SAP UI5里Batch操作和Read操作的区别

简介: SAP UI5里Batch操作和Read操作的区别

I would like to share with you my story today about fighting with one customer incident.

We can make changes on Appointment and click save button:

image.pngimage.pngimage.pngimage.pngSo why is this difference between two systems? In Chrome development tool, search the boolean variable name and we found one function setRefreshAfterChange defined for ODataModel. Just set a breakpoint in this method and re-launch the application in my internal system from beginning:

image.pngHowever, this line in customer system is missing, which is the root cause – our latest standard code didn’t reach customer system.

After I found the root cause, I search in SCN to check whether there are other poor guy which had encountered the same issue with me, and actually I found one:


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