1,2020-04-20,420 2,2020-04-04,800 3,2020-03-28,500 4,2020-03-13,100 5,2020-02-27,300 6,2020-01-07,450 7,2019-04-07,800 8,2019-03-15,1200 9,2019-02-17,200 10,2019-02-07,600 11,2019-01-13,300
CREATE TABLE ods_saleorder ( order_id int , order_time date , order_num int )ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/Users/liuwenqiang/workspace/hive/saleorder.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE ods.ods_saleorder;
select a.m_num,a.cmonth,b.y_num,b.cyear,round( m_num / y_num, 2 ) AS ratio from( select sum(order_num) as m_num, DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy-MM') as cmonth from ods_saleorder group by DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy-MM') ) a inner join ( select sum(order_num) as y_num, DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy') as cyear from ods_saleorder group by DATE_FORMAT(order_time,'yyyy') ) b on substring(a.cmonth,1,4)=b.cyear ;
SELECT order_month, num, total, round( num / total, 2 ) AS ratio FROM ( select substr(order_time, 1, 7) as order_month, sum(order_num) over (partition by substr(order_time, 1, 7)) as num, sum(order_num) over (partition by substr( order_time, 1, 4 ) ) total, row_number() over (partition by substr(order_time, 1, 7)) as rk from ods_saleorder ) temp where rk = 1;
同比增长率计算公式 (当年值-上年值)/上年值x100% 环比增长率计算公式 (当月值-上月值)/上月值x100%
lead lag 的实现
select now_month, now_num, last_num, round( (now_num-last_num) / last_num, 2 ) as ratio FROM( select now_month, now_num, lag( t1.now_num, 1) over (order by t1.now_month ) as last_num from ( select substr(order_time, 1, 7) as now_month, sum(order_num) as now_num from ods_saleorder group by substr(order_time, 1, 7) ) t1 ) t2;
我们看到有null 值,这里我们可以使用,lag的默认值做一次优化
select now_month, now_num, last_num, -- 分母是0的话返回值是null nvl(round( (now_num-last_num) / last_num, 2 ),0)as ratio FROM( select now_month, now_num, lag( t1.now_num, 1,0) over (order by t1.now_month ) as last_num from ( select substr(order_time, 1, 7) as now_month, sum(order_num) as now_num from ods_saleorder group by substr(order_time, 1, 7) ) t1 ) t2;
其实到这里我们就处理完了,但是这样真的对吗,我们看到'2020-01' 的last_num 是800 也就是'2019-04',其实到这里我们就明白了,我们的数据是不连续的,所以我们这样计算是不行的,如果每个月都齐全,都有数据lag(num,12)就可以。
with a as ( select now_month, now_num, substr(date(concat(now_month,'-','01')) - INTERVAL '1' month, 1, 7) as last_month from( select substr(order_time, 1, 7) as now_month, sum(order_num) as now_num from ods_saleorder group by substr(order_time, 1, 7) ) tmp ) select a1.now_month,a1.now_num,a1.last_month,a2.now_num, nvl(round( (a1.now_num-a2.now_num) / a2.now_num, 2 ),0) as ratio from a a1 inner join a a2 on a1.last_month=a2.now_month ;
这里的时间计算INTERVAL 你也可以换成其他函数
with a as ( select now_month, now_num, substr(add_months(concat(now_month,'-','01'),-1), 1, 7) as last_month from( select substr(order_time, 1, 7) as now_month, sum(order_num) as now_num from ods_saleorder group by substr(order_time, 1, 7) ) tmp ) select a1.now_month,a1.now_num,a1.last_month,nvl(a2.now_num,0), nvl(round( (a1.now_num-a2.now_num) / a2.now_num, 2 ),0) as ratio from a a1 left join a a2 on a1.last_month=a2.now_month ;