// Hillshade example. This is a demonstration of computing // a hillshade from terrain data and displaying multiple // layers based on multiple view geometries. Hillshade // creation is also provided by ee.Terrain.hillshade(). // Define a function to convert from degrees to radians. function radians(img) { return img.toFloat().multiply(Math.PI).divide(180); } // Define a function to compute a hillshade from terrain data // for the given sun azimuth and elevation. function hillshade(az, ze, slope, aspect) { // Convert angles to radians. var azimuth = radians(ee.Image(az)); var zenith = radians(ee.Image(ze)); // Note that methods on images are needed to do the computation. // i.e. JavaScript operators (e.g. +, -, /, *) do not work on images. // The following implements: // Hillshade = cos(Azimuth - Aspect) * sin(Slope) * sin(Zenith) + // cos(Zenith) * cos(Slope) return azimuth.subtract(aspect).cos() .multiply(slope.sin()) .multiply(zenith.sin()) .add( zenith.cos().multiply(slope.cos())); } // Compute terrain meaasures from the SRTM DEM. var terrain = ee.Algorithms.Terrain(ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4')); var slope = radians(terrain.select('slope')); var aspect = radians(terrain.select('aspect')); // For loops are needed for control-flow operations on client-side // operations. Here Map.addLayer() is a client operation that needs // to be performed in a for loop. In general, avoid for loops // for any server-side operation. Map.setCenter(-121.767, 46.852, 11); for (var i = 0; i < 360; i += 60) { Map.addLayer(hillshade(i, 60, slope, aspect), {}, i + ' deg'); }
其次就是定义一个新的函数,来计算太阳方位角和高程并通过返回值计算 Hillshade = cos(Azimuth - Aspect) * sin(Slope) * sin(Zenith) +cos(Zenith) * cos(Slope),另外需要注意,我们算数的(+, -, /, *)是不能执行的,因为这里没有用到image.expression进行,也没有合适的波段去进行选择,所以要用英文字母的加减乘除。