Google Earth Engine ——MCD43A1 V6双向反射分布函数和反照率(BRDF/Albedo)模型参数数据集是一个500米每日16天的产品2000年至今

简介: Google Earth Engine ——MCD43A1 V6双向反射分布函数和反照率(BRDF/Albedo)模型参数数据集是一个500米每日16天的产品2000年至今

The MCD43A1 V6 Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function and Albedo (BRDF/Albedo) Model Parameters dataset is a 500 meter daily 16-day product. The Julian date represents the 9th day of the 16-day retrieval period, and consequently the observations are weighted to estimate the BRDF/Albedo for that day. The MCD43A1 algorithm, as is with all combined products, chooses the best representative pixel from a pool that includes all the acquisitions from both the Terra and Aqua sensors from the retrieval period.

The MCD43A1 provides the three model weighting parameters (isotropic, volumetric, and geometric) for each of the MODIS bands 1 through 7 and the visible (vis), near infrared (nir), and shortwave bands used to derive the Albedo and BRDF products (MCD43A3 and MCD43A4). The Mandatory Quality layers for each of the 10 bands are supplied as well.

See dataset user guide for more information.


MCD43A1 V6双向反射分布函数和反照率(BRDF/Albedo)模型参数数据集是一个500米每日16天的产品。朱利安日期代表16天检索期的第9天,因此,观测数据被加权以估计该天的BRDF/Albedo。MCD43A1算法和所有的综合产品一样,从一个包括Terra和Aqua传感器在检索期间的所有采集数据的池子里选择最佳的代表像素。







Dataset Availability

2000-02-18T00:00:00 - 2021-09-12T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



500 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min Max Wavelength Scale
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band1_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 1 0 32766 620-670nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band1_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 1 0 32766 620-670nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band1_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 1 0 32766 620-670nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band2_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 2 0 32766 841-876nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band2_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 2 0 32766 841-876nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band2_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 2 0 32766 841-876nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band3_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 3 0 32766 459-479nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band3_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 3 0 32766 459-479nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band3_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 3 0 32766 459-479nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band4_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 4 0 32766 545-565nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band4_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 4 0 32766 545-565nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band4_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 4 0 32766 545-565nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band5_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 5 0 32766 1230-1250nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band5_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 5 0 32766 1230-1250nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band5_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 5 0 32766 1230-1250nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band6_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 6 0 32766 1628-1652nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band6_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 6 0 32766 1628-1652nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band6_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 6 0 32766 1628-1652nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band7_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for band 7 0 32766 2105-2155nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band7_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for band 7 0 32766 2105-2155nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band7_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for band 7 0 32766 2105-2155nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_vis_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for the visible band 0 32766 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_vis_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for the visible band 0 32766 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_vis_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for the visible band 0 32766 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_nir_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for the NIR band 0 32766 858nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_nir_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for the NIR band 0 32766 858nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_nir_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for the NIR band 0 32766 858nm 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_shortwave_iso BDRF/Albedo isotropic parameter for the shortwave band 0 32766 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_shortwave_vol BDRF/Albedo volumetric parameter for the shortwave band 0 32766 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_shortwave_geo BDRF/Albedo geometric parameter for the shortwave band 0 32766 0.001
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band1 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 1 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band1 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band2 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 2 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band2 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band3 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 3 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band3 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band4 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 4 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band4 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band5 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 5 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band5 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band6 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 6 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band6 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band7 BRDF albedo mandatory quality for band 7 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_Band7 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_vis BRDF albedo mandatory quality for visible broadband 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_vis Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_nir BRDF albedo mandatory quality for NIR broadband 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_nir Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_shortwave BRDF albedo mandatory quality for shortwave broadband 0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Mandatory_Quality_shortwave Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA bit index
    • 0: Processed, good quality (full BRDF inversions)
    • 1: Processed, see other QA (magnitude BRDF inversions)


MODIS data and products acquired through the LP DAAC have no restrictions on subsequent use, sale, or redistribution.

通过LP DAAC获得的MODIS数据和产品对后续使用、销售或再分配没有限制。



var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD43A1')
                  .filter('2018-05-01', '2018-07-01'));
var defaultVisualization =[
  'BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band1_iso', 'BRDF_Albedo_Parameters_Band4_iso',
var defaultVisualizationVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 1400.0,
  gamma: 2.0,
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 6);
    defaultVisualization, defaultVisualizationVis, 'Default visualization');

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