Google Earth Engine ——MOD10A1 V6 Snow Cover Daily Global 500m产品包含雪盖、雪反照率、雪盖分量和质量评估(QA)数据和NDSI指数数据集

简介: Google Earth Engine ——MOD10A1 V6 Snow Cover Daily Global 500m产品包含雪盖、雪反照率、雪盖分量和质量评估(QA)数据和NDSI指数数据集

The MOD10A1 V6 Snow Cover Daily Global 500m product contains snow cover, snow albedo, fractional snow cover, and quality assessment (QA) data. Snow cover data are based on a snow mapping algorithm that employs a Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and other criteria tests.

General documentation

MOD10A1 V6 Snow Cover Daily Global 500m产品包含雪盖、雪反照率、雪盖分量和质量评估(QA)数据。积雪覆盖数据是基于采用归一化差异积雪指数(NDSI)和其他标准测试的积雪制图算法。


Dataset Availability

2000-02-24T00:00:00 - 2021-09-19T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



500 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min Max Scale
NDSI_Snow_Cover NDSI snow cover. This value is computed for MOD10_L2 and retrieved when the observation of the day is selected. Provider values above 100 are masked out in this band (they can be found in the "NDSI_Snow_Cover_Class" band). 0 100 0
NDSI_Snow_Cover_Basic_QA A basic estimate of the quality of the algorithm result. This value is computed for MOD10_L2 and retrieved with the corresponding observation of the day. 0
NDSI_Snow_Cover_Basic_QA Bitmask
  • Bits 0-15: QA
    • 0: Best
    • 1: Good
    • 2: Ok
    • 3: Poor - not currently in use
    • 211: Night
    • 239: Ocean
NDSI_Snow_Cover_Algorithm_Flags_QA Bit flags indicating screen results and the presence of inland water. These flags are set when MOD10_L2 is generated and retrieved with the corresponding observation of the day. 0
NDSI_Snow_Cover_Algorithm_Flags_QA Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Inland water
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • Bit 1: Low visible screen failed. Snow detection reversed.
    • 0: No fail/not reversed
    • 1: The MODIS band 2 reflectance is ≤ 0.10 or the band 4 reflectance is ≤ 0.11
  • Bit 2: Low NDSI screen failed. Snow detection reversed.
    • 0: No fail/not reversed
    • 1: Pixels detected as having snow cover with 0.0 < NDSI < 0.10 are reversed to no snow
  • Bit 3: Combined temperature/height screen failed.
    • 1: Brightness temperature ≥ 281K, pixel height < 1300m, flag set, snow detection reversed to not snow or brightness temperature ≥ 281K, pixel height ≥ 1300m, flag set, snow detection NOT reversed.
  • Bit 4: Shortwave IR (SWIR) reflectance anomalously high.
    • 1: Snow pixel with SWIR > 0.45, flag set, snow detection reversed to not snow or snow pixel with 25% < SWIR ≤ 45%, flag set to indicate unusual snow condition, snow detection NOT reversed.
  • Bit 5: Spare
    • 0: N/A
  • Bit 6: Spare
    • 0: N/A
  • Bit 7: Solar zenith screen failed (angles exceed 70°), uncertainty increased.
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
NDSI Raw NDSI (i.e. prior to screening). This value is computed for MOD10_L2 and retrieved with the corresponding observation of the day. 0 10000 0.0001
Snow_Albedo_Daily_Tile Snow albedo percentage. Provider values above 100 are masked out in this band (they can be found in the "Snow_Albedo_Daily_Tile_Class" band).' 1 100 0
orbit_pnt Pointer to the orbit number of the swath that was selected as the observation of the day. The pointer references by index the list of orbit numbers written to the ORBITNUMBERARRAY metadata object in ArchiveMetadata.0. 0
granule_pnt Pointer to the granule (swath) that was mapped into the tile. The pointer references the corresponding value in the GRANULEPOINTERARRAY metadata object written to ArchiveMetadata.0. 0
NDSI_Snow_Cover_Class Landcover classes from the "NDSI_Snow_Cover" subdataset (provider values less than or equal to 100 are masked out). 0
Snow_Albedo_Daily_Tile_Class Landcover classes from the "Snow_Albedo_Daily_Tile" subdataset (provider values less than or equal to 100 are masked out). 0

Class Table: NDSI_Snow_Cover_Class

Value Color Color Value Description
200 # Missing data
201 # No decision
211 # Night
237 # Inland water
239 # Ocean
250 # Cloud
254 # Detector saturated

Class Table: Snow_Albedo_Daily_Tile_Class

Value Color Color Value Description
101 # No decision
111 # Night
125 # Land
137 # Inland water
139 # Ocean
150 # Cloud
151 # Cloud detected as snow
250 # Missing
251 # Self-shadowing
252 # Land mask mismatch
253 # BRDF failure
254 # Non-production mask


You may download and use photographs, imagery, or text from the NSIDC web site, unless limitations for its use are specifically stated. For more information on usage and citing NSIDC datasets, please visit the NSIDC 'Use and Copyright' page.


Hall, D. K., V. V. Salomonson, and G. A. Riggs. 2016. MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m Grid. Version 6. Boulder, Colorado USA: NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.

MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m SIN Grid, Version 6 | National Snow and Ice Data Center


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD10A1')
                  .filter('2018-01-01', '2018-05-01'));
var snowCover ='NDSI_Snow_Cover');
var snowCoverVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 100.0,
  palette: ['black', '0dffff', '0524ff', 'ffffff'],
Map.setCenter(-41.13, 76.35, 2);
Map.addLayer(snowCover, snowCoverVis, 'Snow Cover');

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