这是一位朋友给我的一个截图,说show slave status一直处于Wating for Slave workers to free pending events状态,这个库是MTS从库,版本为5.7.25
- “Waiting for dependent transaction to commit”
由于协调线程判定本事务由于last commit大于current_lwm因此不能并行回放,协调线程处于等待,大事务会加剧这种情况。
- “Waiting for slave workers to process their queues”
- “Waiting for Slave Worker queue”
但是对于Wating for Slave workers to free pending events等待,只是简单的提及了可能涉及到big event,这里想说的就是实际上这个等待可能和两方面有关:
- 如果涉及到big event,那么要求worker线程当前没有积压的event正在执行
- 如果不是big event,那么需要判断当前worker线程积压的event大小加上本次进入worker线程对列的event大小之和不能超过参数slave_pending_jobs_size_max的大小
什么是big event呢?根据源码判断如下:
bool big_event= (ev_size > rli->mts_pending_jobs_size_max);
2020-10-28T14:07:49.522388+08:00 14 [Note] Multi-threaded slave statistics for channel '': seconds elapsed = 676;.....waited due the total size 的大小不为0。
这里我们简单考虑一下判断一下可以进入worker线程队列的维度。首先我们说对于woker线程队列来讲他有一个固定的大小也就是积压不能超过16384个event,这里我们还明白来,这些积压的event还不能太大,如果太大就会出现Wating for Slave workers to free pending events等待,因此总结一下:
- 如果协调线程发现分配的woker线程积压的event个数超过了 16384个event,那么进入Waiting for Slave Worker queue等待
- 如果协调线程发现分配的worker线程积压的event的大小超过了slave_pending_jobs_size_max设置的大小,那么进入Wating for Slave workers to free pending events等待
当然这是从个数和大小两个不同的维度来判断的,如果一个大事务,我们知道这样的事务会形成很多8K左右的event(比如一次delete了1000W的数据),那么如果只用个数来判断那么就是积压的event大小最多达到(8K*16384=128M),实际上我们的参数slave_pending_jobs_size_max 默认为16M,这种情况下可能协调线程会先触发Wating for Slave workers to free pending events等待。
因此不管是触发了Waiting for Slave Worker queue等待还是Wating for Slave workers to free pending events等待,我们都需要检查一下worker线程回放event的效率是不是遇到了问题。
- 关于等待,如下:
bool big_event= (ev_size > rli->mts_pending_jobs_size_max); /* C waits basing on *data* sizes in the queues. If it is a big event (event size is greater than slave_pending_jobs_size_max but less than slave_max_allowed_packet), it will wait for all the jobs in the workers's queue to be completed. If it is normal event (event size is less than slave_pending_jobs_size_max), then it will wait for enough empty memory to keep the event in one of the workers's queue. NOTE: Receiver thread (I/O thread) is taking care of restricting the event size to slave_max_allowed_packet. If an event from the master is bigger than this value, IO thread will be stopped with error ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE. */ while ( (!big_event && new_pend_size > rli->mts_pending_jobs_size_max)//条件1 || (big_event && rli->mts_pending_jobs_size != 0 ))//条件2 { rli->mts_wq_oversize= TRUE; rli->wq_size_waits_cnt++; // 增加由于big event或者积压大小过多导致的等待次数 thd->ENTER_COND(&rli->pending_jobs_cond, &rli->pending_jobs_lock, &stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_free_events, &old_stage);//进入等待状态 mysql_cond_wait(&rli->pending_jobs_cond, &rli->pending_jobs_lock);//等待条件变量 mysql_mutex_unlock(&rli->pending_jobs_lock); thd->EXIT_COND(&old_stage); if (thd->killed) return true; if (rli->wq_size_waits_cnt % 10 == 1) sql_print_information("Multi-threaded slave: Coordinator has waited " "%lu times hitting slave_pending_jobs_size_max; " "current event size = %zu.", rli->wq_size_waits_cnt, ev_size); mysql_mutex_lock(&rli->pending_jobs_lock); new_pend_size= rli->mts_pending_jobs_size + ev_size; }
- 关于唤醒,如下:当woker线程执行完event后,会进行减去执行完event size的操作如下,入口函数remove_item_from_jobs:
减去执行完event size rli->mts_pending_jobs_size-= ev->common_header->data_written; 唤醒 /* coordinator can be waiting */ if (rli->mts_pending_jobs_size < rli->mts_pending_jobs_size_max && rli->mts_wq_oversize) // TODO: unit/general test wq_oversize { rli->mts_wq_oversize= FALSE; mysql_cond_signal(&rli->pending_jobs_cond); }