Docker fence

目前fence docker还没有加到epel库中, 所以在centos或rhel中使用, 需要从src编译.

rpm -ivh fence-agents-4.0.11-1.fc20.src.rpm
[root@150 soft_bak]# cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
[root@150 SOURCES]# ll
total 2904
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root  605312 Aug 27 22:04 fence-agents-4.0.11.tar.xz
[root@150 SOURCES]# tar -xvf fence-agents-4.0.11.tar.xz
[root@150 SOURCES]# cd fence-agents-4.0.11
# yum install -y libtool
# ./configure ; make ; make install

[root@150 fence-agents-4.0.11]# cd fence/agents/docker/
[root@150 docker]# ll
total 68
-r-x------ 1 root root  4608 Sep 29 15:12 fence_docker
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4774 Sep 29 15:12 fence_docker.8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000  4517 Aug  6 15:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19126 Sep 29 15:12 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000   354 Aug  6 15:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18002 Sep 29 15:12

还依赖fence common, 所以暂时不能使用. 可以了解一下先 : 
[root@150 docker]# ./fence_docker --help
        fence_docker [options]
   -a, --ip=[ip]                  IP address or hostname of fencing device
   -n, --plug=[id]                Physical plug number on device, UUID or
                                        identification of machine
   -m, --method=[method]          Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default: onoff)
   -z, --ssl                      Use ssl connection
   -u, --ipport=[port]            TCP/UDP port to use
                                        (default 80, 443 if --ssl option is used)
   -4, --inet4-only               Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only
   -6, --inet6-only               Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only
   -o, --action=[action]          Action: status, reboot (default), off or on
   --tlscert                      Path to client certificate for TLS authentication
   --tlskey                       Path to client key for TLS authentication
   --tlscacert                    Path to CA certificate for TLS authentication
   -v, --verbose                  Verbose mode
   -D, --debug-file=[debugfile]   Debugging to output file
   -V, --version                  Output version information and exit
   -h, --help                     Display this help and exit
   -C, --separator=[char]         Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation
   --power-timeout=[seconds]      Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF
   --shell-timeout=[seconds]      Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command
   --login-timeout=[seconds]      Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login
   --power-wait=[seconds]         Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF
   --delay=[seconds]              Wait X seconds before fencing is started
   --retry-on=[attempts]          Count of attempts to retry power on

帮助文档 : 
[root@150 docker]# man ./fence_docker.8
FENCE_AGENT(8)                                                  FENCE_AGENT(8)

       fence_docker - Fence agent for Docker

       fence_docker  is I/O fencing agent which can be used with the Docker Engine containers. You can use this fence-
       agent without any authentication, or you can use TLS authentication (use --ssl  option,  more  info  about  TLS
       authentication in docker:

       fence_docker  accepts  options on the command line as well as from stdin. Fenced sends parameters through stdin
       when it execs the agent. fence_docker can be run by itself with command line options.  This is useful for test-
       ing and for turning outlets on or off from scripts.

       Vendor URL:


       -u, --ipport=[port]
              TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device (Default Value: 80)

       -n, --plug=[id]
              Physical plug number, name of virtual machine or UUID This parameter is always required.

       -6, --inet6-only
              Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only

       -a, --ip=[ip]
              IP Address or Hostname This parameter is always required.

       -4, --inet4-only
              Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only

       -m, --method=[method]
              Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default Value: onoff)

       -z, --ssl
              SSL connection

       -o, --action=[action]
              Fencing Action (Default Value: reboot)

              Path to client key (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.

              Path to CA certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.

              Path to client certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.

       -v, --verbose
              Verbose mode

       -D, --debug-file=[debugfile]
              Write debug information to given file

       -V, --version
              Display version information and exit

       -h, --help
              Display help and exit

       -C, --separator=[char]
              Separator for CSV created by operation list (Default Value: ,)

              Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF (Default Value: 0)

              Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF (Default Value: 20)

              Wait X seconds before fencing is started (Default Value: 0)
              Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login (Default Value: 5)

              Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command (Default Value: 3)

              Count of attempts to retry power on (Default Value: 1)


       on     Power on machine.

       off    Power off machine.

       reboot Reboot machine.

       status This returns the status of the plug/virtual machine.

       list   List available plugs with aliases/virtual machines if there is support for more then one device. Returns
              N/A otherwise.

              Check the health of fence device

              Display the XML metadata describing this resource.


       ipport TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device (Default Value: 80)

       port   Physical plug number, name of virtual machine or UUID This parameter is always required.

              Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only

       ipaddr IP Address or Hostname This parameter is always required.
              Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only

       method Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default Value: onoff)

       ssl    SSL connection

       action Fencing Action (Default Value: reboot)

       tlskey Path to client key (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.

              Path to CA certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.

              Path to client certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.

              Verbose mode

       debug  Write debug information to given file

              Display version information and exit

       help   Display help and exit

              Separator for CSV created by operation list (Default Value: ,)

              Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF (Default Value: 0)

              Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF (Default Value: 20)

       delay  Wait X seconds before fencing is started (Default Value: 0)
              Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login (Default Value: 5)

              Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command (Default Value: 3)

              Count of attempts to retry power on (Default Value: 1)

fence_docker (Fence Agent)        2009-10-20                    FENCE_AGENT(8)

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