PostgreSQL 打印详细错误调用栈 - pg_backtrace

云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,通用型 2核4GB 50GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB PostgreSQL 版,标准版 2核4GB 50GB
简介: 标签 PostgreSQL , pg_backtrace , 错误调用栈 , core 背景 PostgreSQL 使用backtrace,让PG的user process支持self-debugging。 NAME backtrace, backtrace_symbols, backtrace_symbols_fd - support for application


PostgreSQL , pg_backtrace , 错误调用栈 , core


PostgreSQL 使用backtrace,让PG的user process支持self-debugging。

       backtrace, backtrace_symbols, backtrace_symbols_fd - support for application self-debugging

       #include <execinfo.h>

       int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);

       char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *buffer, int size);

       void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *buffer, int size, int fd);



2、了解LONG QUERY正在执行什么,慢在什么地方。 通过发送信号 (SIGINT)。

3、向日志中输出CORE的信息,打印调用栈信息,通过发送信号 (SIGSEGV or SIGBUS)。

This PostgreSQL extension can be used to get more information
about PostgreSQL backend execution when no debugger is available.
It allows to dump stack trace when error is reported or exception is caught.
So there three used cases of using this extension:

1. Find out the source of error. pg_backtrace extension provides
"pg_backtrace.level" GUC which selects error level for which backtrace information
is attached. Default value is ERROR. So once this extension is initialized,
all errors will include backtrace information which is dumped both in log
file and delivered to the client:

postgres=# select count(*)/0.0 from pg_class;  
ERROR:  division by zero  
CONTEXT:  	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(numeric_div+0xbc) [0x7c5ebc]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x5fe4e2]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x610730]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x6115ca]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(standard_ExecutorRun+0x15a) [0x60193a]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x74168c]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PortalRun+0x29e) [0x742a7e]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x73e922]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PostgresMain+0x1189) [0x73fde9]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x47d5e0]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PostmasterMain+0xd28) [0x6d0448]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(main+0x421) [0x47e511]  
	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6361a13830]  
	postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(_start+0x29) [0x47e589]  

2. Determine current state of backend (assume that there is some long running query
and you do not know where it spends most of time). It is possible to send SIGINT signal
to backend and it print current stack in logfile:

2018-11-12 18:24:12.222 MSK [24457] LOG:  Caught signal 2  
2018-11-12 18:24:12.222 MSK [24457] CONTEXT:  	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f63624e3390]  
		/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6361afa9f3]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(WaitEventSetWait+0xbe) [0x71e4de]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(WaitLatchOrSocket+0x8b) [0x71e93b]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(pg_sleep+0x98) [0x7babd8]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x5fe4e2]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x6266a8]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(standard_ExecutorRun+0x15a) [0x60193a]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x74168c]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PortalRun+0x29e) [0x742a7e]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x73e922]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PostgresMain+0x1189) [0x73fde9]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x47d5e0]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PostmasterMain+0xd28) [0x6d0448]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(main+0x421) [0x47e511]  
		/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6361a13830]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(_start+0x29) [0x47e589]  

3. Get stack trace for SIGSEGV or SIGBUS signals
(if dumping cores is disabled for some reasons):

2018-11-12 18:25:52.636 MSK [24518] LOG:  Caught signal 11  
2018-11-12 18:25:52.636 MSK [24518] CONTEXT:  	/home/knizhnik/postgresql/dist/lib/ [0x7f6358838e37]  
		/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f63624e3390]  
		/home/knizhnik/postgresql/dist/lib/ [0x7f6358838fb0]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x5fe474]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x6266a8]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(standard_ExecutorRun+0x15a) [0x60193a]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x74168c]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PortalRun+0x29e) [0x742a7e]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x73e922]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PostgresMain+0x1189) [0x73fde9]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT() [0x47d5e0]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(PostmasterMain+0xd28) [0x6d0448]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(main+0x421) [0x47e511]  
		/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6361a13830]  
		postgres: knizhnik postgres [local] SELECT(_start+0x29) [0x47e589]  

As far as Postgres extension is loaded and initialized on first access to
its functions, it is necessary to call pg_backtrace_init() function to
be able to use this extension. This function function actually does nothing
and _PG_init() registers signal handlers for SIGSEGV, SIGBUS and SIGINT and
executor run hook which setups exception context.

This extension is using backtrace function which is available at most Unixes.
As it was mentioned in backtrace documentation:

The symbol names may be unavailable without the use of special linker options.  
For systems using the GNU linker, it is necessary to use the -rdynamic  
linker option.  Note that names of "static" functions are not exposed,  
and won't be available in the backtrace.  

Postgres is built without -rdynamic option. This is why not all function addresses
in the stack trace above are resolved. It is possible to use GDB (at development
host with correspondent postgres binaries) or Linux addr2line utility to
get resolve function addresses:

    $ addr2line -e ~/postgresql/dist/bin/postgres -a 0x5fe4e2  



create extension pg_backtrace;  
select pg_backtrace_init();  




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