如何将SAP C4C自定义BO中类型为图片的附件用PDF文档显示出来

简介: 如何将SAP C4C自定义BO中类型为图片的附件用PDF文档显示出来

My series of Cloud Application Studio Blogs

How to detect EditMode in an Embedded Component

Step by step to enable your custom BO with attachment upload functionality

Step by step to create an Adobe Print form in Cloud application Studio

How to render PDF which displays picture from the image attachment of your custom BO

How to get current logged on business user’s employee information and assigned organization unit via ABSL

How to implement dynamic access control based on custom BO using OWL

How to make Code List Restriction work when control field and restricted field are not on the same BO

How to implement custom number range using custom business object

Two approaches to create Code List in Cloud Studio

Create Dynamic Code List via Custom Business Object Association

Step by step to develop Thing Type based navigation and BO Object based navigation

Put Extension field into embedded component and make it visible in Standard UI

One possible cause that embedded component fails to display in UI

Step by step to create HTML Mashup and make it visible in UI

Step by step to enable Text Collection for your custom BO

Automatically send an Email notification to line manager via Workflow in Account application

Step by step to create Object Value Selector in Cloud Application Studio

Two approaches to fill an UI field with dedicated logic implemented in Cloud Application Studio

How to execute BO action on multiple selected BO instances in AdvancedListPane


You have created your custom BO with attachment upload functionality available via this blog Step by step to enable your custom BOwith attachment upload functionality.

And now you have successfully uploaded two images as attachment to a given BO instance:image.pngimage.pngYou would like that once preview button is pressed, the PDF will be generated which display these two images from uploaded attachment.

The rendered PDF looks as below:image.pngThis requirement just needs a few enhancement on the form template itself, whose development is already introduced in blog Step by Step to create an Adobe Print form in Cloud application Studio.

(1) Open the form template via Adobe Form Designer, menu File -> Form Property:image.pngSet PDF Render Format as Dynamic XML Form:

image.png(2) Select your body page and set the Content property as “Flowed” instead of “Positioned”:image.png(3) Drag a table control from control toolbox, select table header node and DO NOT bind any BO nodes to it.image.pngSelect table row node, bind it to path: $.TestBO.Attachment.DocumentList[*] and mark the checkbox “Repeat Row for Each Data Item”:

image.pngSelect the last column field in table row, change its type for Text Field to Image Field:image.pngnd use relative binding to bind its path to the corresponding BO field BinaryObject which stores the binary data of an attachmenimage.pngAfter that in the runtime when the PDF is rendered, the table row will automatically be created based on the number of uploaded images as attachment, this behavior is called as “Data Driven Layout process”.

文字识别 开发工具 数据安全/隐私保护
印刷文字识别产品,通常称为OCR(Optical Character Recognition)技术,是一种将图像中的印刷或手写文字转换为机器编码文本的过程。这项技术广泛应用于多个行业和场景中,显著提升文档处理、信息提取和数据录入的效率。以下是印刷文字识别产品的一些典型使用合集。
编解码 文字识别
在使用印刷文字识别(OCR)服务时,可能会遇到各种错误。例如:1.Java异常、2.配置文件错误、3.服务未开通、4.HTTP错误码、5.权限问题(403 Forbidden)、6.调用拒绝(Refused)、7.智能纠错问题、8.图片质量或格式问题,以下是一些常见错误及其可能的原因和解决方案的合集。
文字识别 测试技术 数据安全/隐私保护
前端开发 Java
使用uniapp的uni.canvasToTempFilePath方法,将canvas内容转为jpg并上传至服务器。后端接收到jpg文件后,通过Java的PDFBox库进行处理。代码包括:选取画板内容为jpg,转换为临时文件路径,基于此路径生成File对象并上传,服务器端利用PDFBox处理上传的jpg文件。依赖:PDFBox 2.0.8。
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