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `customer`; CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `customerID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `loginID` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `pwd` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `cName` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `city` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `phone` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customerID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of customer -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES ('2', 'abc222', '222', '王传华', '北京', '北京市东城区香河园路16 号', '01062111234'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES ('3', 'abc333', '333', '张晓静', '北京', '北京市东城区东直门大街2号', '13501229678'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES ('4', 'abc444', '444', '张洪涛', '上海', '上海市徐汇区漕溪路126号', '13818929999'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES ('5', 'abc555', '555', '王勇强', '上海', '上海市杨浦区大连路1548', '13671648888'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES ('7', 'abc777', '777', '刘亚其', '武汉', '武汉市江岸区洞庭街67', '18674060972'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES ('8', 'abc888', '888', '张兆', '武汉', '武汉市洪山区关山一路45号', '18672791254'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `goods` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `goods`; CREATE TABLE `goods` ( `goodsID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goodsCode` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `goodsName` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `category` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `unitPrice` decimal(8,2) DEFAULT NULL, `areaID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `saleCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`goodsID`), UNIQUE KEY `goodsName` (`goodsName`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=11 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of goods -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('1', '01001', '从心选择的智慧(李开复)', '书籍', '18.50', '1', '3'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('2', '01002', 'Java面向对象编程(孙卫琴)', '书籍', '52.60', '2', '6'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('3', '01003', '漫谈中国文化(南怀瑾)', '书籍', '13.00', '3', '13'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('4', '02001', '艾美特FSW65R-5落地风扇', '生活电器', '199.00', '2', '9'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('5', '02002', '飞利浦HD3035/05电饭煲', '生活电器', '299.00', '4', '3'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('6', '02003', '美的FD302电饭煲', '生活电器', '248.00', '2', '7'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('7', '02004', '格力KYT-2503台式转页扇', '生活电器', '88.00', '4', '8'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('8', '03001', '尤尼克斯Yonex羽毛球拍', '体育用品', '209.00', '1', '9'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('9', '03002', 'NIKE篮球BB0361-823', '体育用品', '89.00', '1', '3'); INSERT INTO `goods` VALUES ('10', '03003', '火车头Train5号PU足球TS5011', '体育用品', '135.00', '3', '6'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `orders` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `orders`; CREATE TABLE `orders` ( `ordersID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ordersDate` date NOT NULL, `deliveryDate` date DEFAULT NULL, `amount` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `customerID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ordersID`), KEY `fk_orders_customer` (`customerID`), CONSTRAINT `fk_orders_customer` FOREIGN KEY (`customerID`) REFERENCES `customer` (`customerID`) ON DELETE SET NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of orders -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('1', '2015-04-10', '2015-04-12', null, '2'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('2', '2015-05-16', '2015-05-19', null, '5'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('3', '2015-03-18', '2015-03-19', null, null); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('4', '2015-04-12', '2015-04-14', null, '3'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('5', '2015-04-10', '2015-04-12', null, '4'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('6', '2015-05-16', '2015-05-18', null, '8'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('7', '2015-03-18', '2015-03-21', null, '7'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('8', '2015-06-19', '2015-06-20', null, null); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('9', '2015-04-12', '2015-04-13', '3126.50', '3'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('10', '2015-05-28', '2015-05-30', null, '5'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('11', '2015-03-08', '2015-03-09', null, '2'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('12', '2015-03-08', '2015-03-10', null, '4'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('13', '2015-03-08', '2015-03-11', null, '5'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('14', '2015-03-18', '2015-03-20', null, null); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('15', '2015-04-12', '2015-04-13', '1252.50', '4'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `ordersdetail` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ordersdetail`; CREATE TABLE `ordersdetail` ( `ordersID` int(11) NOT NULL, `goodsID` int(11) NOT NULL, `quantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `money` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ordersID`,`goodsID`), KEY `fk3` (`goodsID`), CONSTRAINT `fk2` FOREIGN KEY (`ordersID`) REFERENCES `orders` (`ordersID`), CONSTRAINT `fk3` FOREIGN KEY (`goodsID`) REFERENCES `goods` (`goodsID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ordersdetail -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('1', '2', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('1', '3', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('2', '3', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('2', '4', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('3', '6', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('3', '8', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('4', '5', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('4', '7', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('5', '1', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('5', '3', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('6', '2', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('6', '3', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('6', '4', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('7', '5', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('7', '6', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('8', '3', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('8', '4', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('9', '2', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('10', '4', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('10', '7', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('11', '9', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('11', '10', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('12', '6', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('12', '8', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('13', '8', '3', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('13', '9', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('14', '3', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('14', '8', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('15', '6', '1', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('15', '7', '2', null); INSERT INTO `ordersdetail` VALUES ('15', '10', '3', null); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `test` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`; CREATE TABLE `test` ( `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of test -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `test` VALUES ('zhang');