成功解决eric6-EditorConfig Properties The EditorConfig properties for file h5py\numpy.pxd could not be l

简介: 成功解决eric6-EditorConfig Properties The EditorConfig properties for file h5py\numpy.pxd could not be l


eric6-EditorConfig Properties The EditorConfig properties for file h5py\numpy.pxd could not be loaded.

Warning:  An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem using the error reporting dialog or via email to <eric-bugs@eric-ide.python-projects.org>.  A log has been written to "C:\Users\niu\_eric6\eric6_error.log".





An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem

using the error reporting dialog or via email to <eric-bugs@eric-ide.python-projects.org>.

A log has been written to "C:\Users\niu\_eric6\eric6_error.log".

Error information:


2019-05-13, 19:37:40


<class 'AttributeError'>:

'Editor' object has no attribute '_Editor__markerMap'


File "F:\Program Files\Python\Python36\Lib\site-packages\eric6\QScintilla\Editor.py", line 6872, in viewportEvent



Version Numbers:

Python 3.6.4rc1

Qt 5.10.1

PyQt 5.10.1

sip 4.19.8

QScintilla 2.10.4

WebEngine 61.0.3163.140

eric6 18.05 (rev. 44249d49d892)

Platform: win32

3.6.4rc1 (v3.6.4rc1:3398dcb, Dec 5 2017, 20:41:32) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]


Plugins Version Numbers:

PluginAbout 18.05

PluginCodeStyleChecker 18.05

PluginEricapi 18.05

PluginEricdoc 18.05

PluginPipInterface 18.05

PluginSyntaxChecker 18.05

PluginTabnanny 18.05

PluginTranslator 18.05

PluginVcsGit 18.05

PluginVcsMercurial 18.05

PluginVcsPySvn 18.05

PluginVcsSubversion 18.05

PluginVirtualenvInterface 18.05

PluginVmListspace 18.05

PluginVmTabview 18.05

PluginWizardDotDesktop 18.05

PluginWizardE5MessageBox 18.05

PluginWizardEricPlugin 18.05

PluginWizardPyRegExp 18.05

PluginWizardQColorDialog 18.05

PluginWizardQFileDialog 18.05

PluginWizardQFontDialog 18.05

PluginWizardQInputDialog 18.05

PluginWizardQMessageBox 18.05

PluginWizardQRegExp 18.05

PluginWizardQRegularExpression 18.05

PluginWizardSetup 18.05

File: F:\Program Files\Python\Python36\Lib\site-packages\eric6\eric6.py

Line: 225

Function: excepthook



成功解决 File "h5py\h5t.pxd", line 14, in init h5py._conv (D:\Build\h5py\h5py-2.7.0\h5py\_conv.c:7539)


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