Google Earth Engine——全球土壤纹理数据集:250米处6个土壤深度(0、10、30、60、100和200厘米)的土壤纹理等级(美国农业部系统)。

简介: Google Earth Engine——全球土壤纹理数据集:250米处6个土壤深度(0、10、30、60、100和200厘米)的土壤纹理等级(美国农业部系统)。

Soil texture classes (USDA system) for 6 soil depths (0, 10, 30, 60, 100 and 200 cm) at 250 m

Derived from predicted soil texture fractions using the soiltexture package in R. Processing steps are described in detail here . Antartica is not included.

To access and visualize maps outside of Earth Engine, use this page.

If you discover a bug, artifact or inconsistency in the LandGIS maps or if you have a question please use the following channels:

  • Technical issues and questions about the code
  • General questions and comments250米处6个土壤深度(0、10、30、60、100和200厘米)的土壤纹理等级(美国农业部系统)。

Dataset Availability

1950-01-01T00:00:00 - 2018-01-01T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

EnvirometriX Ltd

Collection Snippet




250 meters

Bands Table

Name Description
b0 Soil texture class (USDA system) at 0 cm depth
b10 Soil texture class (USDA system) at 10 cm depth
b30 Soil texture class (USDA system) at 30 cm depth
b60 Soil texture class (USDA system) at 60 cm depth
b100 Soil texture class (USDA system) at 100 cm depth
b200 Soil texture class (USDA system) at 200 cm depth

Class Table: b0

Value Color Color Value Description
1 #d5c36b Cl
2 #b96947 SiCl
3 #9d3706 SaCl
4 #ae868f ClLo
5 #f86714 SiClLo
6 #46d143 SaClLo
7 #368f20 Lo
8 #3e5a14 SiLo
9 #ffd557 SaLo
10 #fff72e Si
11 #ff5a9d LoSa
12 #ff005b Sa

Class Table: b10

Value Color Color Value Description
1 #d5c36b Cl
2 #b96947 SiCl
3 #9d3706 SaCl
4 #ae868f ClLo
5 #f86714 SiClLo
6 #46d143 SaClLo
7 #368f20 Lo
8 #3e5a14 SiLo
9 #ffd557 SaLo
10 #fff72e Si
11 #ff5a9d LoSa
12 #ff005b Sa

Class Table: b30

Value Color Color Value Description
1 #d5c36b Cl
2 #b96947 SiCl
3 #9d3706 SaCl
4 #ae868f ClLo
5 #f86714 SiClLo
6 #46d143 SaClLo
7 #368f20 Lo
8 #3e5a14 SiLo
9 #ffd557 SaLo
10 #fff72e Si
11 #ff5a9d LoSa
12 #ff005b Sa

Class Table: b60

Value Color Color Value Description
1 #d5c36b Cl
2 #b96947 SiCl
3 #9d3706 SaCl
4 #ae868f ClLo
5 #f86714 SiClLo
6 #46d143 SaClLo
7 #368f20 Lo
8 #3e5a14 SiLo
9 #ffd557 SaLo
10 #fff72e Si
11 #ff5a9d LoSa
12 #ff005b Sa

Class Table: b100

Value Color Color Value Description
1 #d5c36b Cl
2 #b96947 SiCl
3 #9d3706 SaCl
4 #ae868f ClLo
5 #f86714 SiClLo
6 #46d143 SaClLo
7 #368f20 Lo
8 #3e5a14 SiLo
9 #ffd557 SaLo
10 #fff72e Si
11 #ff5a9d LoSa
12 #ff005b Sa

Class Table: b200

Value Color Color Value Description
1 #d5c36b Cl
2 #b96947 SiCl
3 #9d3706 SaCl
4 #ae868f ClLo
5 #f86714 SiClLo
6 #46d143 SaClLo
7 #368f20 Lo
8 #3e5a14 SiLo
9 #ffd557 SaLo
10 #fff72e Si
11 #ff5a9d LoSa
12 #ff005b Sa


Tomislav Hengl. (2018). Soil texture classes (USDA system) for 6 soil depths (0, 10, 30, 60, 100 and 200 cm) at 250 m (Version v02) [Data set]. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.1475451

Soil texture classes (USDA system) for 6 soil depths (0, 10, 30, 60, 100 and 200 cm) at 250 m | Zenodo


var dataset = ee.Image("OpenLandMap/SOL/SOL_TEXTURE-CLASS_USDA-TT_M/v02");
var visualization = {
  bands: ['b0'],
  min: 1.0,
  max: 12.0,
  palette: [
Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, "Soil texture class (USDA system)");

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